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Requirements Engineering with Use Cases - a Basis for Software Development

Successful development of software systems depends on the quality of the requirements engineering process. Use cases and scenarios are promising vehicles for eliciting, specifying and validating requirements. This thesis investigates the role of use case modelling in requirements engineering and its relation to system verification and validation. The thesis includes studies of concepts and represe

The mechanisms controlling heat and mass transfer on frying of beetburgers. I. The influence of the composition and comminution of meat raw material

Heat and mass transfer in minced meat patties (D = 100 mm, H = 10 mm) were studied during frying from the frozen state (-20 degreesC) to a Centre temperature of 72 degreesC in a double-sided pan fryer. The chemical composition of the meat raw material was varied to study the effect of the water, fat and connective tissue content and the water-protein ratio on the mass transfer (total loss. fat and

The matter of white matter in Alzheimer's disease. -On white matter disease from neuropathology and neuroimaging to clinical presentation.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hjärnan består av hjärnbarken, även kallad den grå substansen, och den underliggande vita substansen. Den grå substansen med alla nervceller svarar bland annat för våra kognitiva funktioner som gör var och en av oss till unika individer. Medvetande, minne, språk och tal liksom ilska och glädje är alla exempel på egenskaper och funktioner som styrs från den grå substanseAlzheimer's disease (AD) is the most prevalent type of dementing disorder. The cortical pathology of AD has been recognized for almost a century. In later years, an associated pathological feature of AD has been identified which affects the white matter. This white matter disease (WMD), defined in the microscope, consists of a subtotal tissue loss of the white matter structural components. WMD is

Inhibition of the rise in FFA by Acipimox partially prevents GH-induced insulin resistance in GH-deficient adults

To test the hypothesis that GH-induced insulin resistance is mediated by an increase in FFA levels we assessed insulin sensitivity after inhibiting the increase in FFA by a nicotine acid derivative, Acipimox, in nine GH-deficient adults receiving GH replacement therapy. The patients received in a double blind fashion either Acipimox (500 mg) or placebo before a 2-h euglycemic (plasma glucose, 5.5

Diverse roles of cell-specific hypoxia-inducible factor 1 in cancer-associated hypercoagulation.

Despite the increased risk of thrombosis in cancer patients compared with healthy individuals, mechanisms that regulate cancer-induced hypercoagulation are incompletely understood. The aim of this study was to investigate whether cell-specific hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) 1α regulates cancer-associated hypercoagulation, using in vitro clotting assays and in vivo cancer models. In mouse lung and

Optimizing the mapping of finger areas in primary somatosensory cortex using functional MRI.

Functional magnetic resonance imaging mapping of the finger somatotopy in the primary somatosensory cortex requires a reproducible and precise stimulation. The highly detailed functional architecture in this region of the brain also requires careful consideration in choice of spatial resolution and postprocessing parameters. The purpose of this study is therefore to investigate the impact of spati

Ultra Low Voltage Synthesizable Memories: A Trade-Off Discussion in 65nm CMOS

In this study, design considerations for ultra low voltage (ULV) standard-cell based memories (SCM) are presented. Trade-offs for area cost, leakage power, access time, and access energy are discussed and realized using different read logic styles, latch architecture designs, and process options. Furthermore, deployment of multiple threshold voltages (Vth) options in a single standard-cell/bitcell

Glacial geology and palaeo-ice dynamics of two ice-sheet margins, Taymyr Peninsula, Siberia and Jameson Land, East Greenland

Popular Abstract in Swedish Arktis utgör en viktig del i Jordens miljö och vad som händer där har stor påverkan på det globala klimatet, samtidigt som området är mycket känsligt för förändringar. Under kvartärtiden har stora isar flera gånger täckt Skandinavien, Ryssland, Sibirien och Nordamerika och täcker än idag stora delar av Grönland. Isarna har lämnat spår (landformer och sediment) efter sigThe North Taymyr ice-marginal zone (NTZ) on the Taymyr Peninsula, Arctic Siberia and the Ugleelv Valley on Jameson Land, East Greenland, have been investigated with the aim of reconstructing the glacial history, including depositional processes and environments. Geomorphological, sedimentological, stratigraphical and remote sensing methods have been combined to give a comprehensive view of develop

Role of N-linked glycans on bunyamwera virus glycoproteins in intracellular trafficking, protein folding, and virus infectivity.

The membrane glycoproteins (Gn and Gc) of Bunyamwera virus (BUN, family Bunyaviridae) contain three potential sites for the attachment of N-linked glycans: one site (N60) on Gn and two (N624 and N1169) on Gc. We determined that all three sites are glycosylated. Digestion of the glycoproteins with endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase H (endo H) or peptide:N-glycosidase F revealed that Gn and Gc differ

Mapping and cloning of FAD2 gene to develop allele-specific PCR for oleic acid in spring turnip rape (Brassica rapa ssp. oleifera)

The previously identified QTL for oleic acid content observed in an Fz population from the Brassica mpn ssp. oleifera cross Jo4002 x Jo4072 (a high-oleic-acid individual) was mapped more precisely by adding markers to the linkage group which harbours the locus. In addition, the fad2 gene, which is known to encode the 18:1 desaturase in Arabidopsis, was mapped in Brassica, too. The results are cons

Free nanoscale sodium clusters studied by core-level photoelectron spectroscopy

Free sodium metal clusters have been studied by probing the Na 2p core level using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Auger electron spectroscopy (AES). The development of electronic structure with size has been studied and discussed in comparison with the atom, dimer, and solid. Information on cluster metallic properties, size, and temperature has been deduced from the XPS measurements. F

A novel method for online analysis of gas and particle composition: description and evaluation of a Filter Inlet for Gases and AEROsols (FIGAERO)

We describe a novel inlet that allows measurement of both gas and particle molecular composition when coupled to mass spectrometric, chromatographic, or optical sensors: the Filter Inlet for Gases and AEROsols (FIGAERO). The design goals for the FIGAERO are to allow unperturbed observation of ambient air while simultaneously analyzing gases and collecting particulate matter on a Teflon® (hereafter

Discontinuous ventilation in the rhinoceros beetle Oryctes nasicornis. Direct and indirect calorimetry

Discontinuous gas exchange cycles (DGCs) are frequently observed with insects, i.e. oxygen take up and carbon dioxide release occur interrupted by periods of a few minutes up to many hours. The paper presents direct and indirect calorimetric experiments on DGCs of the scarabid rhinoceros beetle Oryctes nasicornis. A direct/indirect calorimetric experiment is presented. Total and specific heat prod