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Your search for "*" yielded 525980 hits

France for the (Naturalized) French? Multiculturalism and French National Identity

Following the inauguration of the ministry for Immigration, Integration, Co-development and National identity (MIICNI) in May 2007, French national identity has been the focus of close scrutiny. In a pioneering governmental project France is seeking to promote national identity, but is the promotion of national identity compatible with multicultural diversity? The paper is a discussion of the gove

Among "other" Citizens: Denizens and Anti-citizens - a Study of Exclusion of Undocumented Migrants at three Authorities in Helsingborg Municipality

The aim of this paper is to expand the debate on undocumented migrants' social rights from a theoretical perspective emphasizing social and political practices of inclusion and exclusion. We examine how processes of exploitation and stigmatization contribute to a categorization and positioning of undocumented migrants as non-citizens. We explore this in a dialogue with three authorities workin

Upplevelse av integration hos personer med föräldrar födda utomlands

I syfte att undersöka andra generationens invandrares upplevelse av fenomenet och begreppet integration genomfördes halvstrukturerade intervjuer med 10 personer. Dessa personer var födda i Sverige och hade föräldrar som båda var födda utomlands. Syftet var att nå ökad förståelse för hur intervjupersonerna uppfattade begreppet integration och vilka faktorer de ansåg påverkade integrationsprocessen.

Towards good and effective management in a museum: the importance to understand understanding

In order to become a high performing organisation and to certify as an "Investor In People", the Museum in this study wants to develop a shared definition of good and effective management. Hence, ten senior managers were interviewed using a qualitative and semi structured approach. The management situation at the museum was analysed using four leadership paradigms; Classical, Transaction

Better Relationships, Enhanced Development: The Role of Social Capital and Community Based Organizations in Development for Rural Bangladesh

The aim of this Masters Thesis was to investigate whether social capital is translated into performance by the Community Based Organizations (CBOs) to reach collective goals for the development of the community in rural Bangladesh. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used in this study. This research was carried out in eight villages of Bangladesh and two hundred households were surveye

Holocene relative sea-level changes in the Tasiusaq area, southern Greenland, with focus on the Ta1 and Ta3 basins

Jordens havsnivå förändras ständigt och dessa förändringar kan ha olika orsaker: i ett längre geologiskt tidsperspektiv är det processer i jordens inre som påverkar havsnivån, men i ett kortare perspektiv spelar till exempel tillväxten och avsmältningen av inlandsisar stor roll. Under kvartärtiden har den sistnämnda processen varit den dominerande vad gäller att påverka havsnivåerna: vid istider hResults from an investigation of relative sea-level changes from c. 11,000 cal. yr BP to the present in the Tasiusaq area, Inner Bredefjord, southwest Greenland, are presented in this thesis. Isolation sequences from two small lakes have been identified using stratigraphic analyses, XRF-scanning, loss on ignition and macrofossil analyses. Macrofossil and bulk samples have been dated in order to e

Experten inom den offentliga förvaltningen En studie av problem kring expertkunskap i Lunds kommun

Den här uppsatsen diskuterar expertproblematik inom organisationer. Olika kunskapsnivåer hos de anställda kan leda till att vissa inte har någon insyn i arbetet och en dålig uppfattning om var ansvaret finns. Samtidigt kan de som besitter en specialkunskap få ett för stort inflytande och utöva makt över andra inom organisationen. Vi har i den här uppsatsen undersökt hur problematiken ser ut i Lund

Ecclesia viva Ecclesia communitatis aut antiquary = En levande kyrka : Församlingens kyrka eller antikvariens?

