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Reliability of estimating left ventricular ejection fraction in clinical routine : a validation study of the SWEDEHEART registry

Objective: Patients hospitalized with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) in Sweden routinely undergo an echocardiographic examination with assessment of left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). LVEF is a measurement widely used for outcome prediction and treatment guidance. The obtained LVEF is categorized as normal (> 50%) or mildly, moderately, or severely impaired (40–49, 30–39, and < 30%, respect


Shipbroking and Chartering Practice provides a sound knowledge of the law and economics of international shipbroking and chartering in a practical way that enables the principles described to be applied in everyday situations. The seventh edition has been thoroughly revised to take account of chartering practices, cases and standard forms that have surfaced since the last edition, providing an exc

Problemlösning inom dagens räddningstjänst - En svensk fallstudie

In the summer of 2021 a massive rainfall caused floods in Gävleborg län. The flood contributed to high burden on SOS-alarm and the fire and rescue service when approximately 700 emergency calls were received in a short amount of time. The flood caused floodings in cellars, damage to infrastructure and problems moving through traffic. The high burden caused the inner commanding officer of the fire

Poly(arylene alkylene)s functionalized with perfluorosulfonic acid groups as proton exchange membranes for vanadium redox flow batteries

With the aim to develop vanadium redox flow battery (VRFB) membranes beyond state of the art, we have in the present work functionalized poly(p-terphenylene)s with highly acidic perfluorosulfonic groups and investigated their performance as proton exchange membranes (PEMs). Consequently, two poly(p-terphenylene alkylene)s tethered with perfluoroalkylsulfonic acid and perfluorophenylsulfonic acid,