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Dairy intake and risk of type 2 diabetes : results of a large prospective cohort

Background and aims: Previous studies of primarily Western populations have consistently documented a lower risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D) among people with a higher yogurt intake, but an inconsistent association with milk intake. However, little is known about the association between dairy intake and risk of T2D among Chinese adults who consume considerably less dairy (mainly milk and yogurt) com

Spaces of Appearance and the Right to Appear : March 8 in Local Bodily Assemblies

Aiming to deepen our understandings of corporeal and embodied dimensions of transnational feminist and LGBTI + activism, this chapter is driven by the question: Why does the body still remain an important instrument of queer and feminist struggles in the era of digital solidarities? Following the International Women’s Day in diverse locales in Sweden, Turkey, and Russia, the ethnographic analyzes

A revised checklist and time window based province catalogue of the long-legged flies (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) of Sweden, with six new synonymies in Dolichopus Latreille, 1796

Familjen styltflugor (Dolichopodidae) är en flugfamilj som i Sverige rönt ganska stor uppmärksamhet under de senaste tvåhundra åren. Ett flertal checklistor har publicerats, den senaste 2004. Trots detta har ingen regelrätt landskapskatalog upprättats. En landskapskatalog visar inte bara vilka arter som finns i landet utan också i vilken del av landet de olika arterna förekommer. En tidsfönsterbas

Changes in over-winter prey availability, rather than winter climate, are associated with a long-term decline in a northern Tawny Owl population

Although the associations between climate, food conditions and reproduction in the wild has been the focus of numerous studies in recent years, we still know little about population level responses to climate and fluctuating food conditions in long-lived species and during longer periods of time. Here, we assessed the relative importance of the abundance of the main prey in winter (small mammals),

Lösningen på bostadskrisen är att dela

Det råder bostadsbrist i Sverige. Samtidigt har vi Västeuropas största bostadsyta per capita. Vi hävdar att det är både onödigt och ohållbart att slentrianmässigt se nybyggnation som den enda lösningen. Det finns ytterligare en: att använda det som redan är byggt, genom att dela och omfördela ytor.

Enhancing Traffic Flow and Safety in Mixed Vehicle Fleets: Mitigating the Influence of Non-Cooperative Vehicles on Autonomous Intersection Management Systems

With the rapid advancement of autonomous vehicle technology, integrating mixed autonomous and non-autonomous vehicles that are not cooperative in vehicular network has become a significant challenge. This paper presents an innovative Autonomous Intersection Management (AIM) system designed to optimize traffic flow and enhance intersection safety in such mixed traffic scenarios. By utilizing vehicl

Struggling to return to everyday life—The experiences of quality of life 1 year after delirium in the intensive care unit

Background: Many critically ill patients report a change in their health-related quality of life after intensive care unit (ICU) discharge. Patients who experience delirium during their ICU stay are perceived as a fragile group of ICU survivors, and the ‘quality of life’ phenomenon needs to be studied among these patients. Aim: To explore everyday life experiences of critically ill patients with d

Arterial blood pressure during targeted temperature management after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest and association with brain injury and long-term cognitive function

Objectives: During targeted temperature management after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest infusion of vasoactive drugs is often needed to ensure cerebral perfusion pressure. This study investigated mean arterial pressure after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest and the association with brain injury and long-term cognitive function. Methods: Post-hoc analysis of patients surviving at least 48 hours in th

Determinants of health-related quality of life in people with Human Immunodeficiency Virus, failing first-line treatment in Africa

Background: Antiretroviral treatment improves health related quality of life (HRQoL) of people with human immunodeficiency virus (PWH). However, one third initiating first-line treatment experience virological failure and the determinants of HRQoL in this key population are unknown. Our study aims to identify determinants of among PWH failing antiretroviral treatment in sub-Saharan Africa. Methods

The Dual Role of Insurance in Input Use: Mitigating Risk Versus Curtailing Incentives

Insurance can encourage the use of risk-increasing inputs, but it can also decrease people's incentives to exert effort when the latter is difficult to monitor. This effort reduction can be associated with a decrease in the use of effort-complementary inputs. I study a model of risk-sharing that allows for both effects of insurance on input use and use the latest ICRISAT panel to structurally esti

Towards a Geographic Information Systems and Data-Driven Integration Management.

Integration management in Finland and Tampere is broad task including multiple actors and departments. To manage integration, is to coordinate the cross organizational cooperation of multiple service structures that support migrants with different kinds of services. Although integration work has traditionally been provided through the Employment & growth services,the other relevant services fo

PLK1 as a cooperating partner for BCL2-mediated antiapoptotic program in leukemia

The deregulation of BCL2 family proteins plays a crucial role in leukemia development. Therefore, pharmacological inhibition of this family of proteins is becoming a prevalent treatment method. However, due to the emergence of primary and acquired resistance, efficacy is compromised in clinical or preclinical settings. We developed a drug sensitivity prediction model utilizing a deep tabular learn

Bidirectional cross-linguistic influence in motion event conceptualisation in bilingual speakers of Spanish and English

We investigated bidirectional cross-linguistic influence on motion event (ME) expressions in bilingual speakers of two typological different languages (Talmy’s typology), Spanish (as L1) and English (as L2). Specifically, we investigated whether bilingual speakers struggle to learn ME expressions in the L2, and whether this process affects ME uses in the L1. Potential effects of L2 proficiency and

Neonatal outcomes following early fetal growth restriction : a subgroup analysis of the EVERREST study

OBJECTIVE: To quantify the risks of mortality, morbidity and postnatal characteristics associated with extreme preterm fetal growth restriction (EP-FGR).DESIGN: The EVERREST (Do e s v ascular endothelial growth factor gene therapy saf e ly imp r ove outcome in seve r e e arly-onset fetal growth re st riction?) prospective multicentre study of women diagnosed with EP-FGR (singleton, estimated fetal

Beyond "Volute Capitals" : Materials, Meaning, and Adaptations of a Phoenician Motif

The stylized volute motif is attested throughout the Levant and in areas of Phoenician settlement or cultural influence. Much of the debate of this motif has focused on the volute’s appearance in Israelite monumental architecture (the so-called Proto-Aeolic capital). This article provides a fresh discussion of the motif’s depiction within Phoenician art and iconography through various media, inclu