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Ett arbete eller ett modernt slaveri? En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av hur prostitution och människohandel för sexuella ändamål konstrueras i spansk dagspress

This study aimed to investigate how two Spanish newspapers, El País, and El Español, portrayed human trafficking for sexual purposes, prostitution, and the central actors. To gain insight and a better understanding of this, eleven news articles from each daily press that were published between the years 2021 and 2023, have been analyzed. The focus has been on both the manifest and latent messages

Den splittrade synen på zonen

Denna studie syftade till att undersöka vilka argument de boende i Nørrebro tillämpar i förhållande till användningen av visitationszoner i Danmark, samt hur dessa argument kan tolkas utifrån relevanta sociologiska teorier och tidigare forskning. Bakgrunden till studien är det eventuella införandet av visitationszoner i Sverige och den diskussion som uppstått angående dess effektivitet i arbetet m

Kontakt och kontroll - ett tveeggat svärd - Polisers beskrivningar av relationsskapande och gränssättande arbete i utsatta områden

Denna uppsats utgörs av en kvalitativ intervju studie, som med utgångspunkt i Polismyndighetens strategi för arbete i utsatta områden (Polismyndigheten, PM 2018:26) utforskar hur anställda inom Polismyndigheten beskriver och uppfattar samspelet mellan relationsskapande och gränssättande arbete i socioekonomiskt utsatta områden. Vidare syftar undersökningen till att analysera hur intervjuade polise

Mathematical modeling and analysis of hot carrier solar cells

This thesis focuses on the analysis of a mathematical model of a nanowire based hot carrier solar cell. The relevance of the topic comes from the energy crisis society is facing today. Firstly, we discuss the basic principle of hot carrier solar cells and discuss several energy loss factors. Then we set up the system and discuss the relevant approximations. Moreover analytical expressions of the c

Recombinant expression and purification of sugar beet Phytoglobins in Escherichia Coli BL21 (DE3) including metabolic engineering of the heme biosynthesis

Kan hemoglobin från växter lösa humana problem? Dagligen tar vi för givet att vårt blod syresätts tillräckligt för att orka med alla sysslor. Detta möjliggörs av det livsviktiga proteinet hemoglobin som finns i vårt blod. I dagens samhälle råder det dock blodbrist samtidigt som många drabbas av järnbrist. Det är där forskningen på växthemoglobin kommer in i bilden. Experimenten som genomförts i dThe protein hemoglobin (Hb) is vital for us humans to ensure enough oxygen replacement in the body. Hb-resembling proteins also exist in plants, these are called phytoglobins (Pgbs). Pgbs are very interesting since they can play a considerable role in the development of blood substitutes and iron supplements for human use. A few years ago, genes that code for Pgb in sugar beet were found and ident

Chip Management in Milling and Drilling of Ductile Cast Iron

This paper presents a comprehensive cross-functional analysis of machining operations for ductile cast iron components in the automotive industry, focusing on the problem of chip carryover and its impact on downstream processes. The research aims to understand the role of machining and identify the source of the issue, by analyzing different machining sequences and the chips that affect the final

Further Improvements in the Long-Range Order of MCM-41 Materials

Synthetic methods for making an all-silica MCM-41 mesoporous silicate of high long-range order are reported. The product shows up to seven orders of X-ray diffraction and good stability under calcination conditions. The greatest improvement in structure occurs when the pH is held between 9 and 10 during synthesis and the sulfate anion is present.

Precision Prognostics for Cardiovascular Disease in Type 2 Diabetes : A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

BACKGROUND: Precision medicine has the potential to improve cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk prediction in individuals with type 2 diabetes (T2D).METHODS: We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal studies to identify potentially novel prognostic factors that could improve CVD risk prediction in T2D. Out of 9380 studies identified, 416 studies met inclusion criteria. Outco

Shear and salt effects on the structure of MCM-41 synthesis gels

Orientational ordering under shear was observed for some precursor gels for the synthesis of the hexagonal mesoporous silica MCM-41 in the presence of high KBr concentrations. The presence of KBr disrupted the formation of the first-order MCM-41 diffraction peak dependent upon KBr concentration. Synthesis gels which formed good quality MCM-41, but with no added KBr salt, were not oriented by stron


This master thesis explores the possibilities of social robot adoption in the hotel industry. Social robots represent a new product group, a radical innovation, that has yet not seen commercialization in the hotel industry in Sweden. Furthermore, previous research has requested studies that determine success factors for social robot adoption in specific markets. This thesis therefore investigates

