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Distributed inter-domain link capacity optimization for inter-domain IP/MPLS routing

Our goal is to present a mathematical model useful for distributed optimization of traffic routing in multi-domain Internet networks. In such environments each domain is operated autonomously and has access to limited information about the rest of the network. Our model reflects this through an appropriate problem decomposition with respect to individual domains. The decomposition aims at supporti

Development of Capacitive Biosensors for Monitoring of Bacterial Toxins and Other Biomolecules

Sensing and quantification of biomolecules are becoming increasingly important in medical diagnostics, bioprocess technology and recently in homeland security. The majority of techniques currently employed to interrogate biomolecules require some type of radio-, enzymatic- or fluorescent-labeling. However, there is an increasing awareness of novel techniques in which biomolecules are detected in t

Defense mechanisms: Current approaches to research and measurement

This chapter highlights the general theme of the book, including definitions of defense mechanisms within various theoretical frames of reference. After a period of exclusion from mainstream clinical psychology the concept of defense has now returned to center stage.

Nutritional ecology of selected Scandinavian tree species with special emphasis on hardwoods.

Popular Abstract in Swedish I avhandlingen redovisas undersökningar av näringsdynamiken hos fem olika lövträdsarter (ask, björk, bok, ek och lind) vilka jämförs med gran, som är ett mycket undersökt trädslag ur närings-synvinkel. Målsättningen med studierna var att klargöra de olika trädslagens näringstillstånd under likartade förhållanden, deras inverkan på och samspel med marken, samt deras näriThis thesis considers several important aspects of nutrient dynamics and allocation in adult stands of Swedish forest tree species (Quercus robur L., Tilia cordata Mill., Fraxinus excelsior L., Betula pendula Roth., Fagus sylvatica L. and Picea abies (L.) Karst) planted on the same soils. Differences between species in macro- (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S), and micro- (B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn) nutrient levels in

Algebraic Varieties in Multiple View Geometry

In this paper we will investigate the different algebraic varieties and ideals that can be generated from multiple view geometry with uncalibrated cameras. The natural descriptor, Vn, is the image of p3 in P2×p2×...×p2 under n different projections. However, we will show that Vn is not a variety. Another descriptor, the variety Vb, is generated by all bilinear forms between pairs of views and cons

Paradoxical Relationships in Collaboration, Competition and Innovation: a Critical Systemic Perspective

This paper seeks to discuss the nature of complex relationships among participants in organizational life, including ways in which paradox and ambiguity in their interactions impact upon organizational performance. Any relationship emerges and subsists through interaction between people. The nature of a relationship is the result of double description (Bateson, 2002). Each of the parties involved

Världsdramatik 4. På väg mot sekelslutet

Dramat under 1900-talets tre sista decennier kan sägas handla om de marginaliserade i samhället – barnen, de socialt utsatta, människor med olika etnisk bakgrund, de homosexuella och inte minst kvinnorna. Även språket står i centrum för intresset. Många skriver om hur människan påverkas av att ha ett språk och att inte ha ett språk. Mot de etablerade språkliga normerna ställs arbetarnas, de utslag

Endothelium-derived Vasoactive Factors and Leukocyte-derived Inflammatory Mediators. Studies in subjects with or at risk for vascular disease

Popular Abstract in Swedish Blodåderförkalkning och dess komplikationer såsom hjärn- och hjärtinfarkt är bland de vanligaste orsakerna till sjukdom och död i vårt samhälle. Flera faktorer är av betydelse för uppkomsten av åderförkalkning. I denna avhandling presenteras studier av substanser frisatta från kärlendothelet (blodkärlväggarnas insida) respektive från vita blodkroppar, och dessa substansThis study was undertaken to evaluate relationships between endothelial function (assessed as mediators of endothelium-derived vasoactive factors such as nitric oxide [NO], prostacyclin [PGI2] and endothelin [ET-1] ), and risk factors for atherosclerosis, as well as to study possible relationships between endothelial function and leukocyte activation (indicated by measurements of leukocyte-derived

Exploring History: a Mobile Inclusive Virtual Tourist Guide

In the present paper we report on the design decisions and the field test results of an inclusive mobile tourist guide app, the Time Machine. The historical information is conveyed by sound and the navigation information by haptics, while the app can be controlled eyes-free by a combination of on-screen and free-form gestures. To emphasize the eyes-free use, 9 of 11 test users recruited had severe

Enhancement of the immunosuppressive effect of cyclosporin A by ciprofloxacin in a rat cardiac allograft transplanation model

Ciprofloxacin hyperinduces interleukin-2 production in stimulated human and mouse lymphocytes. In this study, an enhanced and prolonged interleukin-2 response was also detected in polyclonally stimulated rat splenocytes in the presence of ciprofloxacin (5–80mgrg/ml) compared to control cells without any antibiotic. Ciprofloxacin was able to counteract the immunosuppressive effect of 10ng/ml cyclos

Sustainability in IS: the case for an open systems approach

Common sense tells us that cost cutting leads to saving, and spending should therefore be minimized. However, a little reflection tells us that this sometimes leads to false economies. In an organizational context, these can lead on to a downward spiral of organizational ‘suicide’. Examples of false economies may include: saving on maintenance; saving on research and development expenditure; savin

Urak Lawoi - Sea Nomads in Andaman Sea

Lotta Granbom, a mother of three from Sweden is on holiday in Thailand. It is her first trip there together with her daughter Ebba-Lotta. After some difficulty finding accommodation at the tourist resorts, they decide instead to search for Sea Nomads in the Andaman Sea. Lotta has heard of a nomadic group of people who live on the sea around Thailand, Burma, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines and Ind