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Tillämpningen av principalansvaret

Det svenska principalansvaret fick sin nuvarande utformning då Skadeståndslagen infördes år 1972. Reglerna (SkL 3:1, 4:1 och 6:5) om principalansvar var en följd av den utveckling som skett både i Sverige och i andra länder. Denna rättsutveckling gick ut på att betrakta arbetsgivaren och arbetstagaren som en enhet och inte som skilda åt vilket man tidigare gjort. I och med denna ändring var det mö

Sverige och Tjeckien på väg mot den gemensamma arbetsmarknadspolitiken : en komparativ studie

The purpose of this paper was to describe and analyze the European labor market policy and its implementation in two countries, i.e. Sweden and the Czech republic. The central questions were: Why was a European labor market policy formed? What are the main strategies of the policy for increasing the degree of occupation? How do people work in Sweden and the Czech Republic so that the EUs demands a

Mångkulturalism och gruppspecifika rättigheter - En analys av den svenska politiska debatten kring religiös slakt, slöja och turban samt religiösa och etniska friskolor

Since the new integration policy from 1975 Swedish politics has been characterized as a multicultural society among scholars and others both in Sweden and abroad. The purpose of this thesis was to study the political debate around three minority practices (the Jewish and Muslim method of slaughtering animals, the veil and the turban, and religious and ethnic schools) to find out if the policy of t

To educate democratic citizens: An overview of the current research situation about democracy & education, with focus on student influence.

I have in this essay looked at the current (2008) research situation in Sweden on education and democracy, with focus on student influence. My aim is to make a brief overview of the research done about democratic education with focus on student influence. The essay begins with a short introduction and background before discussing the primary methods used by the researchers; these include questionn

The Global Struggle over Genetic Resources

ABS is the third objective of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the acronym for access to genetic resources and benefit-sharing, the legal-technical term designating the practice of collecting biological resources from nature. Rhetorically this practice is either designated as bio-prospecting or as biopiracy. The current regulation of ABS is found in Article 15 of the CBD. The imple

Ererba-en tragisk händelse i Taiwan den 28 februari 1947

?Genom sitt agerande har den förre guvernören Chen Yis administration fjärmat folket från centralregeringen. Många av den inhemska befolkningen kände att situationen under det japanska autokratiska styret var att föredra. Centralregeringen missade ett tillfälle att visa det kinesiska folket och resten av världen att även de skulle kunna erbjuda en ärlig och effektiv administration.De kan inte sky

Mindre från IKEA och mer från Myrorna. Varför utslussning från institution - varför inte inslussning till samhället?

The transition from care to independent living is a critical period in the lives of young people leaving residential care. The purpose of this study was to find out what young people leaving residential care need for a successful re-adaptation to society. Another purpose was to find out from research the essential factors for good outcomes to last after residential care. In order to find out I con

Strategies for Diagnosing Deep Vein Thrombosis -a Cost Effectiveness Analysis

Economic evaluations are used in the health care sector to help decision makers allocate resources. The objective of this study is to evaluate the cost effectiveness of a new diagnostic algorithm of deep vein thrombosis. Patients with suspected deep vein thrombosis are common at emergency departments, although few actually have the disease. The new diagnostic algorithm combines a pre-test probabil

Aktielån - en studie av prisförändring, effektivitet och volatilitet

Media framställer blankning som ett fenomen som används av spekulanter och driver ner aktiekurser och skadar marknaden vilket implicerar ett negativ samband. Är det så att aktielån har en påverkan på börskurserna eller är det bara enkelt att peka ut den som syndabock i dåliga tider? Studiens huvudsyfte är att undersöka om det finns ett signifikant statistiskt samband mellan historiska aktielån och

Barn till psykiskt störda föräldrar: en studie med deltagare från Samverkansprojektet i Malmö

Our main purpose was to enlighten the importance for the "samverkans-" project for the children of parents with a psychological disorder. The purpose of our empirical study was to examine if this project supports and give benefit to the children, a threatened group. Our questions were: How does the reality appear for a child of parents with a psychological disorder from a professional po

På väg mot frihet - unga kvinnors tankar om sig själva, livet och framtiden

The purpose of this essay was to examine and shed light on how girls in their late teens look upon themselves, their present situation and their future. The aim was also to show how they through different experiences have shaped and developed their identity. ¨ What is the girls point of view according to general ideals and norms directed to women, and what do they think about different characters,

Vilken roll spelar könet? - En studie i hur genus förmedlas i en handfull ungdomsböcker

The purpose of this paper was to study how gender is represented and passed on in a small number of juvenile books. I wanted to find out what parts girls and boys play in the stories, in what circumstances they figure and which problems they are ascribed. I chose six popular books for the youth, and studied them meticulously. The study is qualitative and I asked the text questions just like you wo

Personligt ombud i Kristianstad: "barfota-advokat" för psykiskt funktionshindrades rätt i samhället

The aim of this essay has been to study the work of personal agents in Kristianstad. Personal agents was initiated by National Government with the purpose to recognize the needs of mentally disabled, and through a function as coordinaters give a better support to these clients. The main questions in this study are focused on the personal agents experience of their work, and how clients and their i