There are about 3 500 churches protected under the Heritage Conservation Act in Sweden today. These churches still belong to living congregations that want to be able to adapt them to the needs of today, just like people have done throughout history. But since the churches are protected, the congregations have to apply for a permit and that is not always given. This can lead to frustration, and yo

Enbarnspolitik och saknade kvinnor : en fallstudie av rätten till liv i Indien

It is not unusual that women and children fall behind in development countries. It is not even unusual that these groups are exposed to all forms of discrimination due to the countries lack of capacity to erase poverty. We also know that women and children in a larger extent suffers from the shortage of proper health conditions. India is one of these countries. It is a country where women even bef

REACHing a Compromise. A Study on Inter- and Intra- Institutional Negotiations in the EU on the Chemical Regulation REACH

In the autumn of 2003 newspaper headlines declared that Environment Commissioner Margot Wallström had poison in her blood. After a blood test 28 hazardous chemicals were found, among these DDT that had been abandoned from the market since 1983. In this thesis the reader will find a case study on the EU's chemical Regulation REACH (Regulation, Evaluation, Authorisation of Chemicals). REACH has

Dödshjälp : en mänsklig rättighet?

Vi väljer inte att födas, men bör vi som en fundamental mänsklig rättighet kunna välja hur eller när vi ska dö om vi är ohjälpligt dödssjuka, kan den valmöjligheten bidra till ett bättre liv? Uppsatsen är komparativ med explorativ inriktning och pekar på många dilemman som är viktiga att reflektera över när det gäller frågan om aktiv eller läkarassisterad eutanasi bör tillåtas eller inte. För att

Dubbelklicka på Emil - en studie av arbetet med CD-romspel med litterära förebilder på några folkbiblioteks barnavdelningar

The technical evolution has a great influence on the public libraries. Electronic media becomes more and more common. This Master´s thesis is based upon the Swedish Library law 9§ (SFS 1996:1596) which says: Public- and school libraries should pay special attention to children and teenagers by offering books, information technology and other media, adapted to their needs, to encourage development

The Internationalisation of the Swedish Armed Forces

In this bachelors thesis I focus on the current change in the Swedish Armed Forces. The new international security context makes the Armed Forces´ old strategies inaccurate. New threats are replacing the old ones. Sweden no longer have a need for a grand defence against an invasion and the military has therefore changed towards an internationalised organisation, which is more and more integrated w

Eastern Dimension: The Relations with the Eastern Neighbours

This thesis sought to answer three questions: The empirical questions were: What has changed in the CFSP after the Eastern enlargement and why has the Eastern Dimension been initiated? The theoretical question was: Which theories provide an adequate explanation to my argument? After the enlargements in 2004 and 2007, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova became neighbours of the European Union (EU) and Rus

Citizenship Rights for the Third Country Nationals-European Citizenship or the Liberalization of European Citizenship Regimes

This thesis is an attempt to discuss the proposals to improve the statuses and rights of the legally resident third country nationals living in the European Union. As denizens, third country nationals have full civil and social rights but they do not have any political rights. This is believed to denote an anomaly, which can be corrected through the grant of political rights. However, political ri

Energy Security: Is Russia a secure source of energy for the EU?

There has been considerable scepticism in Europe over the reliability of Russia as a secure source of energy for the EU. Despite Russia and EU being economically interdependent with regard to energy and other trade, there is still concern over potential supply disruptions. What can be gathered from media and scholarly sources is that Russia is potentially an unreliable supplier yet it is currently

Social hållbarhet - En studie av begreppets innebörd i Malmö

Sustainable development is often pictured as containing of three interlinked dimensions- namely environmental, economic and social. ?Social sustainability? is a vague concept that is often thought of as highly context-dependent. This thesis sets out to investigate the meaning of ?social sustainability? in a given context. The context being that of the urban renewal project of Norra Sorgenfri in th

Chicago Area Project - ett exempel på hur deltagardemokrati kan genomföras?

There are lots of theories about participatory democracy, but rather few examples of how to create it in practice. In the 1930´s, scientists at the Chicago School, implemented some projects within the Chicago Area Project, with the aim to decrease the youth delinquency in the socio disadvantaged areas surrounding Chicago. In this thesis, I assess wether these projects, and in particular the one at