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Differences between Rural and Urban Practices in the Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic : Outcomes from the PRICOV-19 Study in 38 Countries

This paper explores the differences between rural and urban practices in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, emphasizing aspects such as management of patient flow, infection prevention and control, information processing, communication and collaboration. Using a cross-sectional design, data were collected through the online PRICOV-19 questionnaire sent to general practices in 38 countries. Rur

Bosättningen : Muslimska brödraskapets organisation och vision i Sverige

År 2018 kom Sameh Egyptsons uppmärksammade bok, "Holy White Lies -The Muslim Brotherhood in the West - Case Sweden", ut på arabiska och engelska. Första delen av översättningen heter Erövringen (2020) och handlar om hur Muslimska Brödraskapet, MB framställer sig som ett religiöst samfund samtidigt som de försöker ta sig in i partier och erövra positioner på den svenska politiska arenan. Andra dele

CLIMBra - Climate Change Dataset for Brazil

General Circulation and Earth System Models are the most advanced tools for investigating climate responses to future scenarios of greenhouse gas emissions, playing the role of projecting the climate throughout the century. Nevertheless, climate projections are model-dependent and may show systematic biases, requiring a bias correction for any further application. Here, we provide a dataset based

AI-Driven Drug Response Prediction for Personalized Cancer Medicine

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been used to develop drug sensitivity prediction models, raising the opportunity of using it for personalized cancer medicine. This chapter describes recent advancements in drug response prediction methods using machine learning algorithms. Pharmacogenomic datasets come with different types of biological data including genetic mutations, gene expression, copy numbe

Making waves : A vision for digital water utilities

Digitalisation has developed over half a century and is one of the global trends defining society of today and future. Digitalisation is envisioned to help water utilities to become: i) community orientated and digitally integrated with customers and society; ii) digitally transformed end-to-end throughout the value-chain and interconnected between business units; iii) predictive & proactive,

A thermo-electro-mechanically coupled cohesive zone formulation for predicting interfacial damage

Material interfaces can occur at different material length scales. Understanding the properties and the behaviour of interfaces is of utmost importance because interfaces can significantly influence the effective constitutive response of the material under consideration. Based on the fundamentals of electro-mechanically coupled cohesive zone formulations for electrical conductors and on the associ

MafB-dependent neurotransmitter signaling promotes β cell migration in the developing pancreas

Hormone secretion from pancreatic islets is essential for glucose homeostasis and loss or dysfunction of islet cells is a hallmark of type 2 diabetes. Maf transcription factors are critical for establishing and maintaining adult endocrine cell function. However, during pancreas development, MafB is not only expressed in insulin- and glucagon-producing cells, but also Neurog3+ endocrine progenitor

Assessing the decennial, reassessing the global : Understanding European Union normative power in global politics

This concluding article assesses the past decade of international scholarship on the European Union (EU) and normative power as represented by the contributions to the special issue. It argues that the normative power approach (NPA) makes it possible to explain, understand and judge the EU in global politics by rethinking the nature of power and actorness in a globalizing, multilateralizing and mu

Comparing α-Synuclein Fibrils Formed in the Absence and Presence of a Model Lipid Membrane : A Small and Wide-Angle X-Ray Scattering Study

Amyloid fibrils are associated with a number of different neurodegenerative diseases. Detailed knowledge of the fibril structure will be of importance in the search of therapy and may guide experiments to understand amyloid formation. In this paper we investigate the morphology of α-synuclein amyloid fibrils, associated with Parkinson’s disease, formed under different conditions. In particular, we

Value Relations sans Evaluative Grounds

I argue that there can be value relations without individual values to support them. The fact that an item is better than another item does not have to be explained by reference to the values of the individual items. Instead, value relations can be grounded directly and exhaustively in descriptive facts about their relata. I show that my suggestion fits well with plausible perspectives on the natu

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Abstract in DanishMan har ikke kunne undgå at høre om the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), One Belt, One Road, eller Den Nye Silkevej, som et af Xi Jinpings og Kinas vigtigste projekter bliver kaldt.Sammen med Tabita Rosendahl, Sinolog og PhD-studerende ved Lund Universitet, der forsker i netop BRI, dykker vi ned i Kinas Belt and Road Initiative.Hør om baggrunden for BRi, hvorfor det er vigtigt for

Ecological traits interact with landscape context to determine bees' pesticide risk

Widespread contamination of ecosystems with pesticides threatens non-target organisms. However, the extent to which life-history traits affect pesticide exposure and resulting risk in different landscape contexts remains poorly understood. We address this for bees across an agricultural land-use gradient based on pesticide assays of pollen and nectar collected by Apis mellifera, Bombus terrestris

The Baptism of an Indian Juggler : Event and Narrative in the Swedish Press, 1827–1852

In 1827, an Indian juggler named Mooty Madua Samme converted to Christianity in Stockholm, Sweden. This historical event got much attention in the press at the time – as did his succeeding marriage to a Swedish woman named Erica – and was celebrated as a victory for the Evangelical Lutheran faith. Later, in the 1840s, a narrative depicting the event spread via a travelogue by Xavier Marmier, which

The EffecTs of Amlodipine and other Blood PREssure Lowering Agents on Microvascular FuncTion in Small Vessel Diseases (TREAT-SVDs) trial : Study protocol for a randomised crossover trial

Background: Hypertension is the leading modifiable risk factor for cerebral small vessel diseases (SVDs). Yet, it is unknown whether antihypertensive drug classes differentially affect microvascular function in SVDs. Aims: To test whether amlodipine has a beneficial effect on microvascular function when compared to either losartan or atenolol, and whether losartan has a beneficial effect when comp