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A CP-LP approach to network management in OSPF routing

In this paper, we consider a routing problem related to the widely used Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) protocol, which is considered a challenge within the Constraint Programming (CP) community. We address the special version of OSPF which requires unique and symmetrical paths. To solve this problem, we propose a novel hybrid approach which combines CP and Linear Programming (LP). Our approach em

The year in osteoporosis Volume I

Drawing on the expertise of a distinguished international team, this book contains 200 recent papers in the peer-reviewed literature that will affect the practice of physicians managing osteoporotic patients. Each paper is summarized, reviewed, and placed in clinical context. Coverage includes the underlying causes of osteoporosis and the latest differing views on prevention and non-pharmacologica

Angular Momentum Population in the Fragmentation of Pb-208 at 1 GeV/Nucleon

A systematic study of the population probabilities of microsecond isomers produced following the fragmentation of 208Pb projectiles at 1 GeV/nucleon has been undertaken at the SIS/FRS facility at GSI Darmstadt. Gamma decays from approximately 20 isomeric states, mainly in the rare-earth and transitional nuclei with A∼180, were identified and the corresponding isomeric ratios deduced. The results a

Ultraljudsnavigerande mobil robot för rörelsehindrade personer

Människor med grava rörelsehinder behöver hjälp för att klara av sina vardagliga sysslor såsom att klä på sig, äta, borsta tänderna, klia sig, dricka mm. De behöver också stöd för att kunna utföra ett arbete. Traditionellt är det någon eller några personl

Fast Optimal Three View Triangulation

We consider the problem of L2-optimal triangulation from three separate views. Triangulation is an important part of numerous computer vision systems. Under gaussian noise, minimizing the L2 norm of the reprojection error gives a statistically optimal estimate. This has been solved for two views. However, for three or more views, it is not clear how this should be done. A previously proposed, but