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Studies on Prostanoid Production in the Umbilicoplacental Circulation

Popular Abstract in Swedish Prostaglandiner och tromboxaner är hormonliknande ämnen som består av cykliska fleromättade fettsyror. Karakteristiskt för alla prostaglandiner är att de har en mycket kort halveringstid, de verkar lokalt, kan ej lagras i vävnader och att produktionen hämmas av aspirin (acetylsalicylsyra). Prostacyklin och tromboxan är två prostaglandiner med i stort sett motsatta effekThe fetoplacental circulation is a low pressure system with a high vascular prostacyclin to thromboxane (Pc/Tx)synthesis ratio. In intrauterin growth restriction (IUGR) and diabetes the prostanoid balance may be altered. AIMS: To investigate relationships between umbilicoplacental vascular prostanoid synthesis (by incubation of vessel samples), circulatory changes (by Doppler velocimetry of umbili

The solar neighborhood age-metallicity relation - Does it exist?

We test the hypothesis that the spread in the age-metallicity plot of the solar neighborhood is due to a mixture of stars belonging to kinematically different sub-populations of the Galactic disk, i.e., the thin and the thick disk. We use a kinematic subsample of similar to 600 stars from a sample of similar to 6000 dwarf and subgiant stars from the Hipparcos catalog. All of these stars have a ful

Analysis of neural networks for edge detection

This paper illustrates a novel method to analyze artificial neural networks so as to gain insight into their internal functionality. To this purpose, the elements of a feedforward-backpropagation neural network, that has been trained to detect edges in images, are described in terms of differential operators of various orders and with various angles of operation.

A flexible wavelet filter structure for cardiac pacemakers: a power efficient implementation

This paper describes the modification of a wavelet based event detector for cardiac pacemakers with improved power efficiency. A previously published R-wave detector has been supplemented with a noise detector that operates in supervision mode, and automatically activates and deactivates parts of the detector. Simulation results show that the power consumption in an ASIC core can be reduced by mor

Efter stormen. En sociologisk undersökning av skogsägarfamiljer

After the storm. A sociological analysis of families owning forest properties. A Book By Sellerberg publiched by Bokbox, March 2011 "Has it been windy?", someone asks a forest owner in March 2005. In January practically all of his forest was annihilated. A storm rolled by with winds as strong as 46 metres per second. The forest owners in Kronoberg county were particularly badly hit by the disaste

Ekomarxism: Grundtexter

Under senare år har marxismen berikats med ekologiska tankegods, samtidigt som en bortglömd ekologisk sida hos Marx, Engels och den första generationens marxister har avtäckts. I denna volym publiceras sex av den ekologiska marxismens grundtexter, skrivna av James O'Connor, Ted Benton, Kate Soper, Paul Burkett, John Bellamy Foster, Brett Clark och Richard York. De sätts även i ett vidare ideologis

Coding and Modulation for Wideband CDMA

Popular Abstract in Swedish Ett system där flera personer och maskiner kan kommunicera samtidigt över ett gemensam medium kallas ett fleranvändarsystem. Den här avhandlingen presenterar och analyserar olika fleranvändarsystem där mediet består av en radiokanal med hög bandbredd. Analyser av hur många användare som kan kommunicera samtidigt och olika sätt för att öka denna kapacitet är presenterad.Wideband CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) is one of the key technologies for future mobile communication systems. This thesis studies various coding and transmission methods for wideband CDMA communications. In a cellular environment, the system performance depends on the interference from other cells. An analysis of the other-cell interference in the forward link, from the base station to the

Kristen mystik. Ur psykologisk synvinkel. Del I

This is the third volume in a serial of books focusing on the concept of mystical death and related ideas, as described within the Christian mystical tradition and its Jewish and Greek roots. In the succeeding chapters these mystical elements and their development are followed up, both within the Western and Eastern Christian traditions. In the final chapters the author presents the German and Dut

Design and disorder : perspectives from science and theology

Artiklarna i denna antologi belyser hur nutida forskningsrön och vetenskaplig diskussion om frågor som kaos och komplexitet, förutsägbarhet och kausalitet, emergens och ordning påverkar traditionella religiösa och vetenskapliga tankar om oförutsägbarhet, slump, ändamål och skapelse. Teologer och naturvetare från sekulär, protestantisk, katolsk och ortodox tradition visar hur ordning och oordning h

The Swedish Experience of Fiscal Reform: Lessons for Portugal

This paper derives a set of policy lessons for Portugal from the new fiscal framework including a fiscal policy council that gradually emerged in Sweden after the deep economic crisis of the early 1990s. By now, Swedish public finances stand out among the strongest in Europe. Recent Swedish macroeconomic performance has been impressive. As Sweden and Portugal are small open economies in the periph

Simulation of Fracture in a Cellulose Fibre Network

A network model has been formulated and used for computer simulations of the geometry an mechanical behaviour of cellulose fibre networks. The focus is on the properties needed to proceed with a continuum analysis of fracture, that is stiffness, strength and fracture energy. It is found that the ductility of inter-fibre bonds has a strong effect on the fracture properties. Localization of the frac

A 2GHz, 17% tuning range quadrature CMOS VCO with high figure-of-merit and 0.6° phase error

This paper presents a quadrature VCO implemented in a standard 0.35µm CMOS process. The VCO draws 16mA from a 1.3V power supply, can be tuned between 1.91 GHz and 2.27GHz, and displays a phase noise of -140dBc/Hz or less at 3MHz offset frequency from the carrier, for a minimum phase-noise figure-of-merit of 184 dB. The maximum departure from quadrature between the VCO phases is 0.6°.