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Your search for "*" yielded 532593 hits

Inferring the ecology of willow warblers during their winter moult by sequential stable isotope analyses of remiges

We present a comparison of feather stable isotope (C-13, N-15) patterns representing the habitat and diet conditions for two subspecies of willow warblers Phylloscopus trochilus that breed in parapatry, but winter in different regions of sub-Saharan Africa. Previous analyses have shown that on average winter moulted innermost primaries (P1) show subspecific differences in N-15 values, although ind

Analyzing structural stratification in the Swedish higher education system: Data contextualization with policy-history analysis

20th century massification of higher education and research in academia is said to have produced structurally stratified higher education systems in many countries. Most manifestly, the research mission of universities appears to be divisive. Authors have claimed that the Swedish system, while formally unified, has developed into a binary state, and statistics seem to support this conclusion. This

Wavelength measurement of n = 3 to n = 3 transitions in highly charged tungsten ions

3s1/2-3p3/2 and 3p1/2-3d3/2 transitions have been studied in potassiumlike W55+ through neonlike W64+ ions at the electron-beam ion trap facility in Livermore. The wavelengths of the lines have been measured in high resolution relative to well known reference lines from oxygen and nitrogen ions. Using the high-energy SuperEBIT electron-beam ion trap and an R = 44.3 m grazing-incidence soft-x-ray s

Dietary Fat Intake and Development of Specific Breast Cancer Subtypes.

We prospectively evaluated fat intake as predictor of developing breast cancer (BC) subtypes defined by estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), and human epidermal growth factor 2 receptor (HER2), in a large (n = 337327) heterogeneous cohort of women, with 10062 BC case patients after 11.5 years, estimating BC hazard ratios (HRs) by Cox proportional hazard modeling. High total and satu

Exercise and Sport for Persons With Spinal Cord Injury

This review article provides an overview of the evidence that links exercise and sports participation to physical and psychological well-being among people with spinal cord injury. Two aspects of physical well-being are examined, including the prevention of chronic disease and the promotion of physical fitness. Multiple aspect's of psychosocial well-being are discussed, including mental health, so

Label-free protein quantification in freshly ejaculated versus post-mating spermatophores of the noble crayfish Astacus astacus.

Crayfish spermatophores are deposited on the body surface of the female during mating and remain there for a period of time before fertilization ensues. Post-mating changes in protein expression level in the noble crayfish Astacus astacus spermatophore were quantified. In-gel digestion and high resolution mass spectrometry were used for label-free protein quantification. One hundred twelve protein

Living in transition - experiences of health and well-being and the needs of adolescents with cerebral palsy.

Transition to adulthood for adolescents in general is a multifaceted process, and for adolescents with cerebral palsy (CP) it also involves transition from child- to adult-oriented support. CP entails a variety and combination of disabilities, which in association with external factors may make the transition to adult health services difficult. The aim of this study was to gain a deeper understand

Quantification of left and right ventricular kinetic energy using four-dimensional intracardiac magnetic resonance imaging flow measurements

Carlsson M, Heiberg E, Toger J, Arheden H. Quantification of left and right ventricular kinetic energy using four-dimensional intracardiac magnetic resonance imaging flow measurements. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 302: H893-H900, 2012. First published December 16, 2011; doi: 10.1152/ajpheart. 00942.2011.-We aimed to quantify kinetic energy (KE) during the entire cardiac cycle of the left ventri

Using models to guide field experiments : a priori predictions for the CO2 response of a nutrient- and water-limited native Eucalypt woodland

The response of terrestrial ecosystems to rising atmospheric CO2 concentration (Ca), particularly under nutrient-limited conditions, is a major uncertainty in Earth System models. The Eucalyptus Free-Air CO2 Enrichment (EucFACE) experiment, recently established in a nutrient- and water-limited woodland presents a unique opportunity to address this uncertainty, but can best do so if key model uncer

Short-term adaptation improves the fermentation performance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in the presence of acetic acid at low pH.

The release of acetic acid due to deacetylation of the hemicellulose fraction during the treatment of lignocellulosic biomass contributes to the inhibitory character of the generated hydrolysates. In the present study, we identified a strain-independent adaptation protocol consisting of pre-cultivating the strain at pH 5.0 in the presence of at least 4 g L(-1) acetic acid that enabled aerobic grow

OARSI/OMERACT Initiative to Define States of Severity and Indication for Joint Replacement in Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis. An OMERACT 10 Special Interest Group

Objective. To define pain and physical function cutpoints that would, coupled with structural severity, define a surrogate measure of "need for joint replacement surgery," for use as an outcome measure for potential structure-modifying interventions for osteoarthritis (OA). Methods. New scores were developed for pain and physical function in knee and hip OA. A cross-sectional international study i

Twelve-Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Genetic Risk Score Identifies Individuals at Increased Risk for Future Atrial Fibrillation and Stroke.

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is prevalent and there is a clinical need for biomarkers to identify individuals at higher risk for AF. Fixed throughout a life course and assayable early in life, genetic biomarkers may meet this need. Here, we investigate whether multiple single nucleotide polymorphisms together as an AF genetic risk score (AF-GRS) can improve prediction of one's risk for AF.

Social accountability of medical education: Aspects on global accreditation.

Medical doctors constitute a profession which embraces trust from and accountability to society. This responsibility extends to all medical educational institutions. Social accountability of medical education means a willingness and ability to adjust to the needs of patients and health care systems both nationally and globally. But it also implies a responsibility to contribute to the development

Glucose tolerance and beta-cell function in islet autoantibody-positive children recruited to a secondary prevention study.

AIMS: Children with type 1 diabetes (T1D) risk and islet autoantibodies are recruited to a secondary prevention study. The aims were to determine metabolic control in relation to human leukocyte antigen (HLA) genetic risk and islet autoantibodies in prepubertal children. METHODS: In 47 healthy children with GADA and at least one additional islet autoantibody, intravenous glucose tolerance test (Iv

Short communication: Lactic acid bacteria from the honeybee inhibit the in vitro growth of mastitis pathogens.

Despite the increasing knowledge of prevention and control strategies, bovine mastitis remains one of the most challenging diseases in the dairy industry. This study investigated the antimicrobial activity of 13 species of lactic acid bacteria (LAB), previously isolated from the honey crop of the honeybee, on several mastitis pathogens. The viable LAB were first reintroduced into a sterilized heat

Nucleic acid and protein extraction from electropermeabilized E. coli cells on a microfluidic chip.

Due to the extensive use of nucleic acid and protein analysis of bacterial samples, there is a need for simple and rapid extraction protocols for both plasmid DNA and RNA molecules as well as reporter proteins like the green fluorescent protein (GFP). In this report, an electropermeability technique has been developed which is based on exposing E. coli cells to low voltages to allow extraction of

Attosecond Control in Photoionization of Hydrogen Molecules

We report experiments where hydrogen molecules were dissociatively ionized by an attosecond pulse train in the presence of a near-infrared field. Fragment ion yields from distinguishable ionization channels oscillate with a period that is half the optical cycle of the IR field. For molecules aligned parallel to the laser polarization axis, the oscillations are reproduced in two-electron quantum si

Dioxygenase from Aspergillus fumigatus MC8: molecular modelling and in silico studies on enzyme-substrate interactions

Flavoenzymes have been extensively studied for their structural and mechanistic properties because they find potential application as industrial biocatalysts. They are attractive for biocatalysis because of the selectivity, controllability and efficiency of their reactions. Some of these enzymes catalyse the oxidative modification of protein substrates. Among them oxygenases (monoxoygenases and di