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Schooling experiences in children with long-gap esophageal atresia compared with children with esophageal atresia and primary anastomosis : a Swedish study

Background: Children with long-gap esophageal atresia (LGEA) risk living with aerodigestive morbidity and mental health difficulties. No previous study has investigated their experiences of schooling, despite the importance of schools in children’s development, learning and social relationships. We aimed to describe experiences of schooling in children with LGEA in Sweden in comparison with childr

Democratic Preferences and the COVID-19 pandemic

Did the political COVID-19 pandemic impact levels of populism? And did a potential effect travel across different national pandemic strategies? Populism is characterized by a growing antagonistic elite-population gap, which might be further triggered by top-down pandemic legislation. Using large-n panel survey data from Denmark and Sweden, being two similar Scandinavian universal welfare states th

Cardiac Enlargement in a Medicolegal Autopsy Setting

A key element for diagnosing cardiac enlargement in an autopsy setting is relevant heart weight references. However, most available references are to a large extent not representative of a medicolegal autopsy population, implying that reference weights are likely lower than those in the relevant population.To establish more applicable heart weight references in a medicolegal autopsy population, we

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The promotion of sustainable lifestyles and ecological consumer behavior is a central building block of a sufficiency-oriented society of the future. What role can an unconditional basic income play in this process?

Second international consensus report on gaps and opportunities for the clinical translation of precision diabetes medicine

Precision medicine is part of the logical evolution of contemporary evidence-based medicine that seeks to reduce errors and optimize outcomes when making medical decisions and health recommendations. Diabetes affects hundreds of millions of people worldwide, many of whom will develop life-threatening complications and die prematurely. Precision medicine can potentially address this enormous proble

Go out or stress out? : Exploring nature connectedness and cumulative stress as resilience and vulnerability factors in different manifestations of climate anxiety

The peer-reviewed version can be found here: the increasing severity of the climate crisis and, with it, rising climate anxiety, it is imperative to understand what climate anxiety is, how it functions, and how people can cope with it constructively. Nevertheless, research has often mixed different conceptualizations and operationalizations of clima

xrd_simulator: 3D X-ray diffraction simulation software supporting 3D polycrystalline microstructure morphology descriptions

An open source Python package named xrd_simulator, capable of simulating geometrical interactions between a monochromatic X-ray beam and a polycrystalline microstructure, is described and demonstrated. The software can simulate arbitrary intragranular lattice variations of single crystals embedded within a multiphase 3D aggregate by making use of a tetrahedral mesh representation where each elemen

Non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae major outer membrane protein P5 contributes to bacterial membrane stability, and affects the membrane protein composition crucial for interactions with the human host

Non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) is a Gram-negative human pathogen that causes a wide range of airway diseases. NTHi has a plethora of mechanisms to colonize while evading the host immune system for the establishment of infection. We previously showed that the outer membrane protein P5 contributes to bacterial serum resistance by the recruitment of complement regulators. Here, we report

Research communication in the climate crisis : Open letters and the mobilization of information

What happens to researchers when the topic they study poses an existential threat to the world as we know it? When communication on the topic is politically polarized, but at the same time institutionally encouraged and existentially needed? By what means do researchers come to navigate this complex communication environment? The climate crisis and changing social, political, and academic conditio

Expectation–maximization algorithm with a nonlinear kalman smoother for MEG/EEG connectivity estimation

Current techniques to determine functional or effective connectivity from magnetoencephalography (MEG) and electroencephalography (EEG) signals typically involve two sequential steps: 1) estimation of the source current distribution from the sensor data, for example, by minimum-norm estimation or beamforming, and 2) fitting a multivariate autoregressive (MVAR) model to estimate the AR coefficients

Denial, rationalization, and suppression : How our basic psychological needs may influence why we do not act in the face of climate change

In times of increasing global temperatures and apathy in the face of climatic and social crises, understanding why people do or do not act is critical. Despite high pro-environmental attitudes, most people ignore the reality of climate change in their everyday lives (Moser & Kleinhückelkotten, 2017). This may be a sign for internal conflict and attempts to protect the self from threat (Norgaar

Självhushållning på landsbygden, möjligheter och hinder från ett fastighetsrättsligt perspektiv med inslag av teknik

Examensarbetets uppgift är att studera vad som krävs för att kunna vara självförsörjande på landsbygden för att i sin tur undersöka vad som är möjligt med dagens fastighetsrättsliga lagstiftning och annan lagstiftning som berör området. En primitiv självförsörjningsgrad har valts i syfte att undersöka lagstiftningen så grundligt som möjligt. I studien har det lagts fram förslag, för att underlättaAbstract The task of the thesis is to study what is required to be self-sufficient in the countryside in order to in turn see what is possible with today's real estate legislation and other legislation that affects the area. A primitive degree of self-sufficiency is chosen in order to examine the legislation as thoroughly as possible. The study puts forward proposals, in order to facilitate se

Who is responsible—and for what? An antenarrative perspective on organizational members’ crisis sensemaking of responsibility during a corporate scandal

We investigate organizational members’ crisis sensemaking and construction ofresponsibility at the peak of a corporate scandal. We focus on those organizationalmembers, who are not directly involved in the scandal but are still affected by it, as theyare questioned about their collective and moral responsibility for being members of anorganization that has engaged in wrongdoing. Our study is based

Creating Cultural Heritage for a Better Future. The case of the “District of Mutual Respect” in the Polish city of Wrocław

By applying the sociological concept of ‘emplacement’, this article analyses the creation of the ‘District of Mutual Respect’ in the old, neglected part of Wrocław (former German Breslau), a city which became Polish and lost its German population due to their forced migration after the Second World War. The District has in the last 20 years been transformed from slum to attractive environment and

Study protocol for a feasibility study of an online educational programme for people working and living with persistent low back pain

Background: Low back pain (LBP) is the main cause of activity limitation and work absence across the world, leading to a high social and economic burden for individuals, families, the labour market and society. The overall aim of this multicentre study is to test the usability, acceptability and feasibility of an evidence-based, digital education programme for people living and working with persis