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Ungas Makt: En beskrivande studie om politikers attityd mot ungas

This is a descriptive study with comparative elements. Two municipalities work with youth influence and participation is described and then compared. The material is based on interviews with politicians but also on interviews whit other key persons in this question in these two municipalities. The material is analyzed with the help of Robert Dahl's theory of power. The issue that the study is

Normative Contention: European Union and Russian Federation - The Case of the Northern Dimension

Vladimir Putin’s accession to power after 2000s not just brought new era to the Russian Federation but also provided new bounds for the EU-Russian relations. By solving the problems of internal instability and changing its political trajectory, President Putin restored state prestige and Russia returned to world politics with immense ambitions not being just an energy superpower. Not surprisingly

Apparently God Blesses You Even if You do Not Believe in Him - God and Religious Belief in the United States of America

The presence of God and religion in America is a well known fact, and for many Americans also of great importance. My interest places focus on the none-believers living in a country where God always is present. The religious climate in America is changing and the amount of none-believers is growing progressively. Changes are necessary to make the balance of power between believers and none-believe

For many are called, but few are chosen - Citizen Participation in Lund Municipality

On all levels of government, politicians try to find solutions to our environmental problems. Municipalities in countries create action plans according to the Agenda 21, approved in 1992. This agenda encouraged the involvement of citizens from below and many took that to their hearts. Lund municipality in Sweden is one of them. The theory used in this thesis is deliberative democracy. It is a

"Oj, mamma har friendat mig!"

B-uppsats i Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap vid Institutionen för Kommunikation och Medier; “Oj, mamma har friendat mig!”. En kvalitativ studie i föräldrar- barnrelationen på facebook”, författad av Emma Viggh & Ida Wallin vid Lunds Universitet. Nyckelord: Facebook, Sociala medier, Identitet, Relationer, Ungdomar, Föräldrar Samtidens medievardag bäddar för en helt ny situation då tidigare

Diplomatic immunity : a functioning concept in the society of today?

The purpose is to analyze the concept of diplomatic personal immunity from four perspectives: structure: what does the concept personal immunity entail?; implementation: what problems exist with the concept in action?; conceptual comparison - equality before the law: What problems with the concept can be found when viewed upon from an ‘equality before the law’ perspective?; conceptual comparison -

Product Development and Production Adaption for Control Panel

This Master Thesis is about developing a control panel for access control together with Axis Communications AB. The aim with the project was to develop the func- tional aspects of a conceptual aesthetic design. This included protection against the environment, choice of material and technique for wall mounting the panel. The method used for the project, was a modified version of Ulrich & Eppin

Visualisering av materialval vid reparation av korrosionsskadade fönsterbalkar

Tegelskalmurar byggda mellan 1940 och 1980 uppvisar idag omfattande skador på grund av rostande armering och kramlor, framför allt ovanför öppningar där armering finns i det understa tegelskiftet. Då dessa skador reparerats har ofta valet av ersättningstegel och fogbruk inte överensstämt med de ursprungliga materialen i fasaden. Ur gestaltningssynpunkt förändras fasaden till det sämre då helhetsin

The China Financial Model: China Development Bank, Politics, and China’s Global Financial Power

Political analyses of the reform period China are plentiful, and for each analysis, there seems to be another version of a “China Model” or “Beijing Consensus” for economic and social development. This paper argues that these vague conceptualizations need to be rooted in empirical observations; they need to be products of induction rather than deductive processes that reiterate the preconceptions

Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA)-G and HLA-E gene polymorphisms and severe preeclampsia

In several years after its discovery in the placenta, the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class lb protein, HLA-G, was not given much attention, nor was it assigned great importance. As time has unraveled, HLA-G has proven to have distinctive functions and an unfore­ seen and possibly important role in reproduction. HLA-G is characterized mainly by its low polymorphism and restricted tissue distribu

Beijings olympiska arv : en undersökning av de fysiska effekterna av OS 2008 och hur de förändrade bilden av Beijing

Being the host of an Olympic Game can change the image of a city forever. The games last for only a month but the preparations begin many years before and the legacy lasts many years to come. In order to host the Olympic Games of 2008 Beijing underwent major changes and tore down old neighborhoods and replaced them with brand new buildings. Huge arenas, new landmarks, which will always be connecte

Active Management - How Actively Managed Are Swedish Funds?

Purpose: This thesis concentrates on Swedish equity funds investing in Sweden. The objective is to determine to what extent actively managed funds really are active and if there is any relationship between excess return and active management. Data and Methodology: The data used in this thesis consists of 37 mutual funds and one index and stretches from 2001-2012. The fund data is collected from t

Användarinvolvering i systemutveckling

Abstrakt: Användarinvolvering är resurskrävande och påverkas av många faktorer. Resultaten (värde och nyttan) av användarinvolvering är svår att mäta, vilket gör att företag inte vill riskera att investera i onödan. Men om användarna inte involveras i utvecklingen finns risken att ett projekt misslyckas. Någonstans måste man överväga och besluta om hur eller om man ska involvera användarna i ett u

M&A Behaviour and CEO Compensation - A Swedish study with governance implications

The authors are intending to investigate if theoretical arguments for misalignments from compensation structures go for Swedish firms. Attempting to bring research forward, the frameworks on M&A and compensation literature will be combined to investigate the interdependence between CEO compensation and M&A behaviour. An empirical research is made utilizing a multiple panel regression stud