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CFD modeling of biomass combustion and gasification in fluidized bed reactors

Biomass is an environmentally friendly renewable energy source and carbon-neutral fuel alternative. Direct combustion/gasification of biomass in the dense particle-fluid system is an important pathway to biomass energy utilization. To efficiently utilize biomass for energy conversion, a full understanding of biomass thermal conversion in lab/industrial-scale equipment is essential. This thesis aim

Are Exercise Therapy Protocols For The Treatment of Hip-Related Pain Adequately Described? A Systematic Review of Intervention Descriptions

Hip-related pain is an umbrella term encompassing pain from non-arthritic hip joint pathologies, such as femoroacetabular impingement syndrome, hip dysplasia, and labral tears. Exercise therapy is commonly recommended for these conditions, but the reporting completeness of these interventions is currently unclear. Purpose The aim of this systematic review was to assess the reporting completeness o

Ethnicising activation as a standard story in a Swedish municipal labour market programme

In Sweden, Denmark and Norway, activation policies are used to speed up refugee’s entry into the labour market. Previous research on activation policy documents has shown that refugees are ethnicised in the framing, development, and design of activation, but research on activation practices are lacking on how activation practices targeting refugees are organized and conducted, and why that is. Thi

Blooms also like it cold

Cyanobacterial blooms have substantial direct and indirect negative impacts on freshwater ecosystems including releasing toxins, blocking light needed by other organisms, and depleting oxygen. There is growing concern over the potential for climate change to promote cyanobacterial blooms, as the positive effects of increasing lake surface temperature on cyanobacterial growth are well documented in

Using Eye tracking technology to study digital writing processes.

This chapter presents an overview of eye tracking combined with tools for capturing digital writing (foremost keystroke logging). This includes a general rationale of why eye tracking is relevant for research on writing processes, how the technique works, and pros and cons of different eye trackers and methodological designs. The chapter describes previous L1 and L2 writing studies which have used

Using keystroke logging for studying L2 writing processes

This chapter presents an overview of keystroke logging. The chapter includes a general rationale for why and when the method is appropriate, how the technique works, and pros and cons with different methodological combinations of keystroke logging. Further, the chapter briefly outlines some previous L2 writing keystroke logging studies to illustrate the type of questions that can be addressed by t

A cloud-based resource for genome coordinate-based exploration and large-scale analysis of chromosome aberrations and gene fusions in cancer

Cytogenetic analysis provides important information on the genetic mechanisms of cancer. The Mitelman Database of Chromosome Aberrations and Gene Fusions in Cancer (Mitelman DB) is the largest catalog of acquired chromosome aberrations, presently comprising >70 000 cases across multiple cancer types. Although this resource has enabled the identification of chromosome abnormalities leading to speci

Dränerade våtmarker och deras växthusgasutsläpp - En kartläggning av organogena jordar i Kristianstad kommun

Torrlagda våtmarker släpper ut mer växthusgaser än alla personbilar i Kristianstad kommun. Mer än 70 procent av utsläppen kan undvikas genom att marken läggs under vatten igen. Det visar resultaten från denna studie som har kartlagt dränerade våtmarker i kommunen. Men det finns tydliga intressekonflikter då merparten av utsläppen kommer från jordbruksmark. På nationell nivå är det likadant: uEmissions from drained organic soils is a big contributor to global warming and corresponds to 5% of global and 25% of Sweden’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This study uses a GIS-analysis to map the organic soils in Kristianstad municipality in Sweden and what land use occurs on these soils. The purpose of the study is to provide the municipality with information when investigating the possibi

Cardiac Asystole at Birth Re-Visited : Effects of Acute Hypovolemic Shock

Births involving shoulder dystocia or tight nuchal cords can deteriorate rapidly. The fetus may have had a reassuring tracing just before birth yet may be born without any heartbeat (asystole). Since the publication of our first article on cardiac asystole with two cases, five similar cases have been published. We suggest that these infants shift blood to the placenta due to the tight squeeze of t

Stenens hus

Hunnebostrand var under 1900-talet ett av Sveriges främsta stenhuggerisamhällen. Här höggs och bearbetades stenen för att sedan fraktas till platser över hela världen. På 70-talet lades stenhuggeriverksamheten i Hunnebostrand ner, men spåren efter industrin lever kvar i samhället än idag. En viktig plats i Hunnebostrand under stenhuggeriepoken var Udden. Här höggs sten från Norra Högeberg och plaThis project examines the potential design of a visitor center named ”Stenens Hus” in Hunnebostrand, Sweden. The village was a prominent stone quarrying community in the 20th century, and the quarrying industry left its mark on the town even after it was shut down in the 1970s. One important place in Hunnebostrand during this era was Udden, where stone from Norra Högeberg was quarried. The site