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Your search for "*" yielded 528253 hits

Linkage maps in studies of genetic variation - examples from Beta vulgaris

Today, most studies of genetic variation utilise molecular markers, making it possible to detect variation at the DNA level. This has greatly facilitated studies of genetic variation in population and evolutionary genetics, systematics and transmission genetics. By studying the inheritance of molecular markers in crosses, it is possible to map the markers, i.e. to determine their genomic positions

Elicitor-induced formation of secondary products in plant cell cultures. Production of benzophenanthridine alkaloids in Eschscholtzia californica Cham. and hydroxycinnamic acid tyramides in Nicotiana glutinosa L.

Biotic and abiotic elicitors induce biosynthesis of secondary metabolites (phytoalexins) as a defense against pathogenic organisms in plants. The use of cell suspension cultures in combination with elicitors offer excellent experimental model systems for studies on various elicitor-induced responses of plant tissues. Various elicitors were added to cell suspension culture of Eschscholtzia californ

Healing or dealing? Neospiritual Therapies and Coaching as Individual Meaning and Social Discipline in Late Modern Swedish Society

This book chapter examines the rapidly expansion of various neospiritual and science-like practices currently mobilized in late modern Swedish pursuits of identity, meaning, and health. The focus is on the emergence and marketing of new entrepreneurs who have established themselves as “therapists” or “coaches”, promoting personal development, and how they organize their own systems of training and

An English digest: Self-confrontation via closed circuit television in teacher training: Results, implications and recommendations for further research

An experimental study was carried out at the Malmö School of Education in 1969 and 1970 for the purpose of studying the effects on the self-assessment of student teachers of, firstly, externally mediated self-confrontation processes (via closed-circuit television and video-recording), and secondly, dyadic confrontation processes (in the form of traditional tuto¬ring). Detailed reports on the backg

Development and Implementation of Cardiac Event Detectors in Digital CMOS

This doctoral dissertation presents the development and digital hardware realization of cardiac event detectors. Implantable medical appliances, as the cardiac pacemaker, have progressed from a life sustaining device to a device that considerably improves life quality for all ages. The number of electronic devices and household appliances in everyday live has an ongoing exponential growth. The

Praktisk byggnadsfysik

Ämnesområdet byggnadsfysik innefattar traditionellt kunskaper om hur man utformar byggnadsdelar och anslutningar mellan byggnadsdelar för att klara kraven på värmeisolering, fuktsäkerhet och lufttäthet. I denna bok behandlas främst de värme- och fukttekniska kraven. Boken inleds med en beskrivning av ett antal skadefall eller problem som har en byggnadsfysikalisk förklaring. Härefter följer en re

Människa och miljö. Om attityder, värderingar, livsstil och livsform

Många människor i dagens samhälle har kunskap om en rad miljöproblem. De vet också hur miljöproblem hänger samman med mänskliga beteenden och handlingsmönster. Många känner oro för framtiden och en hel del uttrycker detta offentligt genom demonstrationer, protester i massmedia eller i samtal man och man emellan. Ändå går de allra flesta förändringar i konsumtionsmönster, handlingsmönster och livss

Java to hardware compilation for non data flow applications

Java has proven to he a powerful language for software development. In this paper we show that it is also suitable for hardware compilation, making it an attractive language for embedded system development. Our compilation technique, which is presented here, is based on separating different aspects of the program and use dedicated and specialised optimisations and code generators for each aspect.

Political Modernism and the Quest for Film Studies

This article deals with the use of the term "modernism" in influential film studies texts primarily in the 1970s and 1980s. The main focus is put on the debate between film theoreticians Peter Wollen and Paul Willemen.

Anna i världen. Om Anna Rydstedts diktkonst

With her 1953 debut Anna Rydstedt (1928-1994) immediately became part of a strong tradition of Swedish women poets, a tradition represented by authors such as Karin Boye and Edith Södergran. The debut was a furious attack on those who had thwarted her attempts to become a minister in the Church of Sweden. Rydstedt’s poetry is always existential, both in its content and process. Writing, for her, i