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Cerebrospinal fluid levels of neuroinflammatory biomarkers are increased in athletes with persistent post-concussive symptoms following sports-related concussion

A sports-related concussion (SRC) is often caused by rapid head rotation at impact, leading to shearing and stretching of axons in the white matter and initiation of secondary inflammatory processes that may exacerbate the initial injury. We hypothesized that athletes with persistent post-concussive symptoms (PPCS) display signs of ongoing neuroinflammation, as reflected by altered profiles of cer

Visual outcome at 2.5 years of age in ω-3 and ω-6 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid supplemented preterm infants : a follow-up of a randomized controlled trial

BACKGROUND: We investigated ophthalmological outcomes at 2.5 years of corrected age in children born extremely preterm (EPT) to evaluate the effects of postnatal enteral supplementation with ω-3 and ω-6 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids.METHODS: In the Mega Donna Mega clinical trial, EPT infants born at less than 28 weeks of gestation were randomized to receive an enteral supplementation of d

Bee foraging and pollination : Consequences of spatial and temporal variation in flower resources

Wild bees foraging in contemporary agricultural landscapes are, because of agricultural intensification, faced with the challenges of reduced flower-rich habitats, as well as a changed spatio-temporal distribution of flower resources. As a result of this and other stressors such as pesticide exposure, widespread declines of bees have been reported. However, all bees are not equally affected. To be

Obsessive–Compulsive Symptoms in Children Are Related to Sensory Sensitivity and to Seeking Proxies for Internal States

Symptoms of obsessive–compulsive disorder are related to atypical sensory processing, particularly sensory over-responsivity, in both children and adults. In adults, obsessive–compulsive symptoms are also associated with the attenuation of access to the internal state and compensatory reliance on proxies for these states, including fixed rules and rituals. We aimed to examine the associations betw

Identifying Ecosystem Service Hotspots to Support Urban Planning in Trento

This chapter presents the mapping of ecosystem service hotspots in the city of Trento, in the Italian Alps, and discusses the possible uses of the results to support the drawing of the new Urban Plan. Hotspots are defined as areas characterized by high levels of provision of multiple services. Particularly, the following ecosystem services were selected: biodiversity support, risk mitigation, miti

Comparison of four clinical risk scores in comatose patients after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest

Background and aims: Several different scoring systems for early risk stratification after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest have been developed, but few have been validated in large datasets. The aim of the present study was to compare the well-validated Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrest (OHCA) and Cardiac Arrest Hospital Prognosis (CAHP)-scores to the less complex MIRACLE2- and Target Temperature Mana

Användning av riskbegreppet i en dagvattenkontext : En litteraturstudie om hur riskbegrepp används vid dimensionering av ledningsnät för dagvatten

I och med klimatförändringarna kommer våra samhällen att drabbas av större regn vilket kommer att öka kraven på de redan överbelastade spillvatten- och dagvattensystemen. Enligt dagens deterministiska planeringspraxis dimensioneras nya lösningar till att ta hand om den ökande mängden vatten vilket skapar en accelererande kostnadsökning för städerna. Samtidigt saknas oftast ett helhetsgrepp för helClimate change and urbanization is a threat for existing stormwater networks. Many stormwater networks are designed after historical rain data that will fail to predict future events due to large changes in rainfall patterns caused by climate change and urbanization. This may lead to insufficiencies in the hydraulic capacity of stormwater networks and an increased probability of stormwater network


ISLAND, A SITE SPECIFIC AND HUMAN SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE ABOUT WHAT IT MEANS TO BELONG (VIDEO ESSAY: 22 MINUTES)ABSTRACTThe video essay disseminates the work Eyja (island), a site specific, participatory performance from autumn 2020 performed in Hrísey an Island off the north coast of Iceland. Island is a part of an artistic research project: How little is Enough? Sustainable Methods of Performance

Family Accommodation in Children and Adolescents with Misophonia

Family accommodation (e.g., reassurance, modifying routines, assisting avoidance) has not been explored among youth with misophonia but may have important clinical and intervention implications. We examined family accommodation in 102 children and adolescents with interview-confirmed misophonia and compared its frequency and content to family accommodation in 95 children and adolescents with anxie

The Tidö Agreement drags Sweden’s social welfare sector into ethical crisis

The Swedish government has proposed an obligation that would require public sector workers to notify police and immigration authorities about undocumented migrants. Azher Hameed Qamar says the proposal contradicts professional ethics and human rights. Using employees as 'agents' compromises social care, welfare organisations' credibility and humanitarian ethics.

Economic impact of reducing treatment gaps in depression

Background Major depressive disorder (MDD) is highly prevalent across Europe. While evidence-based treatments exist, many people with MDD have their condition undetected and/or untreated. This study aimed to assess the cost-effectiveness of reducing treatment gaps using a modeling approach. Methods A decision-tree model covering a 27-month time horizon was used. This followed a care pathway where

The association between meniscal body extrusion and the development/enlargement of bone marrow lesions on knee MRI in overweight and obese women

Objective: To determine the association between meniscal body extrusion and bone marrow lesion (BML) development/enlargement in overweight and obese women at high risk of knee osteoarthritis (OA). Design: We used baseline and 30 months follow-up data of the PROOF study, Netherlands, comprising overweight or obese women aged 50–60 years, free of clinical knee OA. All subjects (n = 395) completed a

Pleased to Meet You

A performative encounter with the more-than-human. A work in progress presentaion.The piece is the fourth and the concluding part of an artistic research project “How Little is Enough?” conducted by Steinunn Knúts Önnudóttir at Malmö Theatre Academy, Lund University. The project aims to develop sustainable performance methods through transformative encounters in relation-specific performances, with a particular focus on how minimal and sustainable the framework can be. In this

Machine learning models for the prediction of polychlorinated biphenyls and asbestos materials in buildings

Hazardous materials in buildings cause project uncertainty concerning schedule and cost estimation, and hinder material recovery in renovation and demolition. The study aims to identify patterns and extent of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and asbestos materials in the Swedish building stock to assess their potential presence in pre-demolition audits. Statistics and machine learning pipelines we