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Your search for "*" yielded 533482 hits

Hallmarks and potential pitfalls of customer- and consumer engagement scales : A systematic review

Multiple scales measuring a customer's, or consumer's, engagement (CE) with a brand or specific brand elements (e.g., advertising/social media content) have been proposed in the literature, offering researchers different options to gauge CE. However, the myriad proposed operationalizations can yield confusion among scholars regarding how to best capture CE, exposing a growing issue for CE research

Cryogenic Characteristics of InGaAs MOSFET

We present an investigation of the temperature dependence of the current characteristic of a long-channel InGaAs quantum well MOSFET. A model is developed, which includes the effects of band tail states, electron concentration-dependent mobility, and interface trap density to accurately explain the measured data over all modes of operation. The increased effect of remote impurity scattering i

Symptom Management and Support in Dying Patients with Cancer and Coronavirus Disease-19—A Register-Based Study

Objective: Little is known to what extent access to specialist palliative care (SPC) for cancer patients dying with coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) affects the occurrence of breakthrough symptoms, symptom relief, and overall care, compared to hospital deaths. Our aim was to include patients with both COVID-19 and cancer and compare those dying in hospitals with those dying in SPC with referenc

Association between neighborhood deprivation and mortality in patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder—A nationwide follow-up study

Objectives: The aim was to explore the association between neighborhood deprivation and all-cause mortality and cause-specific mortalities in patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. A better understanding of this potential relationship may help to identify patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder with an increased mortality risk. Methods: This nationwide study included practicall

Development of machine learning models to predict posterior capsule rupture based on the EUREQUO registry

Purpose: To evaluate the performance of different probabilistic classifiers to predict posterior capsule rupture (PCR) prior to cataract surgery. Methods: Three probabilistic classifiers were constructed to estimate the probability of PCR: a Bayesian network (BN), logistic regression (LR) model, and multi-layer perceptron (MLP) network. The classifiers were trained on a sample of 2 853 376 surgeri

Utvärdering av CPT-resultat i anrikningssand

I samband med gruvbrytning uppkommer restprodukten anrikningssand, som är ett finkornigt material. För att skydda omkringliggande miljö läggs anrikningssanden i gruvdammar. Beroende på vilken konstruktionsmetod som används blir anrikningssanden mer eller mindre en del av själva konstruktionen. Detta innebär att anrikningssandens egenskaper behöver utvärderas så att anrikningssanden kan ha den last

Epidemiology of First and Recurrent Ischemic Stroke in Sweden 2010-2019 : A Riksstroke Study

Introduction: Ischemic stroke incidence appears to have decreased during the last decades, but most studies focus on the first-ever events and epidemiological data on recurrent stroke are scarce. The aim of our study was to investigate trends in incidence, risk factors, and medication in patients with first-ever and recurrent ischemic stroke between 2010 and 2019 in Sweden. Methods: We included pa

Associations of age, BMI, and renal function to cortisol after dexamethasone suppression in patients with adrenal incidentalomas

Introduction: The specificity of cortisol after 1 mg dexamethasone (cortisolDST) ≥50 nmol/L as a criterion for mild autonomous cortisol secretion (MACS) is approximately 85% in patients with adrenal incidentalomas (AI). The aim was to study the associations of cortisolDST to age, BMI, and renal function. Methods: We studied 1,129 patients with AI examined from 2005 to 2015 at Skåne University Hosp

Jim Rousk mot Sverige

Podcast "Öppet fall" från Lunds universitet, Juridiska fakulteten: En missad deklaration leder till att IT-företagaren Jim Rousk förlorar sitt hem. Kronofogden säljer hans hus, magasinerar möblerna, och placerar hans katt på kattpensionat. Rousk försöker överklaga men får svaret att alla lagar har följts. Då stämmer han Sverige inför Europadomstolen för mänskliga rättigheter.

Construction and validation of a questionnaire to study engagement in informal second language learning

This article reports on the development and validation of the Informal Second Language Engagement questionnaire (ISLE) for capturing various aspects of learner engagement with informal second language practices. Whereas other questionnaires have primarily focused on learner behavior (the frequency, quantity, and diversity of informal activities in which learners engage), the ISLE additionally targ

CFD modeling of biomass combustion and gasification in fluidized bed reactors

Biomass is an environmentally friendly renewable energy source and carbon-neutral fuel alternative. Direct combustion/gasification of biomass in the dense particle-fluid system is an important pathway to biomass energy utilization. To efficiently utilize biomass for energy conversion, a full understanding of biomass thermal conversion in lab/industrial-scale equipment is essential. This thesis aim

Are Exercise Therapy Protocols For The Treatment of Hip-Related Pain Adequately Described? A Systematic Review of Intervention Descriptions

Hip-related pain is an umbrella term encompassing pain from non-arthritic hip joint pathologies, such as femoroacetabular impingement syndrome, hip dysplasia, and labral tears. Exercise therapy is commonly recommended for these conditions, but the reporting completeness of these interventions is currently unclear. Purpose The aim of this systematic review was to assess the reporting completeness o

Ethnicising activation as a standard story in a Swedish municipal labour market programme

In Sweden, Denmark and Norway, activation policies are used to speed up refugee’s entry into the labour market. Previous research on activation policy documents has shown that refugees are ethnicised in the framing, development, and design of activation, but research on activation practices are lacking on how activation practices targeting refugees are organized and conducted, and why that is. Thi

Blooms also like it cold

Cyanobacterial blooms have substantial direct and indirect negative impacts on freshwater ecosystems including releasing toxins, blocking light needed by other organisms, and depleting oxygen. There is growing concern over the potential for climate change to promote cyanobacterial blooms, as the positive effects of increasing lake surface temperature on cyanobacterial growth are well documented in