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Skogsvårdslagen och den biologiska mångfalden
Skogsvårdslagen är en författning som gäller parallellt med miljöbalken. Lagen är uppbyggd kring att produktions- och miljömål ska vara likvärdiga. I praktiken ser det annorlunda ut då produktionsintresset ofta överordnas miljöintresset, vilket resulterar i att den biologiska mångfalden i skogslandskapet blir lidande. SVL ställer få krav på skogsägarna. Myndigheternas strategi är att med rådgivnin
Criminally Queer: Criminal Law and Homosexuality in Scandinavia 1842–1999
Nanotoxicological studies in the Air-Liquid Interface using engineered metal NPs – Protein corona, gene analysis and dose response
Testing endogeneity in explanatory binary and counting variables in multivariate linear regression models
Radiocarbon and hydrocarbon analysis of pm sources during whtc tests on a biodiesel-fueled engine
PM in diesel exhaust has been given much attention due to its adverse effect on both climate and health. As the PM emission levels are tightened, the portion of particles originating from the lubrication oil is likely to increase. In this study, exhausts from a biodiesel-fueled Euro 5 engine were examined to determine how much of the carbonaceous particles that originated from the fuel and the lub
Master of puppets : Sculpting ancient worlds
Some extraordinary people have dedicated their lives to making art pieces out of long dead organisms. One of them is Esben Horn, founder of model shop 10 Tons Studios on the outskirts of Copenhagen, Denmark. A bona fide 'master of puppets', he makes jaw-dropping replicas for museums around the world, with the utmost respect for science and organismal anatomy. Recently, our joint efforts resulted i
Science curriculum and education for democracy
Morphologic Classification of Coastal Overwash
A set of pre- and post-storm beach profile data was assembled and the profiles classified into seven different cross-shore morphology change types resulting from overwash. These were crest accumulation, dune/berm translation, dune lowering, dune destruction, barrier accretion, short-term barrier rollover, and barrier destruction. Pre- and post-storm barrier profile sets from recent laboratory expe
Participant, Catalyst or Spectator? – A study of how managers apply control in innovation processes
This study is motivated by two research questions: (1) How is an organizational control system established and maintained in product and process innovation? (2) How are innovation processes facilitated or hindered as a result of the interplay between forms of control and autonomy? The thesis investigates these questions by means of an in-depth longitudinal case study involving 15 innovation projec
Revisiting the lock-in hypothesis on sustainable lifestyles: empirical evidence from consumption of leisure in three Swedish destinations
Sustainable lifestyles and consumption refer to multiple spheres of human activities such as mobility, housing, food and leisure. Increasingly consumers are called upon to assume greater responsibility for changing their lifestyles, primarily through making environmentally sound purchasing choices and changing behavior. To motivate consumers, governments have often focused on improving the provisi
Measuring mammographic density : comparing a fully automated volumetric assessment versus European radiologists' qualitative classification
OBJECTIVES: Breast Imaging-Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) mammographic density categories are associated with considerable interobserver variability. Automated methods of measuring volumetric breast density may reduce variability and be valuable in risk and mammographic screening stratification. Our objective was to assess agreement of mammographic density by a volumetric method with the radi
How Local are Spatial Density Externalities? Neighbourhood Effects in Agglomeration Economies
Andersson M., Klaesson J. and Larsson J. P. How local are spatial density externalities? Neighbourhood effects in agglomeration economies, Regional Studies. The geographic scale at which density externalities operate is analysed in this paper. Using geocoded high-resolution data, the analysis is focused on exogenously determined within-city squares (‘neighbourhoods’) of 1 km2. The analysis confirm
Socio-cultural contexts of small innovative and enterprising regions : An empirical analysis using the Gnosjö region in Sweden as a benchmark
Single Fibre Collection Efficiency : Infångningseffektiviteten för ett fiber
A personal computer program, FiFi, that makes a real-time two-dimensional simulation of the dynamic deposition process of particles on one or two fibres, has been developed. The code has been used to numerically calculate the collection efficiencies of spherical particles on a clean single fibre. The calculations are based on a 10 term expansion of a solution of Oseen's approximation of Navier-Sto
Critical reflections on municipal risk and vulnerability analyses as decision support tools : the role of regulation regimes
Risk and vulnerability analyses are a required decision support tool in processes to improve societal safety and crisis preparedness at national, regional and local levels in several European states. Analyses result in risk images, which are the stakeholders’ views of events that must be addressed in planning processes related to topics such as land use and crisis management. Hence, risk and vulne
A new method for comparing scanpaths based on vectors and dimensions
The six year old Öresund region: Democratic deficit and intra-regional tensions
Knowledge Sharing Across Boundaries:Web 2.0 and Product-Service System Development
In recent years there has been a growing interest among product development organizations to capitalize on engineering knowledge as their core competitive advantage for innovation. Capturing, storing, retrieval and sharing of engineering knowledge from a wide range of enterprise memory systems has become crucial part of knowledge management practice among competitive organizations. Managing and re