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Multi-pass cells for post-compression of ultrashort laser pulses

Ultrafast lasers reaching extremely high powers within short fractions of time enable a plethora of applications. They grant advanced material processing capabilities, are effective drivers for secondary photon and particle sources, and reveal extreme light-matter interactions. They also supply platforms for compact accelerator technologies, with great application prospects for tumor therapy or me

Contesting Postwar Belfast

This chapter employs relational space on postwar Belfast (Northern Ireland) to understand the role of space in its urban conflicts over peace(s). The focus is both on how society produces and how it is produced by space in its material, perceived, and lived dimensions. The first line of analysis explores how Belfast’s seemingly given ethnonational geography is not “just there”, but—in contrast—is

Exploring for-profit healthcare providers’ perceptions of inclusion in the Zambia National Health Insurance Scheme : A qualitative content analysis

Background In 2019, Zambia introduced the national health insurance (NHI) as a healthcare financing strategy to increase universal access to health care services. The private health sector can complement public sector providers as service providers under the NHI. As such, the NHI Management Authority seeks to accredit for-profit private healthcare facilities in the NHI. Ascertaining factors that i

Inkluderande kultur? Lajv och digitala spel som arena för gemenskap och identitet

Inclusive Culture Gaming is a big part of our every-day life, whether we play it together with our family as board games, play card games with friends or other partners, play games that test our knowledge or play video games or computer games. It is always in our culture. But how about larp and digital games? How are those games played? Today, we see the rise of games that are being adapted for

“El que no tranza, no avanza”- A sociolegal study of the interrelations between the colonial history of Mexico and the persistence of organized crime and corruption

This research dealt with the investigation of the potential effects of the colonial history on contemporary Mexican society and the inherent relations between this historical period and the persistent existence of organized crime and corruption. The investigation was carried out by taking an approach of grounded theory and, subsequently, electively applying the theories of postcolonialism, advance

Personlighetsdrag och door-in-the-face-tekniken i ett ultimatumspelscenario

Den genomförda studien ämnade att besvara två olika frågeställningar: påverkar door-in-the-face-tekniken villigheten att acceptera ett monetärt bud i ett ultimatumspelscenario bestående av två steg, där deltagarna först blev presenterade med ett lägre bud följt av ett högre bud och finns det något personlighetsdrag inom femfaktormodellen som är relaterat till en större benägenhet att acceptera budThe study conducted aimed to answer two different question statements: does the door-in-the-face technique influence willingness to accept a monetary offer in a ultimatum game scenario consisting of two steps, where participants were first presented with a lower bid followed by a higher bid and is there any personality trait within the five-factor model of personality related to a greater tendency

Beräkning av bruttolön vid nettolöneavtal - Vilken funktion har Skatteverkets ställningstagande efter 2021 års nya regler?

Den andra november 2006 publicerade Skatteverket ett ställningstagande i syfte att klargöra frågan hur en bruttolön ska beräknas vid nettolöneavtal. Efter publicerandet har praxisutvecklingen skett i enlighet med riktlinjerna som presenterades i ställningstagandet. Skatteverkets princip för hur en bruttolön ska beräknas, nettolön = bruttolön – tabellskatteavdrag, har där-med varit vägledande för uOn the 2nd of November 2006 the Swedish Tax Agency published a standpoint document with the purpose to clarify how a gross salary was supposed to be calculated based on a net salary contract. Since the publishing of the document, Swedish case law has developed in accordance with the principles laid out in the document. The principle set out by the Swedish Tax Agency, Net salary = gross salary – ta

Halecania pannarica new to Sweden

Halecania pannarica is reported for the first time in Fennoscandia from the provinces of Dalsland, Närke, Jämtland, Värmland and Västergötland in Sweden. It was found to contain pannarin rather than pannaric acid which was reported in the protologue.

Long-term Outcomes of Endoscopic Vacuum Therapy and Transanal Drainage for Anastomotic Leakage After Anterior Resection

Background/Aim: Anastomotic leakage (AL) after anterior resection for rectal cancer occurs in up to 26% of patients. In the last decade, endoscopic vacuum therapy (EVT) has gained interest as a treatment option for AL. This study aimed to compare the clinical success rate of EVT versus transanal drainage (TD) in AL treatment and investigate whether the frequency of bowel continuity differed. Patie

Framtidens fragmentering : Sekretariatet för framtidsstudier och välfärdssamhällets dilemman under det långa 1970-talet

The Swedish Secretariat for futures studies was formed in 1973, on the initiative of the Social Democratic government. Initially installed as a part of the Prime Ministers’s Office, futures studies were envisioned as a vital tool for policymaking as well as for stimulating public debate. The present thesis examines the Secretariat from its beginnings up until about ten years later, when it was rel

Indoor PM2.5 from occupied residences in Sweden caused higher inflammation in mice compared to outdoor PM2.5

We spend most of our time indoors; however, little is known about the effects of exposure to aerosol particles indoors. We aimed to determine differences in relative toxicity and physicochemical properties of PM 2.5 collected simultaneously indoors (PM 2.5 INDOOR ) and outdoors (PM 2.5 OUTDOOR ) in 15 occupied homes in southern Sweden. Collected particles were extracted from filters, pooled (indoo

HIV and access to fertility treatment in the European and Swedish contexts

Across Europe many people living with HIV face discrimination in accessing fertility treatment. This short communication presents an updated mapping of regulations across Europe, along with a consideration of the Swedish context. Overall, the accessibility and availability of MAR for people living with HIV in Europe is complicated and, in some countries, inconsistent. We encourage sharing best pra

Reliability of estimating left ventricular ejection fraction in clinical routine : a validation study of the SWEDEHEART registry

Objective: Patients hospitalized with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) in Sweden routinely undergo an echocardiographic examination with assessment of left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). LVEF is a measurement widely used for outcome prediction and treatment guidance. The obtained LVEF is categorized as normal (> 50%) or mildly, moderately, or severely impaired (40–49, 30–39, and < 30%, respect