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Studies on the frost resistance of natural stone

This work deals with the effects of freeze-thawing on the deterioration of some types of natural stone, especially stones frequently used in old buildings in Sweden. Laboratory studies were performed mainly on Gotland sandstone. This stone has been widely used in old buildings in the whole Baltic region, and is often badly deteriorated. A granite from Bohuslän Province in Sweden was studied as wel

Eosinophil leukocyte degranulation in response to serum-opsonized beads: C5a and platelet-activating factor enhance ECP release, with roles for protein kinases A and C

BACKGROUND: Eosinophils have a typical content of granule-bound, cytotoxic, cationic proteins which may, when released to the external milieu, play roles in diseases such as asthma and parasitic infestation. Therefore, we have investigated possible mechanisms by which their release is regulated in eosinophils. METHODS: The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used to detect released eosin

Size matters: extraordinary rodent abundance on an Australian tropical flood plain

Published estimates of the total biomass of natural populations of mammalian herbivores generally have ignored small-bodied taxa (especially, rodents). Including such taxa may dramatically change our understanding of total biomass and energy flow in such systems. Dusky rats (Rattus colletti) are small (up to 210 g) native Australian mammals, and our 5-year mark-recapture study on a tropical flood

Phase Segregation in AlInP Shells on GaAs Nanowires

We have studied morphology and phase segregation of AlInP shells on GaAs nanowires. Photoluminescence measurements on single core- shell nanowires indicated variations in the shell composition, and phase segregation was confirmed by cross-sectional scanning transmission electron microscopy on 30 nm thin slices of the wires. It was discovered that Al-rich domains form in the á112ñ directions where

Democracy Beyond the Ballot Box : Citizen Participation and Social Rights in Post-Transition Chile

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vad betyder egentligen demokratisering för medborgaren i termer av möjligheter för deltagande i och inflytande över socio-politiska processer? Denna fråga står i centrum för föreliggande avhandling. Den våg av demokratiseringsprocesser som svept över utvecklingsvärlden under de senaste decennierna har medfört ökad frihet för miljontals människor och givit upphov till enThe global expansion of democratic rule in the developing world has attracted much scholarly interest. The societal implications of the democratisation process, i.e. what democratisation actually means for the citizens in terms of opportunities for participation and influence, have not received as much attention though. This study makes a contribution to redressing the imbalance. Drawing on normat

No evidence for linkage in Swedish multiplex T1DM families to IL12B on chromosome 5q33-34

Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is an autoimmune disease in which the 0 cells in the pancreas are destroyed by the body's own immune system. IL12 plays a role in pathological situations, such as septic shock, tissue damage during inflammation, and organ-specific autoimmune diseases. In NOD mice, administration of IL12 induces T1DM and administration of IL12 antagonists prevents T1DM. Linkage and a

Kinetics of the reduction of the Rh(111) surface oxide: Linking spectroscopy and atomic-scale information

The reduction of the surface oxide on Rh(111) by H-2 was observed in situ by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and high-resolution core level spectroscopy (HRCLS). At room temperature, H-2 does not adsorb on the oxide, only in reduced areas. Reduction starts in very few sites, almost exclusively in stepped areas. One can also initiate the reduction process by deliberately creating defects with t

Overexpression of the Ca2+-binding protein calreticulin in the endoplasmic reticulum improves growth of tobacco cell suspensions (Nicotiana tabacum) in high-Ca2+ medium

Calreticulin (CRT) is a eukaryotic, highly conserved, Ca2+-binding protein predominantly located in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) lumen. In addition to being involved in the regulation of cellular Ca2+, calreticulin is a key quality control element during protein folding in the ER lumen. Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) suspension cells overexpressing a maize CRT (CRT1a) were used here to examine t

Linking patch-use behavior, resource density, and growth expectations in fish

Optimality theory rests on the assumptions that short-term foraging decisions are driven by variation in environmental quality, and that these decisions have important implications for long-term fitness. These assumptions, however, are rarely tested in a field setting. We linked behavioral foraging decisions in food patches with measures of environmental quality covering larger spatial (resource d

Return Migration from Sweden 1968-1996. A Longitudinal Analysis.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingsarbetets främsta syfte har varit att analysera vilka drivkrafter som ligger bakom beslutet att återvandra, samt att kartlägga återvandringen från Sverige 1968-1996 avseende sammansättning och utvecklingsmönster. Analysen har bedrivits ur ett arbetsmarknadsekonomiskt perspektiv, med fokus på den långsiktiga utvecklingen av tillgång och efterfrågan på arbetskraThis book deals with return migration from Sweden in the period 1968-1996 to Chile, Germany, Greece, Iran, Poland, Turkey, United States and Yugoslavia, against the background of economic and political developments in Sweden and in the different source countries. An important question in the study regards whether return migrants deviate from other immigrants in terms of human capital characteristi

Mini-Jet Production in Proton-Antiproton Interactions and Particle Production in Heavy-Ion Collisions

The thesis is based on the data analysis and detector development of the EMU01/CERN, E863/BNL and UA1/CERN experiments. Particle fluctuations are studied with the scaled factorial moments in the fragmentation region of oxygen-induced emulsion interactions from 3.7 to 200 A GeV. The intermittency indices show an energy independent behaviour in the target and projectile regions of pseudorapidity. I

Neuroblastoma as an experimental model for neuronal differentiation and hypoxia-induced tumor cell dedifferentiation.

Neuroblastoma is a childhood tumor derived from precursor or immature cells of the sympathetic nervous system. Neuroblastomas show a tremendous clinical heterogeneity, encompassing truly benign as well as extremely aggressive forms. In vivo as well as in vitro data have shown that the degree of sympathetic neuronal tumor cell differentiation influences patient outcome. Unraveling mechanisms govern

Isospin effects in two-particle correlation functions: A probe for the isospin dependence of the nuclear equation of state

Small-angle two-particle correlation functions, involving neutrons and protons, have been measured for E/A = 61 MeV Ar + Sn-112,Sn-124 collisions, i.e. systems similar in size but with different isospin asymmetry. The correlation strength of neutron-proton (np) and proton-proton (pp) pairs is stronger for the more neutron-rich system, indicating a shorter average emission time for this system. Com

Diabetic retinopathy, visual acuity, and medical risk indicators: a continuous 10-year follow-up study in Type 1 diabetic patients under routine care

The objective of this study was to describe incidence and progression of diabetic retinopathy in relation to medical risk indicators as well as visual acuity outcome after a continuous follow-up period of 10 years in a Type 1 diabetic population treated under routine care. The incidence and progression of retinopathy and their association to HbA(1c), blood pressure, urinary albumin, serum creatini