"Eleven som stafettpinne" - En kvalitativ studie om professionellas upplevelser av samverkan mellan socialtjänsten och skolan i arbetet med problematisk skolfrånvaro

The aim of this study is to create an understanding of how professionals experience the collaboration between social services and school functions in regard to pupils that have problematic school absenteeism. The study focuses on a social services office and two schools in a small town in Södermanland, Sweden. The method was qualitative and based on six semi-structured interviews with social worke

Characterisation of the LYCCA Double-Sided Silicon Strip Detectors

The goal of this thesis work is to describe the methods used and perform comprehensive testing of the Double-Sided Silicon-Strip Detectors (DSSD) prior to their implementation in the Lund-York-Cologne CAlorimeter (LYCCA) detector. In the framework of this project, the DSSD characterisation was carried out to ensure specification compliance prior to their "in-kind contribution" delivery t

Financial Technology's effect on the Swedish banking Industry - A study on competition and competitive strategies

Titel: Effekterna av finansiell teknologi på den svenska banksektorn - En studie om konkurrens och konkurrensstrategier. Författare: Douglas Wilsby, Industriell Ekonomi 2018, LTH; Knut Winström, Maskinteknik 2018, LTH Handledare: Ingela Elofsson, Institutionen för produktionsekonomi vid Lunds Tekniska Högskola Bakgrund: Den snabba teknologiska utvecklingen har potential att omvälva etablerade bTitel: Financial Technology's effect on the Swedish banking Industry - A study on competition and competitive strategies Authors: Douglas Wilsby, Industrial Engineering 2018, LTH; Knut Winström, Mechanical Engineering 2018, LTH Supervisor: Ingela Elofsson, Division of Production Management at Faculty of Engineering LTH Background: The rapid advancement of technology has the potential to dis

Att problematisera snippan - En kritisk diskursanalys av språkbruket i juridiska och mediala texter om en sexualbrottsdom mot barn

In February 2023 a man was released from a rape accusation because a 10-year-old girl used the Swedish word for vagina - “snippa” - to explain her genitalia. The news resulted in immense reactions from the public, especially considering the word is well-established within Swedish childcare. The sentence has since been appealed to Sweden's supreme court. This judgment shows how important langua

Characterization of potato protein and its calcium binding capacity

Kan potatisprotein öka intaget av kalcium i kroppen? Alla vet att vitaminer och mineraler är viktiga för att kroppen ska må bra och kunna fungera. En av dom är kalcium som har stor påverkan på vår hälsa. Kalciumbrist kan ha allvarliga konsekvenser för människors hälsa och det är viktigt att få i sig tillräckligt. Kalcium i mat kan skapa vissa komplikationer, speciellt i höga halter, och kan behövCalcium is essential for the human body as it has functions in the nervous system, bones and formation of teeth. Deficiency in this important nutrient can be detrimental to health and cause life-long issues. Calcium can be found in various foods, like dairy products, but certain plant-based alternatives to milk needs to be fortified with calcium. One of the complications with calcium supplements i

Att äga eller hyra lokaler? En analys av lönsamhet, hållbarhet och andra påverkande faktorer

Under de senaste åren har kontorsmarknaden varit under förändring, framför allt som en effekt av Covid-19-pandemin och teknisk innovation. Detta har påverkat hur kontorslokaler används och inneburit ett ökat utbud av fastighetsprodukter. Ett av de beslut som organisationer behöver ta är om de ska äga eller hyra sina lokaler, vilket är ett beslut styrt av flera parametrar. Det rätta beslutet för enIn recent years, the office market has been changing, mainly due to the Covid-19 pandemic and technological innovation. This has impacted how office space is used and has led to an increase in the range of available real estate products. One of the decisions organizations need to make is whether to own or lease their space, which is a decision driven by several parameters. The right decision for a

Tvångsförvaltning av flerbostadshus - samma boendesituation kan skilja sig avsevärt beroende på boendeform.

Sammanfattning Under slutet av 1960-talet genomgick bostadsmarknaden och lagstiftningarna som hör till en stor förändring. Däribland skärptes hyreslagen med fler krav på underhåll och fastighetsskötsel, och en utredning föreslog att grov vanvård ska vara en grund för expropriation. Under 1969 kom även en utredning angående att införa en lagstiftning som möjliggjorde tvångsförvaltning av fastighetAbstract The Housing Management Act (1977:792) enables compulsory management of properties that are neglected. However, the law can only be applied to tenements. In the year of 2021, the law underwent an amendment, which came into force on January 1, 2022. In all forms of housing that are in an apartment building, have common areas and constructions that require joint management. The purpose of t