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Traces of the Queer Child in Shuggie Bain

Known as the winner of the 2020 Man Booker Prize, Douglas Stuart’s debut novel Shuggie Bain evokes childhood queerness, which is entangled in the deindustrialised urban landscape of 1980s Glasgow. Synthesising queer and trace theory in nine steps—disruption, bent temporality, materiality and embodiment, physical orientation, medium specificity, reading and bearing traces, involuntariness and the l

Fetal programming and parent-of-origin effects of type 2 diabetes and insulin secretion

Abstract Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a heterogeneous and a complex disease defined by hyperglycemia. Thepancreas and its islets are central for glucose homeostasis and healthy adipose tissue. In turn, lipid levels in the bloodare crucial for glucose level stability. Both genetic and environmental factors and their interaction play a pivotal role inthe risk and development of the disease. In

Neighbourhood Mosaic: Regeneration Project for the large-scale housing area in Malmö, Sweden

The problem of outdated large-scale housing estates has been prevalent in many cities, resulting in unbalanced social issues, uncomfortable living conditions, and a lack of response to climate change. The research focuses on the Almgården area in Malmo, Sweden, and aims to address these challenges by proposing a sustainable design solution that can improve the quality of life for residents while r

Sonification of Data - A Usability Study

Sonification is a technique that allows people with visual impairment to listen to information that is normally available visually such as in graphs. Not all information is available for people with visual impairment and sonification is not a standard in all places where information is showed, so developing a sonification tool that provides an intuitive experience with easily interpreted data woul

Exploring the Feasibility of Using Fire Dynamics Simulator to Improve the Calculation of the Wildfire Available Safe Egress Time

Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) fires pose a significant threat to public safety and property in areas where urban development encroaches upon natural landscapes. This thesis aims to investigate the effect of smoke from a WUI fire on the tenability conditions of a small village and to establish a worst-case-scenario trigger boundary around it as an improved basis for the WUI available safe egress t

RE+: A permaculture approach to regenerate Gastelyckan through urban design and urban farming

The global food system is facing significant challenges, for example, Sweden is a big partner of the European Union in terms of imported and exported food, like many countries in the world, Sweden depends on other countries for food production. In addition to it, the agriculture industry is responsible for 26% of greenhouse gas emissions in the world, due to the transportation of food, use of land

Från anställningsskydd till sysselsättningstrygghet - En rättsvetenskaplig analys av det nya omställningsstudiestödet som kompensation för försvagat anställningsskydd

I debatten om förändringarna i lagen om anställningsskydd, har den ökade möjligheten till omställning och kompetensutveckling presenterats som vinsten för arbetstagarsidan. Reformen innebär att anställningsskyddet minskat på en mängd områden och att arbetstagaren som kompensation getts ökade möjligheter till kompetensutveckling och omställning. Som en del av den ökade möjligheten till kompetensutvFollowing the reform of the Employment Protection Act, where enhanced options for employee upscaling and re-skilling were introduced, a debate has centered around the consequences that this will have for the employee. The Employment Protection Act reform includes a weakening of employment protection in general. As compensation, the employees have been granted enhanced opportunities to engage in co

Bacterial Pathogenesis : Methods and Protocols

This detailed volume presents a diverse set of methodological approaches designed to improve our understanding of bacterial infections from a wide range of bacterial species. Beginning with biofilms and subcellular compartments, the book explores transcriptional analysis, methods for studying plasmid dynamics, and tools for phylogenetic analysis of bacterial genomes, as well as bacterial effector

Direct reversible voltammetry and electrocatalysis with surface-stabilised Fe2O3 redox states

Nanoparticle film voltammetry is employed to explore the presence and reactivity of surface-stabilised iron redox centers at the interface of immobilised Fe2O3 nanoparticles of ca. 4 nm diameter and aqueous buffer media. Mesoporous films of Fe2O3 nanoparticles on tin-doped indium oxide (ITO) substrates are formed in a layer-by-layer deposition process from aqueous colloidal Fe2O3 and aqueous cyclo

A tale of two mechanisms : comparing mesostructure formation in cationic and non-ionic surfactant-templated silicas

The formation of surfactant templated silica films at the air-solution interface has been investigated in situ using a number of time-resolved surface-sensitive and bulk sensitive techniques. Results from templating solutions prepared using a non-ionic surfactant (C16EO8) are compared to those obtained when a cationic surfactant (CTAB) is used. In both cases specific solution phase interactions dr

Accessibility of dye molecules embedded in surfactant-silica hybrid materials in both powder and film forms

Two CTABr-silica mesophases have been prepared, one of them as a powder with hexagonal structure containing Congo Red, the other one as a film with cubic structure containing Disperse Red 1. In the former case the dye has been occluded via co-entrapping, whereas in the latter it has been covalently anchored to the silica matrix via a co-condensation route. In both systems, the dye molecules proved

Kvalitet på övergångsställen i olika socioekonomiska områden – finns det några samband?

Denna uppsats syftar till att bedöma kvaliteten på övergångsställen i olika stadsdelar av Helsingborg, baserat på riktlinjerna och föreskrifterna i VGU, HIN och ALM. Fem stadsdelar i Helsingborg - Råå, Planteringen, Söder, Centrum och Tågaborg - valdes ut för att representera en bred socioekonomisk och kulturell bakgrund. Målet var att identifiera eventuella skillnader i kvaliteten mellan stadsdelThis thesis aims to assess the quality of pedestrian crossings in different districts of Helsingborg, based on the guidelines and regulations in VGU, HIN, and ALM. Five districts in Helsingborg - Råå, Planteringen, Söder, Centrum, and Tågaborg - were selected to represent a wide socio-economic and cultural background. The goal was to identify any differences in the quality of the pedestrian crossi

Probing Charm Production with Three-Particle Correlations in pp Collisions

This thesis aims to investigate possible correlations between charm production and baryon production in proton-proton collisions through three-particle correlations. The question attempted to be answered is where, for a given charmed baryon, the balancing anti-charm particle and balancing anti-baryon are located. The relative azimuthal angle ∆φ and pseudorapidity ∆η between the trigger charmed bar