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Scanning angles for directional pointing

The present study was performed in order to get a better understanding of the influence of the scanning angle interval on navigation performance, gestures and strategies in a more realistic outdoor setting. Results indicate that users are able to handle a wide range of angle intervals. We observe different gestures and strategies and provide recommendations for suitable angle intervals. Our observ

Interplay between Climate and Development Policies: Challenges for Developing Countries

Current human-induced climate variability is linked to past economic patterns that are responsible for the majority of greenhouse gas emissions. If climate change is to be effectively addressed, solutions thereof will necessarily affect global economy. International trade has become one of the pillars of the global economic system. In this light an overlap of climate change policies and the multil

Småföretaget och kapitalet. Svensk forskning om små företags finansiering

Den politiska debatten har i flera år kretsat kring frågan om det finns en brist på finansieringsmöjligheter för de små företagen. Ett stort antal olika finansieringsåtgärder har införts med motiveringar som att de behövs för att skapa större risktagande, att det saknas finansiering i s.k. tidiga faser, samt att bristen på eget genererat kapital i Sverige kräver speciella insatser. Denna diskussio

Design Space Exploration for Streaming Applications on Multiprocessors with Guaranteed Service NoC

This paper addresses design space exploration for streaming applications (such as MPEG) running on multi-processor platforms with guaranteed service interconnects. In particular, we solve mapping, path selection and router configuration problems. Given the complexity of these problems, state of the art approaches in this area largely rely on greedy heuristics, which do not guarantee optimality. Ou

Editor's introduction

An introduction to Ecosocialism and the chapters of the book The Politics of Ecosocialism. Transforming Welfare

Electron Scattering Mechanisms in Low-Dimensional Transport Physics

Electron scattering mechanisms in low-dimensional semiconductor systems have been investigated at low temperatures. The influence of scatterers on magnetotransport in a high-mobility, GaAs/AlGaAs two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) system was studied. A certain number of scattering centres are introduced into the 2DEGs by proton irradiation and can be removed by annealing. The transport propertie

Collagen VI - Molecular Assembly and Interactions

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den forskning som presenteras här bygger på studier av ett antal beståndsdelar i bindväv vars funktioner är i stort sett helt okända. Bindväv finns i många strukturer i människokroppen; brosk, senor, skelett, blodkärlens väggar, hud, stödjevävnad runt olika organ etc. Karakteristiskt för bindväv är att cellerna sitter glest, omgivna av ett heterogent material som kallasThe extracellular matrix plays an integral role in tissue remodeling and development and it defines the different mechanical properties of a variety of connective tissues. Its complexity in composition and the details in organization has only been partly elucidated. This thesis focuses on collagen VI and the mutual interactions of a number of matrix proteins that lie within close proximity. Collag

Generative Approaches to Finnic and Saami Linguistics

This volume is the first to examine the phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics of Finnic and Saami languages within current generative linguistic frameworks. Collected here is research on these less-studied languages, some of which face extinction.