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Guiding Tracks in Overhead Sectional Doors

This thesis project was done in collaboration with ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems, and aims to increase efficiency in the design of the guiding tracks for overhead sectional doors. Withstanding wind and structural loads, while being easily installed and manufactured are some of the key aspects being considered, while maintaining the aim of reducing costs and material used. Using finite element analys

Chemistry diagnostics for monitoring

Chemically sensitive diagnostics are indispensable to unravel reactive processes in combustion and beyond, to understand their development in time and space and to monitor the reaction progress under the conditions of interest. A multitude of techniques is available that may provide species composition together with other process-controlling variables as a function of the reaction environment. Ana

Utkontraktering, ny lagercentral eller fortsatt drift på befintlig lagercentral? - En fallstudie på ett svenskt lantbrukskooperativ

Titel: Utkontraktering, ny lagercentral eller fortsatt drift på befintlig lagercentral? En fallstudie på ett svenskt lantbrukskooperativ. Författare: Carl Kilström och Emil Nordgren Handledare: Joakim Kembro, Avdelningen för Teknisk Logistik, Institutionen för Maskinvetenskaper. Thomas Nordström, Transportchef Företag Alfa. Problemformulering: Företag Alfa är verksamma inom lantbruksindust

Choosing the Perfect Spot - An exploratory study of the underlying factors behind companies' location decisions

Over time, different trends have been spotted in how companies decide to locate their businesses. From the gradual rise of more offshoring of operations, to the recent increase in popularity of returning business domestically again. The topic has also received much recognition academically, with focus often placed on the factors that lead to locational competitive advantages - attributes that diff

Verisium Drone - PinDown ML-Debug Visualisation Tool

I samarbete med Cadence har detta examensarbete skapat ett webbaserat gränssnitt vilket kommer att visualisera stora mängder data på ett mer läsbart sätt för människor. Cadence är ett företag med inriktning på elektronisk system design och erbjuder andra företag lösningar för silikon design skapande, simulation, implementation och signoff för analoga och digitala kretsar och mycket mer. Detta gränIn collaboration with Cadence this thesis work has created a web based interface which aims to visualise large sets of data in a more human readable way. Cadence is a company specialising in electronic system design and is offering other companies solutions for silicon design creation, simulation, implementation and signoff of analog and digital circuits and a lot more. This interface will also be

The Effects of Chemotherapy on B Cells and T Cells in Blood and Tumor Tissue in Patients with Pancreatic Cancer – from Diagnosis to Terminal Disease

En viss typ av immuncellsansamling i tumörer, så kallade tertiära lymfoida strukturer (TLS), hos patienter med bukspottkörtelcancer verkar inte alltid vara så gynnsamt som forskning tidigare visat. Förekomst av många TLS i tumören kunde i studien kopplas till kortare överlevnad och kan möjligen bero på att cellgiftsbehandling förändrar funktionen TLS. I denna studie studerades två typer av immuncPancreatic cancer (PC) is a devastating disease and is almost always synonymous with a poor outcome. Chemotherapy is the standard treatment and is administered in either an adjuvant or palliative setting. However, nearly all patients, regardless of treatment intent, eventually develop chemoresistance. Little is known about the events causing chemoresistance, but increased knowledge is essential fo

"Vet du ens vad offsideregeln är?" - Kvinnors avvikarkarriär och delade upplevelser i fotbollssupporterkulturen

Kvinnor är en relativt outforskad grupp inom sportsociologin och forskning om fotbollssupporterskap. Denna studie ämnar att fylla de kunskapsluckor som idag finns genom att undersöka kvinnors upplevelser av supporterkulturen. I fortsättning av en tidigare skriven uppsats nyttjas en teoretisk modell om kvinnors avvikarkarriär i supporterkulturen för att vidare förstå kvinnans väg in i supporterskap

En ärlig anställningsform? En kvalitativ studie om bemanningskonsulters arbetssituation utifrån konsultchefers perspektiv.

Till följd av en alltmer globaliserad värld och strävan efter flexibilitet, har den svenska arbetsmarknaden börjat präglas alltmer av osäkra anställningsvillkor där bemanningsföretag spelar en avgörande roll. Syftet med denna studie är att analysera bemanningsbranschen genom konsultchefers syn på bemanningskonsulters arbetssituation, samt diskutera på vilket sätt bemanningsbranschen riskerar att b

Nyttor med klimatanpassning – vilka är de och kan de kopplas till FN:s globala hållbarhetsmål?

