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Characterization of Impaired Glucose Tolerance - Insulin Sensitivity, Islet Function and Metabolic Risk Factors

Popular Abstract in Swedish Typ 2 diabetes, eller icke insulinberoende diabetes, ibland också kallad åldersdiabetes, är en sjukdom vars förekomst ökar runt om i världen. Orsakerna till att typ 2 diabetes utvecklas är fortfarande inte helt klarlagda. Vissa faktorer är dock kända för att ge ökad risk att utveckla diabetes, till exempel diabetes hos en nära släkting, övervikt, bukfetma och låg fysiskThis thesis presents a three-year prospective study on metabolic characteristics of impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and the regulation of insulin sensitivity versus islet function in relation to changes in glucose tolerance. 108 non-diabetic women aged 57-58 years were randomly selected from a population of women born in 1935 with a high prevalence of IGT. At baseline and follow-up, glucose toler

Macro-Finance Determinants of the Long-Run Stock-Bond Correlation: The DCC-MIDAS Specification

We investigate the long-run stock-bond correlation using a novel model that combines the dynamic conditional correlation model with the mixed-data sampling approach. The long-run correlation is affected by both macro-finance variables (historical and forecasts) and the lagged realized correlation itself. Macro-finance variables and the lagged realized correlation are simultaneously significant in

A Great Babylonian Confusion: Terminological Ambiguity in Capacity Development for Disaster Risk Reduction in the International Community

Society is becoming increasingly dynamic and complex, and therefore more vulnerable. It is thus important that society is resilient in order to be able to protect citizens and critical functions in the wake of disasters. It has been suggested that disaster risk reduction (DRR) is key in establishing resilience, and that adequate capacity in DRR is vital to reduce the effects of disasters. DRR and

Heterostructures incorporated in one-dimensional semiconductor materials and devices

As an alternative to traditional top-down techniques for fabrication of one-dimensional devices we here report an approach wherein a bottom-up technique is used to create one-dimensional device structures. We use the vapor-liquid-solid growth method, in which a catalytically active gold nanoparticle forms a eutectic alloy with the nanowire constituents. Our method of growth allows atomically abrup

Time-Resolved and Frequency-Resolved Laser Spectroscopy in Free and Perturbed Atoms

Time-resolved VUV laser spectroscopy has been performed to determine radiative lifetimes of several elements in atomic-beam systems. VUV radiation was generated by means of resonant four-wave mixing and stimulated anti-Stokes Raman shifting. Several methods to produce free atoms are presented and different techniques to determine radiative lifetimes are discussed. Doppler-free laser spectroscopy

A 31.25/125MSps Continuous-Time Delta-Sigma ADC with 64/59dB SNDR in 130nm CMOS

A order 3-bit continuous-time (CT) ΔΣ ADC is presented in this paper. The design equations starting from a discrete-time reference modulator to the circuit implementation are given. The non-return to zero (NRZ) DAC pulses have a half clock cycle loopdelay which is corrected by the feedforward (also known as PI) loop delay compensation, and nonlinearities in the DACs are suppressed by data-weighted

Private Rivers : Politics of Renewable Energy and the Rise of Water Struggles in Turkey

Popular Abstract in English We won’t give up Anatolia! Shouting this slogan, thousands of villagers marched towards Ankara, protesting against the projects that threaten to channel Anatolian rivers into hydro-power plants. The majority of demonstrators did not reach Ankara. The police stopped them at the city gates for disturbing the public order: hydroelectricity development is a national prioritPrivate Rivers is a study of contested processes whereby use rights to water are privatised for electricity production. It engages with the issues of renewable energy solutions and the sustainability of run-of-river hydro projects in Turkey by investigating the connection between these policies and justice for rural populations, whose livelihood depends on the rivers. Since 2001, water privatisati

Sex i hinduismen: från askes till extas

The chapter presents an overview of the importance of sexuality in, and its points of intersection with, Hindu religion, historically and in the contemporary world. Among the themes discussed are eroticism as religious imagery and role-play, ascetic ideals of chastity, contrasts between the treatment of sexuality in religious law and secular manuals of love, sacral and ritulized sexuality, sexual