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Konsekvenser för projektledare vid användning av datorbaserade system för projektstyrning i multiprojekt

I de flesta sammanhang som rör organisationsstrukturer höjs idag projektarbetet och projektorganisationen till skyarna. Fler och fler företag väljer att arbeta i projektform. I de företag där det förekommer projektarbeten utses en ledare till varje projekt som tillsammans med projektmedlemmarna är ett lag som ska arbeta för att projektets mål ska nås, men det är projektledaren som bär det huvudsak

Choosing the best Private Equity fund - An analysis of the influence of fund specific characteristics on future returns

By using the Private Equity Intelligence Ltd database, including more than 3300 private equity funds with IRR data and several fund characteristics, I develop a regression model based on both continuously scaled explanatory variables - vintage year, fund size and market returns - as well as three sets of dummy variables - GP location (US or Non-US), fund type (7 different types) and market conditi

”Contract-For-Difference” - en studie om den optimala faktiska marginalen

We have two aims with this thesis. The first aim is to describe CFD as a financial instrument in detail by highlighting its potentials and disadvantages. The second aim is to try to find the optimal real margin for each of the underlying stocks. We have adopted an inductive approach, combined with a quantitative method. We have worked with data and tried to come up to conclusions from the results

Information System Effects on Organizations Balanced Scorecard work

Background: It has long been argued that decision support systems are used to simplify and support businesses. The creators of the Balanced Scorecard, Kaplan and Norton, have developed their own software application to facilitate and create a support to organizational strategy work. The application is called the Executive Strategy Manager (ESM) and is an online application aimed at helping organiz

Premiepensionsvalet - Lönar det sig att vara aktiv?

Vårt syfte med uppsatsen är att undersöka om det empiriskt går att påvisa lönsamhet i det nya pensionssystemet dvs. premiepensionen. Med andra ord vill vi undersöka lönsamheten med ett aktivt pensionssparande enligt ekonomisk vedertagen teori. Undersökningsdata omfattar samtliga 854 pensionsfonder som funnits från starten 2000-11-02 till 2004-12-30. Vi har utifrån historisk data tagit fram den läg

The Economics of Copyright - Protecting Creative Activity against Music Piracy

The chronic problem of music piracy is inevitable with the utilisation of the internet. Music, being classified as information good, makes the consumer to “free-ride” and sub-optimal production of these goods is likely to happen. Copyright is an instrument in helping the continuity of creative activity. The essence of copyright law is also to protect the interests and rights of the writers, produc

Economic Growth and Abatement of Carbon Dioxide Emissions in Swedish Transport Policy

This thesis examines the Swedish carbon dioxide abatement policy in the transport sector. The purpose is to investigate whether this is done in a cost-efficient way, in particular in a long-term perspective. An underlying objective is to bring thoughts on environmental concern and economic growth together. In order to do this a number of scientific reports, economic articles, and policy documents

Utformning och evaluering av kommunikationsmodell för analys av e-postbaserad kommunikation

I denna designstudie överges dagens syn på e-postmedierad kommunikation som en linjär process. Bilden som linjära modeller ger av verkligheten är alldeles för generaliserad. Kommunikationsmodeller idag bortser från eller lägger minimal vikt på aspekter som är av betydande roll för hela kommunikationsprocessen. Syftet med denna designstudie är att utforma och evaluera en kommunikationsmodell som sk

Likviditetseffekt på volatilitetssmilet för aktieoptioner

Optionshandeln har ökat markant på senare år och detta beror på att investerare vill sprida sina risker. Är optionerna korrekt prissatta eller kan det finnas arbitragemöjligheter? De flesta av investerarna använder sig idag av Black & Scholes formel då de prissätter optioner. I Black & Scholes formel är volatiliteten för aktien okänd och måste uppskattas. I denna uppsats vill jag undersöka

Growing up is hard to do? Managing Creativity within the Creative Game Industry

Creativity is the essence of game design. Managing creativity within organizations can be thought of as being contradictory, and increased empirical research is made within this area, trying to understand the problematic with managing creativity along with more traditional management in business contexts. Even though the research area is substantial on this matter, there is still limited amount of

