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Your search for "*" yielded 534303 hits

Green supply chain management, environmental costs and supply chain performance in the hotel industry : the mediating role of supply chain agility and resilience

Although developing a green supply chain is a topic of growing interest in the hotel industry, research on hospitality green supply chain management (GSCM) is limited. This study investigates the effect of internal and external measures of GSCM on environmental cost reduction, and how environmental cost reduction improves the supply chain performance with the mediating role of agility and resilien

Lyckans hjul eller lastens akademi? : ekonomiska ideal och hotbilder i debatten om lotterispel i Sverige 1809–1840

Wheel of Fortune or Academy of Vice? : Economic Ideals and Threats in the Swedish Lottery Debate, 1809–1840. This master’s thesis examines how ideas pertaining to economic and moral behaviour, ideals and threats were expressed, shaped and understood in the public debate about the state lottery – kungliga nummerlotteriet – in Sweden during early nineteenth century. At the time, state lotteries wer

Relationship between Eczema and Self-reported Difficulties Keeping up with School Education : A Cross-sectional Study

Eczema is a common chronic disease that affects both children and adults, and may have an adverse impact on school performance, as it is characteristically pruri-tic, and hence may lead to poor concentration and ina-dequate sleep. The aim of this study was to elucidate the relationship between eczema and self-reported difficulties keeping up with school education. The study was based on cross-sect

Human alveolar hydrogels promote morphological and transcriptional differentiation in iPSC-derived alveolar type 2 epithelial cells

Alveolar type 2 epithelial cells (AT2s) derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells (iAT2s) have rapidly contributed to our understanding of AT2 function and disease. However, while iAT2s are primarily cultured in three-dimensional (3D) Matrigel, a matrix derived from cancerous mouse tissue, it is unclear how a physiologically relevant matrix will impact iAT2s phenotype. As extracellular mat

Neutron adiabaticity and its impact on data analysis, illustrated for polarized GISANS

The significance of neutron spin adiabaticity in the data analysis of polarized Grazing Incidence Small Angle Neutron Scattering (GISANS) is discussed, with the aim of minimizing the number of simulation parameters of complex magnetic models within the neutron scattering cross-section. We illustrate how an estimate of the neutron polarization direction and adiabaticity can be obtained by magnetic

"Europe is Breaking Them" - An Analysis of European NGOs' Narrative on the Mental Health of Migrants on the Greek Islands from 2015 until 2023

This research is framed by the tension between human security and border security which pervades the debate on migration and asylum policies in the European Union. The perspective of three prominent NGOs in this discussion is studied in the present thesis. Its particular object of research are the migration camps on the Greek islands which were established following a series of EU decisions. The p

Health Care Resource, Economic, and Readmission Implications After Acute Decompensated Aortic Stenosis–A Nationwide Study

Acute decompensated aortic stenosis (ADAS) is common. The cumulative burden of ADAS from a clinical, health care resource, and financial perspective is unknown. This study sought to assess the national impact of ADAS compared with electively treated, stable patients with aortic stenosis (non-ADAS). Using the National Readmissions Database between 2016 and 2019, patients with ADAS and non-ADAS were

Market shaping MNCs in emerging markets - stakeholder engagement and the role of embeddedness

This study delves into the phenomenon of collective market shaping in the context of multinational corporations (MNCs) in emerging markets. The study examines the firm's engagement activities and the importance of embeddedness in market shaping undeveloped in the literature. Theoretically this study builds on the literature on collective market shaping, stakeholder engagement and stakeholder embed

EndoC-βH5 cells are storable and ready-to-use human pancreatic beta cells with physiological insulin secretion

Objectives: Readily accessible human pancreatic beta cells that are functionally close to primary adult beta cells are a crucial model to better understand human beta cell physiology and develop new treatments for diabetes. We here report the characterization of EndoC-βH5 cells, the latest in the EndoC-βH cell family. Methods: EndoC-βH5 cells were generated by integrative gene transfer of immortal

Binocular vision and foraging in ducks, geese and swans (Anatidae)

Wide variation in visual field configuration across avian species is hypothesized to be driven primarily by foraging ecology and predator detection. While some studies of selected taxa have identified relationships between foraging ecology and binocular field characteristics in particular species, few have accounted for the relevance of shared ancestry. We conducted a large-scale, comparative anal

Resilience in Action: An Exploration of the Motivations of Wayúu Indigenous Women Human Rights Defenders in their Endeavor to Safeguard their Rights in La Guajira, Colombia.

Objectives: Colombia is proving to be a notable epicentre of risk for individuals actively engaged in human rights advocacy. Notwithstanding this pervasive risk, individuals continue to champion their cause on a daily basis. A trend is emerging of more and more Indigenous women taking prominent leadership roles to catalyse social change. With determination, these women are challenging entrenched s

Robots2school: telepresence-mediated learning in the hybrid classroom – experiences in education support for children during cancer treatment: a qualitative study

Children with cancer experience recurring hospitalizations and isolation during treatment, which affect their school attendance. This study explores experiences of children with cancer, their classmates, and teachers with using the telepresence robot as a learning mediator in the hybrid classroom during treatment periods. 31 children with cancer (aged 7–17 years), 30 teachers, and 118 classmates p

FGF/FGFR1 system in paired breast tumor-adjacent and tumor tissues, associations with mammographic breast density and tumor characteristics

INTRODUCTION: Mammographic breast density (MBD) is an established breast cancer risk factor, yet the underlying molecular mechanisms remain to be deciphered. Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 (FGFR1) amplification is associated with breast cancer development and aberrant FGF signaling found in the biological processes related to both high mammographic density and breast cancer microenvironment.

A systems approach to multilingual language attitudes : A case study of Montréal, Québec, Canada

Purpose: People are shaped holistically by dynamic and interrelated individual and social-ecological systems. This perspective has been discussed in the context of varied aspects of bilingual experiences, namely language acquisition and development. Here, we applied a Systems Framework of Bilingualism to language attitudes, which may be especially responsive to social-ecological influences. Method

A TDLAS-based photofragmentation method for spatially resolved measurement of KOH and KCl as well as its application in biomass combustion processes

The release of gas-phase potassium species, mainly KOH, KCl, and K atoms, from burning biomass fuels can introduce severe problems to boilers, such as fouling, slagging, and corrosion. In the present work, an optical technique combining laser-induced photofragmentation and tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy is developed for simultaneously measuring the concentration of KOH, KCl and K atom

The European Union as a Global Value-shaper through the Erasmus+ Programme : The Action of the Capacity Building in the field of Vocational Education and Training 2022

Over the years, the Erasmus+ Programme has grown from a framework with options limited to the few Member States at the time to an extensive Programme with opportunities provided to countries inside and outside of the European Union. Some actions of the Erasmus+ Programme allow countries outside the EU, so-called third countries, to participate in the projects as partners. One such action is Capaci