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Multi-camera system for close-up supervision in test-fixtures using openCV and optics

Företaget mikrodust AB producerar så kallade test-fixturer. Test-fixturen är en apparat som används för att testa elektriska kretsar och produkter i produktion. Genom att strömsätta produkterna som testas i fixturen så kan det verifieras att produkter som ska till försäljning fungerar som avsett. I test-fixturen används kameror på två olika sätt. Dels används de för övervakning av produkterna soThe test-fixture is a device used for testing of electronic circuits in production, that is produced by the Lund based company mikrodust AB. In the test-fixture, cameras are both used for supervision of products-in-testing and in the products themselves. This poses a challenge due to the compact size of the test-fixture and the number of mechanical elements. This thesis aims to investigate how c

The Power of Trust: A comparative analysis on the impact of political trust on excess mortality in Sweden and Norway during the covid-19 pandemic

The covid-19 pandemic has left an irreversible impact of an immense magnitude on the world. Over six million people have died after contracting the virus, and millions more are grieving and living with the aftermath of a loss of a family member. In Europe, countries have chosen different ways to tackle and curb the spread of the virus with varying degree of success, In order to save lives, complia

Design, Analysis and Performance Evaluation of Indirect Solar Dryer

Food production is a critical component of global livelihoods and economic revenue. However, storing harvested food presents challenges in minimizing post-harvest losses. Among various methods, food drying has emerged as a popular technique for preserving food during off-seasons. The Solar Food project aims to design an affordable solar-powered food dryer that enhances the drying process and main

Evaluating the impact of agriculture on albedo using Sentinel-2 data in southern Sweden

The climate impact of food production plays a big part in the anthropogenic climate impact. Mitigation strategies from this sector are hence of great importance. One area which mainly has been used to calculate climate impact is albedo, the overall reflectance of incoming radiation in all directions. Albedo has been measured for a long time and is vital when calculating the energy balance of an a

Effects of the DICE Method to Improve Timely Recognition and Treatment of Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in Early Alzheimer's Disease at the Memory Clinic : The BEAT-IT Study

Background: Neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPS) are highly prevalent in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and are associated with negative outcomes. However, NPS are currently underrecognized at the memory clinic and non-pharmacological interventions are scarcely implemented. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of the Describe, Investigate, Create, Evaluate (DICE) method™ to improve the care for NPS in AD

Training on sustainable daylighting: the NLITED project

NLITED - New Level of Integrated Techniques for Daylighting Education is a European project bridging a daylight design education gap. The paper describes the framework of the project, which consists of a free online e-platform with 32 modules dedicated to daylight knowledge within the built environment used by almost 800 learners (students and professionals). Two 7-day summer schools support the e

Jämför villors primärenergital och specifik energianvändning

Syftet med arbetet var att studera hur kommuner följer upp BBR:s krav på energiberäkningar, verifieringar och hur de säkerställer att byggnader är energieffektiva och fuktsäkra. För att kunna ta reda på det begärdes bygghandlingar ut och intervjuer genomfördes med byggnadsinspektörer. Totalt 25 stycken energiberäkningar på villor begärdes ut för att kunna jämföra om alla byggnader uppfyller kravenThe purpose of the work was to study how villas satisfied BBR's requirements for energy calculations, verifications and how to ensure that buildings are energy efficient and moisture-proof. In order to find out this, construction documents and interviews with building inspectors were requested. In total 25 energy calculations on villas were requested in order to be able to compare whether all

Transatlantic multicenter study on the use of a modified preloaded delivery system for fenestrated endovascular aortic repair

Objective: Analyze the outcomes of endovascular complex abdominal and thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm repair using the Cook fenestrated device with the modified preloaded delivery system (MPDS) with a biport handle and preloaded catheters. Methods: A multicenter retrospective single arm cohort study was performed, including all consecutive patients with complex abdominal aortic aneurysm repair an

User behaviour in public squares after dark

This research concerns the influence of electric lighting on user behaviour in public squares and whether differences in people’s use of the square can be observed between daylight and darkness. Previous research on pedestrians suggests that lighting can support human needs for reassurance, accessibility, comfort and pleasure. While these findings are also likely to be applicable to the use of pub

Bifurcations in adaptive vascular networks : Toward model calibration

Transport networks are crucial for the functioning of natural and technological systems. We study a mathematical model of vascular network adaptation, where the network structure dynamically adjusts to changes in blood flow and pressure. The model is based on local feedback mechanisms that occur on different time scales in the mammalian vasculature. The cost exponent γ tunes the vessel growth in t

Barriers to better bicycle parking for promoting intermodal journeys : An inter-organisational collaboration perspective

Organisational structures in the transport sector are often complex and fragmented, with different authorities responsible for different stages of a traveller’s journey. In such circumstances, collaboration across organisationalboundaries is required to facilitate intermodal journeys. This paper aims to provide empirically grounded insights into collaboration in transport planning, extending the l

The value building : a conceptual model of circular business models in the building context

Background and aim – Circular Economy (CE) aims to reduce consumption by retaining value in the system. While several hierarchical frameworks exist for value retention in general CE, the building context is still missing an established hierarchy. This viewpoint paper outlines a hierarchy of circular business models in the building context. Methods / Methodology – This viewpoint paper builds on exi