Integration, Trade pattern and Intra-Industry Trade in ASEAN

Abstract This thesis examines the impact that AFTA has had on intra-industry trade in different commodity groups and the ASEAN member countries during the years 1993-2002. The frequently used Grubel-Llyod index is employed to estimate the degree of intra-industry trade in this cross-country study, and dynamic effects from integration are evaluated by studies of growth rates in trade and intra-indu

An Evaluation Of The Offshore In Tunisia

The main purpose of this paper is to examine the offshore regime in Tunisia and to evaluate the direct effects that the introduction of this export promoting strategy has contributed with. Moreover the expected and actual economic effects on trade, employment and foreign direct investments will be evaluated and treated by the concept of the offshore cycle. The offshore regime has in Tunisia contri

Deltidsarbete bland kvinnor i Sverige - vad påverkar val av arbetstid?

English title: Part-time work among women in Sweden – what influences choice of working hours? In the 1960s and 70s a large growth in part-time work amongst women in the Swedish labour market took place. A net inflow of workers into the labour market has been suggested as the main source. However, part-time work is still a common phenomenon among Swedish women; in 2004 almost 40% of all women work

En kvalitetskontroll - Snustillverkaren Fiedler & Lundgren kvalitetstestas

This paper aims to describe the variation and develop a method to control the production for the product Metropol Kaktus from the snuff developer Fiedler & Lundgren. We are going to use the requirements from the product specifications as limits of the expected quality when we present methods to control the process. One method attempts to control during the process and the other attempts to max

Deltagande systemutveckling ur användarnas perspektiv

Under vår utbildning har vi funnit att resonemangen kring användarmedverkan oftast beskrivs utifrån systemutvecklarens perspektiv och menar att det här finns en rad fördomar och kunskapsluckor kring hur användarna ser på systemutvecklingsprocessen. Vi har därför valt att undersöka hur användarna påverkas av att vara deltagare i ett systemutvecklingsprojekt och vad ett deltagande arbetssätt får för

IT-stöd som kommunikationsverktyg vid kunskapsspridning

Distansutbildning har snabbt vuxit fram under den senaste tiden och blivit ett mycket aktuellt område inom utbildningsväsendet. De tre huvudsakliga faktorerna som driver på satsningarna inom distansutbildningen är förhoppningarna om ökad tillgänglighet, ökad kvalitet och minskade kostnader. För att kunskapsspridningen ska fungera bra i distansutbildningen behövs att IT- systemet, som ska fungera s

Det svenska konsumtionsbeteendet-En ekonometrisk analys av den permanenta inkomsthypotesen

Abstract Titel: Det svenska konsumtionsbeteendet – En ekonometrisk analys av den permanenta inkomsthypotesen Topic/course: NEKK01, Bachelor thesis Writers: Ida Hedlund, Anna Persdotter Supervisor: Fredrik NG Andersson Keywords: Permanent income hypothesis, Milton Friedman, Consumption smoothing, Sweden Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to examine whether the permanent income hypothesis can be

Introducing Competition in Public Services - the Case of the Swedish Compulsory School

Abstract The subject of this thesis is introduction of competition in public services and its effects on public sector efficiency generally, and the Swedish compulsory school specifically. The issue is studied in a theoretical framework of institutional and transaction cost theory. A concentration ratio competition measure is developed, covering public and private competition, as well as competiti

Does the onset of type 1 diabetes in young adults imply increased sickness absence? Results from a Swedish longitudinal study

Few studies on sickness absence, theoretical as well as empirical, in the field of economics specifically focus on the impact of chronic illness. The purpose of the present study is to fill this theoretical gap by providing a theoretical explanation of sickness absence after the onset of a specific chronic illness, namely type 1 diabetes, but also to empirically examine if sickness absence differs

The Post-Earnings-Announcement-Drift - PÅ den svenska marknaden

Sammanfattning Uppsatsens titel: The Post-Earnings-Announcement-Drift - På den svenska marknaden. Seminariedatum: 2008-06-02 Ämne/Kurs: NEKM01 – Examensarbete magisternivå 15hp Författare: Stefan Setterlund Handledare: Hossein Asgharian Fem nyckelord: The Post-Earnings-Announcement-Drift, earnings momentum, anomalier, oförväntade vinster, likviditet. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersök