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Your search for "*" yielded 531864 hits

Development and characterization of electrochemical cantilever sensor for bio/chemical sensing applications

We report the improvements made to our previously developed electrochemical cantilever (EC) sensor, where nanoporous gold material is employed as working electrodes in microcantilever arrays, while combined counter-reference electrodes are integrated on the chip. For a surface stress change of 1mN/m induced on the microcantilever, the cantilever deflects is 7.3 nm at the free end, indicating high

The MAX IV Synchrotron Light Source

The MAX IV synchrotron radiation facility is currently being constructed in Lund, Sweden. It consists of a 3 GeV linac injector and 2 storage rings operated at 1.5 and 3 GeV respectively. The linac injector will also be used for the generation of short X-ray pulses. The three machines mentioned above are described with some emphasis on the effort to create a very small emittance in the 3 GeV ring.

Search for Higgs and Z Boson Decays to J/psi gamma and Upsilon(nS)gamma with the ATLAS Detector

A search for the decays of the Higgs and Z bosons to J/psi gamma and Upsilon(nS)gamma (n = 1,2,3) is performed with pp collision data samples corresponding to integrated luminosities of up to 20.3 fb(-1) collected at root s = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. No significant excess of events is observed above expected backgrounds and 95% C.L. upper limits are placed o

Radiography - How do students understand the concept of radiography?

Background: Radiography as a concept has mainly been associated with the functional role of the radiographer. The concept has been studied from a theoretical point of view. However, there is a lack of a theoretical foundation and research on the actual substance of the term radiography used in education. It is therefore important to undertake an investigation in order to determine how students aft

Decarbonization under Green Growth Strategies? The case of South Korea

The win-win opportunities connected to green growth are appealing to academics and policy makers alike, but empirical evaluations about the effectiveness of green growth policies are still scattered. Taking South Korea as case study, which set up a highly ambitious green growth program in 2009, our research casts light on the extent to which the Korean Green Growth Strategy has been effective in d

Whose mind? : Two interpretations of what it is to directly perceive other minds

According to direct perception theory (DPT) people understand each other’s minds by way of perceiving each other’s behavioral engagements in the world. I argue that DPT admits of two interpretations. One interpretation is found in Searle’s social ontology. The other interpretation departs from an enactivist account of social cognition. Both can be employed to make sense of what it is to perceive o

Sustainable purchasing in food retail: inter-organisational management to green food supply chains

Despite the perceived role of retailers to realize corporate supply chain responsibility, retailers face a number of structural and managerial challenges to effectively influence the sustainability parameters in upstream supply chain. At the same time, research that touches upon implementation of sustainable sourcing by food retailers is limited leaving aside the inter-organisational managerial im

The enhanced contractility of the phospholamban-deficient mouse heart persists with aging

Phospholamban ablation in the mouse is associated with significant increases in cardiac contractility. To determine whether this hyperdynamic function persists through the aging process, a longitudinal examination of age-matched phospholamban-deficient and wild-type mice was employed. Kaplan-Meier survival curves indicated no significant differences between phospholamban-deficient and wild-type mi

Research Libraries and Research Data Management within the Humanities and Social Sciences

Research Data Management (RDM) is a process that is designed to deliver high quality datasets, which comply with scholarly, legal and ethical requirements. There are two outputs of the RDM process: 1. Long term preservation of datasets through archiving 2. Sharing and reuse of datasets for further research and other purposes in society at large. This proposal outlines the creation of a coherent

Mycket att lära av djupfryst igår

Innovation kräver ett nytt sätt att tänka, ett nytt klimat och motivation, som inte (enbart) baserar sig på belöning i form av pengar. Vill vi ha nyutveckling inom livsmedelssektorn i Sverige, bör vi kanske göra det med en vidare krets av aktörer – även utifrån kommande.