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Your search for "*" yielded 526723 hits

Enterococcus faecalis bacteremia, cardiac implantable electronic device, extraction, and the risk of recurrence

Purpose: In all patients with cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIED) and Enterococcus faecalis bacteremia (EfsB), endocarditis (IE) and CIED infection should be suspected. Guidelines recommend extraction of the CIED when CIED infection or IE is diagnosed. Whether extraction of the CIED should be done in other situations with EfsB is not known. We aimed to describe the management and outcome

Structure-Based Discovery of Small-Molecule Inhibitors of the Autocatalytic Proliferation of α-Synuclein Aggregates

The presence of amyloid fibrils of α-synuclein is closely associated with Parkinson's disease and related synucleinopathies. It is still very challenging, however, to systematically discover small molecules that prevent the formation of these aberrant aggregates. Here, we describe a structure-based approach to identify small molecules that specifically inhibit the surface-catalyzed secondary nucle

Legitimizing sustainability talk in retail talk : The case of IKEA’s sustainability journey

By looking at the empirical case of IKEA’s sustainability journey (1992-2017), using qualitative methods such as interviews and document studies, this thesis shows how sustainability talk over time is made into a legitimate feature of retail talk. Something I argue is a far more difficult, complex and problematic endeavour for retailers to undertake than most previous research on the topic would h

Upplevd meningsfullhet och välbefinnande hos ensamboende pensionärer över 65 år genom aktiviteter med sin hund - en kvalitativ intervjustudie

Bakgrund: Övergången från arbetsliv till pensionärsliv kan påverka välbefinnandet genom att förändra aktiviteter och roller. Det är viktigt att göra meningsfulla aktiviteter för att bibehålla hälsan. Begreppet aktivitet kan definieras genom doing, being, becoming och belonging, och mening och välbefinnande relateras till upplevelser av att göra aktiviteter med egen hund. Syfte: Att undersöka hur aBackground: Transition from work to retirement can affect well-being through changed activities and roles. Meaningful activities are important to maintain health. Activities could be defined by doing, being, becoming and belonging, and meaning and well-being are related to doing activities with their dog. Aim: Investigate how activities with one's own dog affect the subjective experience of me

CSF ferritin in the clinicopathological progression of Alzheimer's disease and associations with APOE and inflammation biomarkers

Background: A putative role for iron in driving Alzheimer's disease (AD) progression is complicated by previously reported associations with neuroinflammation, apolipoprotein E and AD proteinopathy. To establish how iron interacts with clinicopathological features of AD and at what disease stage iron influences cognitive outcomes, we investigated the association of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomar

Heterogeneity of DKA Incidence and Age-Specific Clinical Characteristics in Children Diagnosed With Type 1 Diabetes in the TEDDY Study

OBJECTIVE The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young (TEDDY) study is uniquely capable of investigating age-specific differences associated with type 1 diabetes. Because age is a primary driver of heterogeneity in type 1 diabetes, we sought to characterize by age metabolic derangements prior to diagnosis and clinical features associated with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). RESEARCH DESIG

Controlling Bacteria in a Post-antibiotic Era : Popular Ideas about Bacteria, Antibiotics, and the Immune System

This article addresses people’s experiences with bacteria and the human body and examines the cultural meanings regarding concerns that society likely is running out of effective antibiotics. The empirical material comes from Sweden, and our analysis is framed through perspectives from the medical humanities. The interdisciplinary goal is to better understand the societal challenges of antibiotic


Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) dual crop coefficient (FAO-2Kc) is one of the widely used formulation to estimate soil evaporation (E) due to its operationality and simplicity. The FAO-2Kc method could explicitly distinguish the contribution of E and plant transpiration, separately. However, systematic and random uncertainty in E observations still exist. In this vein, this paper attempts

Cereal yield forecasting with satellite drought-based indices, weather data and regional climate indices using machine learning in morocco

Accurate seasonal forecasting of cereal yields is an important decision support tool for countries, such as Morocco, that are not self-sufficient in order to predict, as early as possible, importation needs. This study aims to develop an early forecasting model of cereal yields (soft wheat, barley and durum wheat) at the scale of the agricultural province considering the 15 most productive over 20

Monitoring of wheat crops using the backscattering coefficient and the interferometric coherence derived from Sentinel-1 in semi-arid areas

Radar data at C-band has shown great potential for the monitoring of soil and canopy hydric conditions of wheat crops. In this study, the C-band Sentinel-1 time series including the backscattering coefficients σ0 at VV and VH polarization, the polarization ratio (PR) and the interferometric coherence ρ are first analyzed with the support of experimental data gathered on three plots of irrigated wi

Attitydskapande - En kvantitativ studie om bakomliggande faktorer för unga vuxnas inställning till kriminalitet

The object of this study was to examine the underlying reasons why young adults hold certain views and attitudes in relation to the subject of crime. The main purpose of this study was to conduct this research with three defining factors as underlying reasons for why adolescents might hold specific attitudes in relation to crime. The defining factors have been gender, exposure to crime and illegal

"Jag vill, men det går inte" -En studie om äldres uppfattningar kring sina möjligheter till självförverkligande på vårdboende

Self-actualization is a concept descriptive of when a person- through self-determined activities and realizations of one's highest potential- can live a meaningful life. This study aims to investigate whether elderly welfare users living in nursing homes in Sweden consider self-actualization to be possible to achieve or not. Factors that may facilitate and inhibit their possibilities are also

"Det hjälper inte någon annan att man går sönder, man måste vara snäll mot sig själv också" - En kvalitativ studie om skolkuratorers beskrivningar av känslor, känslohantering och dess konsekvenser

The aim of this study was to increase the knowledge of how school counselors describe what emotions can emerge while interacting with students, how they deal with their emotions when they emerge and the consequences of their emotion regulation. The study is based on semi-structured interviews with eight school counselors in Sweden who have had at least one six-month employment at a school. In our

Evaluation of Glycosaminoglycans Biological Age in Cells and Tissues

Bomb pulse refers to the sharp increase of the atmospheric levels of the carbon isotope 14C due to nuclear testing during the late 1950s and early 1960s. After the nuclear test ban, atmospheric 14C levels decreased exponentially because of the diffusion and equilibration with the ocean and biosphere, as well as the incorporation indirectly into all living cells. Thus, assessing the anthropogenic