De globala hållbarhetsmålens koppling till klimatanpassning i svenska kommuner Denna studie visar på att klimatanpassningsåtgärder i svenska kommuner bidrar till nyttoaspekter som kan kopplas till Förenta nationernas globala hållbarhetsmål. Dessa mål kan även vara ett bra verktyg för kommuner att använda sig av för att uppnå olika sociala, miljömässiga och ekonomiska värden vid framtida klimatanpaThis study shows that several beneficial aspects of climate adaptation in Swedish municipalities can be linked to the United Nations’ sustainable development goals. In doing so, the study also exhibits that the sustainable development goals could serve as a good tool to aid in maximizing social, environmental and economic benefits when planning and executing climate adaptation measures. A claim th

Analysis of the synergic and sublethal effect of the pesticides imidacloprid, acetamiprid and tebuconazole on brain metabolism in the non-bee pollinator Eristalis tenax

Abstract Introduction: A great decline of wild pollinators has been observed, the decline is believed to be a result of many stressors, whereas pesticide usage being one of them. Wild pollinator insects are significantly important to maintain and preserve food production and biodiversity. Background: Pesticides are used to protect and enhance crop yield, by targeting insect and fungi pests. Imid

Small-angle neutron scattering studies on the mesoporous molecular sieve MCM-41

A pure silica MCM-41 preparation with high crystalline order perpendicular to the channels has been examined using small-angle neutron scattering and the contrast variation method in both the calcined and template-containing forms. This defines various structural features such as template and water distributions and content, local silica density, and surface properties. Adsorption isotherm data, N

Preparation dependent stability of pure silica MCM-41

The degradation of pure silica MCM-41 materials prepared under various synthesis conditions has been investigated. Materials from preparations titrated with acid during synthesis not only show improved long range ordering of the pore system but also greater stability. This effect is greatest in unheated preparations.

Challenges and Solutions: CSOs’ Support for Ukrainian Refugees in Labor Market Integration in Sweden

In this thesis, I discuss the difficulties Ukrainian refugees face in accessing and integrating into the Swedish labor market, the role of civil society organizations (CSOs) in Sweden with regard to the labor market integration of Ukrainian refugees, and the policy hindrance and CSOs’ limitation in achieving their goal for Ukrainian refugees. This thesis gathers qualitative data using semi-structu

Solnedgång över Energistadgefördraget - Ändamål som helgar medlen eller urholkning av internationell rätt?

Mot bakgrund av de globala klimatambitionerna har den folkrättsliga traktaten Energistadgefördraget (ECT) kommit att ifrågasättas med ökande intensitet. I synnerhet anses Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) mekanismen i artikel 26 ECT inskränka staters rätt att lagstifta och därigenom bromsa utfasningen av fossila energislag (regulatory chill). En ISDS-mekanism är vanligt förekommande i gränAgainst the backdrop of global climate ambitions, the international treaty known as the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) has come under increasing scrutiny. In particular, the Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) mechanism in Article 26 ECT is seen as restricting states' right to legislate and thereby slow-ing down the phasing out of fossil fuels (regulatory chill). ISDS is a common mechanism

Why are some organizations more prone to spear phishing attacks?

Huvudsyftet med denna uppsats är att försöka vidareutveckla nuvarande litteratur och bidra till en mer djupgående förståelse kring ‘spear phishing’ och vilka faktorer som organisationer bör uppmärksamma gällande spear phishing. För att hitta nödvändigt material och få en djupare förståelse angående omfattningen av denna undersökning har en empiri bestående av kvalitativa data utfärdas. Insamlingen

Climate Change Denial and Right-Wing Populism: The Mediating Role of (Mis)Trust in Climate Science

Climate change denial tends to be prevalent among right-wing populists, but the underlying reasons for this remain unclear. Given that persistent climate change denial among the public could impede efforts to address the negative consequences of anthropogenic climate change, it is important to identify the psychological correlates of these attitudes. This thesis aimed to investigate the hypothesis

Quality Assurance of Recycled HDPE in the Plastic Packaging Industry

The recycling of plastic has the potential to support circular material use, thus decreasing the need for virgin plastics. However, there is an existing issue with assuring quality of recycled plastic materials, causing finished products to perform with poorer properties and unexpected deviations. Based on a thermoformed plastic packaging product, Product Y, made of recycled high density polyethyl

Comparison of histological delineations of medial temporal lobe cortices by four independent neuroanatomy laboratories

The medial temporal lobe (MTL) cortex, located adjacent to the hippocampus, is crucial for memory and prone to the accumulation of certain neuropathologies such as Alzheimer's disease neurofibrillary tau tangles. The MTL cortex is composed of several subregions which differ in their functional and cytoarchitectonic features. As neuroanatomical schools rely on different cytoarchitectonic definition