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Controlled axonal outgrowth and cell reactions to nanostructures

The interface between living cells and artificial surfaces are highly relevant for biomedical applications such as implants and organized cell growth for tissue reconstruction as well as for basic science purposes. In the present thesis, we have studied axonal guidance on various nano-patterned surfaces such as polymethyl-meth-acrylate, porous silicon and on magnetically aligned Ni nanowires. Furt

Development of a web-based customer-oriented interactive virtual environment for mobile phone design

During recent years, mobile phone companies have experienced market-related difficulties that result in increasing competition globally. In an attempt to maintain or increase their market share, enterprises reorganize their resources and employ new technologies to sharpen their competitive edges. Moreover, with the globalization, more and more companies become multi-sited. Efficient and timely col

Högre utbildning och arbete med personal- och arbetslivsfrågor : Om professionalisering och utveckling av anställningsbarhet

Popular Abstract in Swedish Relationen mellan högre utbildning och nyutbildade akademikers arbetsliv har diskuterats intensivt sedan början av 1990-talet. Å ena sidan förekommer ständiga klagomål om en påstådd diskrepans mellan den kompetens de nyutbildade besitter och den kompetens som potentiella arbetsgivare kräver. Å andra sidan har representanter för högre utbildning betonat universitetens obThe issue of higher education and its relation to the working life of graduates has been intensely discussed since the beginning of the 1990’s. There have been constant complaints about an alleged mismatch between graduate competence and competence required by potential employers, regardless of field. On the other hand, representatives of higher education have stressed the independent role of univ

Energy security assessment framework and three case-studies

This chapter provides a novel framework for assessing energy security and illustrates its application by the Global Energy Assessment, the IEA Model for Short-term energy security and in several studies of long-term global energy security.

ORSA - Områdesbaserad risk- och sårbarhetsanalys

Syftet med denna rapport och vägledning är att beskriva ett arbetssätt, Områdesbaserad risk- och sårbarhetsanalys (ORSA), för kommuner och andra aktörer som vill använda geografisk information och analys som stöd och utveckling av sitt RSA-arbete.

Ozone depletion and effects of ultraviolet radiation

Because of the stratospheric ozone depletion that took place during the last decades of the past century, the effects of ultraviolet radiation on plants, animals, humans and micro-organisms became intensively studied. In this chapter we describe the role of the ozone layer as a radiation shield and various molecular and organismal effects of ultraviolet radiation, with an emphasis on the UV-B band

Gender, Sex and the Postnational Defense. Militarism and Peacekeeping.

Scholars have argued that the end of the Cold War and the War on Terror have radically changed the context of war and defense, diminished the role of nation-states in favor of multi-lateral defense activities, and placed a new focus on human security. International peacekeeping has superseded the traditional act of war-making as the most important defense strategy among wealthy, liberal-democratic

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Rasmus Nyerup became the first professor in Literary History at the Copenhagen University. In 1814 he published a major work on the history of popular reading in Denmark-Norway through three hundred years. The chapter deals with the origins and context of Nyerups innovative work on book history and the history of reading in late eighteenth and early nineteenth century Denmark.

The effects of long-term, partial shading on growth and photosynthesis in Pinus radiata D. Don trees.

Two 8-year-old Pinus radiata trees growing in a dry-land plantation forest were subjected to a partial shading treatment for 2 years in order to investigate the responses of photosynthesis and tree growth to a long-term reduction in illuminated leaf area. The lower 60% of the crown of shaded trees was surrounded by 50% neutral density shade cloth. This reduced radiation absorption by 13% for the t

Virtuella rollmodeller och androgynitetens potential

Virtuella karaktärer, det vill säga mer eller mindre människoliknande och interaktiva datorgenererade figurer, har sedan länge förekommit i datorspel. På senare år har de även blivit allt vanligare i digitala lärmiljöer. De uppträder där i form av virtuella instruktörer, coacher, rollspelskaraktärer, lärkompanjoner och avatarer (alter egos) i pedagogiskt material från förskola till högskola likväl