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Robotics in rehabilitation

Robotics in rehabilitation provide considerable opportunities to improve the quality of life for physically disabled people. However, practical results limited, mainly due to the need for developing new robotics concepts where people are where they are working in separeted areas. This paper reveals some of the developments needed and presents two projects currently underway at Lund University. The

Predator induced phenotypic plasticity in a freshwater snail

In this thesis I examined a phenotypically plastic defence in a common freshwater snail, Radix balthica. Adaptive prey defences may involve behavioural, life-history or morphological changes. Snails are important species in freshwater systems. Their role as grazers on periphytic algae makes them particularly important as they have a positive impact on macrophyte growth in lakes and ponds. The str

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Abstract in Polish Można rzec, że przy tworzeniu archiwum przez konkretne instytucje wybór oprogramowania to kwestia mniej istotna w porównaniu z tym, czym jest przekonanie pracowników naukowych do umieszczania swoich prac repozytorium. Namówienie autorów do samoarchiwizowania tekstów w archiwach jest wielkim wyzwaniem, jednak nie mniej ważny jest wybór oprogramowania, który poważnie wpływa na jegOne could argue that the choice of software is a minor issue when setting up an institutional repository and that the big task is the one that follows, namely to induce the researchers to actually add their publications to the archive. It is true that getting the researchers to actually use the archive is the big challenge no matter what software you are using. Even so the choice of software and w

Visions and Realities: Tensions in the field of urban sustainable development with Malmö and energy as a case study

This study is an exploration of the interdisciplinary field of urban sustainable development in the first stage of a PhD project in human ecology. The purpose of the PhD project is to study the premises for urban sustainable development in the context of (relatively) affluent economies in Europe or, more generally, in the North. My case study is Malmö placed in the Öresund region farthest south of