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The Invisibility of Children: Introduction
Benefits for parents in non-traditional households – are they neutral to gender?
After Capitalism: Cyborgism
This second digital edition includes my research from 2013 until November 2015. There are many important changes from de first version. This version introduces the Technocratic Mode of Production based on the exploitation of the consumers. It includes a complete description of the cyborg society as it is today, the new castes that constitute it and the economic acts that regulate the new Mode of P
A new concept of coil design for industrial induction heating
Abstract in UndeterminedThe demands for energy efficent heating solutions for the manufacturing industry can be met by a new induction heating platform, presented in this article. A new concept and technology to design and manufacture induction heating units is explained, evaluated and tested with successful results. The so called Greenheat technology relies on inductors built on Litz wiring mould
Type 1 (Insulin-Dependent) Diabetes Mellitus: Etiology, Pathogenesis, Prediction and Prevention.
Sen är det ju mycket det här att man får vara ärlig också och det är man ju inte van vid... : Bostad först ur de boendes perspektiv
Kungl. Fysiografiska sällskapet i Lund (192 sidor)
The history of the Royal Physiographic Society in Lund during the years 1772-2006 is described.
Measurement systems and process orientation with focus on the order process
The inability of organisations to develop successfully and their lack of a holistic view and of relevant quantitative facts are factors that played a major role in my choice of a research area for this and my licentiate thesis (Ljungberg, 1994). These two theses together represent the work conducted for the PhD degree. There is a strong need in this research area for increased insight into the de
Under Lundagårds kronor. Samling 6, [Från 1950 till stängningen av Athen]
Recension av Jonas Andersson: Rivalitet, våld, revolt: Kain och Abel hos Willy Kyrklund, Bengt Anderberg, Lars Gyllensten
Moralfilosofiska riktningar och etiskt tänkande
Action spectroscopy in biology
Action spectroscopy is a method for identifying the light-absorbing chromophore in a photobiological or biochemical process by comparing the efficiency of radiation of different wavelengths in driving the process. This chapter explains the principle and gives several ex-amples from the history of biology of what has been achieved using this technique.
Stellar Abundances in Giant Stars in the Metal-Rich Globular Cluster NGC 6528
We present the first results of a detailed abundance analysis, based on VLT observations, of giant stars in the very metal-rich globular cluster NGC 6528. We will be able to tie the horizontal branch abundances (see e.g. Carretta et al. 2001) to those of the more luminous giants (see CMDs). For the very similar cluster NGC 6553 studies of different types of stars have yielded very disparate result
PalCom Meets the End-User: Enabling Interaction with PalCom-based Systems
When developing applications for end-user nodes in distributed systems, it is not unusual to find that the business logic part of the solution is relatively inexpensive to develop. The resource intense parts of the solution are more likely to be those of presenting the functionality provided by the node to the end-user, and of connecting the node with the rest of the system. By considering systems
Reliabilism as Explicating Knowledge: A Sketch of an Account
Application of Information Technology to Decision Support in Treatment Plant Operation
Distributed constraint programming with agents
Many combinatorial optimization problems lend themselves to be modeled as distributed constraint optimization problems (DisCOP). Problems such as job shop scheduling have an intuitive matching between agents and machines. In distributed constraint problems, agents control variables and are connected via constraints. We have equipped these agents with a full constraint solver. This makes it possibl