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Dijet production in √s=7 TeV pp collisions with large rapidity gaps at the ATLAS experiment

A 6.8 nb−1 sample of pp collision data collected under low-luminosity conditions at s=7TeV by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider is used to study diffractive dijet production. Events containing at least two jets with pT>20GeV are selected and analysed in terms of variables which discriminate between diffractive and non-diffractive processes. Cross sections are measured differentially

Landscape configuration affects herbivore–parasitoid communities in oilseed rape

It is crucial to consider the effects of large-scale drivers on species presences and ecological interactions to understand what structures communities. In our study, we investigated how the species composition and the potential interaction networks of herbivore and parasitoid communities in oilseed rape fields are affected by agricultural landscape characteristics. Insect communities of 26 winter

TomoBank : A tomographic data repository for computational x-ray science

There is a widening gap between the fast advancement of computational methods for tomographic reconstruction and their successful implementation in production software at various synchrotron facilities. This is due in part to the lack of readily available instrument datasets and phantoms representative of real materials for validation and comparison of new numerical methods. Recent advancements in

Mobile Application for Naturalistic Walking/Cycling Data Collection

Two smartphone applications were developed with the aim of harvesting insights of vulnerable road user accidents. The apps require a backend database with software tools for generating and managing questionnaires, etc. Such a system was developed using a MySQL database where a user-friendly platform has been developed in CakePHP. The backend system has been successfully developed and been used to

Measurement of τ polarisation in Z/ γ∗→ ττ decays in proton–proton collisions at √s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector

This paper presents a measurement of the polarisation of τ leptons produced in Z/ γ∗→ ττ decays which is performed with a dataset of proton—proton collisions at s=8 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 20.2 fb- 1 recorded with the ATLAS detector at the LHC in 2012. The Z/ γ∗→ ττ decays are reconstructed from a hadronically decaying τ lepton with a single charged particle in the final

A Nested Case–Control Study on the Risk of Surgical Site Infection After Thyroid Surgery

Introduction: It is unclear if antibiotic prophylaxis reduces the risk of surgical site infection (SSI) in thyroid surgery. This study assessed risk factors for SSI and antibiotic prophylaxis in subgroups of patients. Method and design: A nested case–control study on patients registered in the Swedish National Register for Endocrine Surgery was performed. Patients with SSI were matched 1:1 by age

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Syftet med projektet var att kartlägga drifts- och underhållsförhållanden som påverkar huruvida man går och cyklar, hur mycket man går och cyklar och skaderisken färdmedelsvalet innebär. Rapporten bygger på en litteraturöversikt baserat på publikationer sökta i den svenska nationella bibliotekskatalogen TRANSGUIDE och i den ämnesövergripande databasen Web of Science. Det genomfördes även intervjue

Recovery of Hemicelluloses Extracted from Spruce and Wheat Bran : Membrane Filtration Process Development and Cost Estimates

Hemicelluloses are a group of abundant polymers found in all plants and constitute about one third of the total plant biomass. These polymers can be used in many different products, such as oxygen barrier films, emulsifiers, foams and probiotic food additives. However, the commercial development and use of new products utilizing hemicelluloses has been limited due to the high production cost. Incr

Global socio-technical regimes

This paper addresses the question why socio-technical transitions follow similar trajectories in various parts of the world, even though the relevant material preconditions and institutional contexts vary greatly between different regions and countries. It takes a critical stance on the implicit methodological nationalism in transition studies' socio-technical regime concept and proposes an altern

Spectacle use after routine cataract surgery and vision-related activity limitation

Purpose: To explore the relationship between acquisition of new spectacles after routine cataract surgery and vision-related activity limitation (VRAL) postoperatively. Methods: This cohort study with intervention (survey) included 1329 patients in Sweden who had undergone a second-eye cataract surgery during March 2013. Data from the Swedish National Cataract Register were used, including evaluat

Chemical Understanding of the Limited Site-Specificity in Molecular Inner-Shell Photofragmentation

In many cases fragmentation of molecules upon inner-shell ionization is very unspecific with respect to the initially localized ionization site. Often this finding is interpreted in terms of an equilibration of internal energy into vibrational degrees of freedom after Auger decay. We investigate the X-ray photofragmentation of ethyl trifluoroacetate upon core electron ionization at environmentally

From the Working-Class Movement to the New Social Movements : Social Movements : Transformative Shifts and Turning Points.

In the early 1980s many social theorists claimed that the ‘New Social Move­ments’ (NSMs) were the authentic social movements of our time. This claim is discussed in relation to two traditions in the analysis of social movements. The ‘American’ tradition focuses on the single-issue movement of a protest and mobilizing character. The ‘European’ tradition focuses on the relation between major societa

Sociologin i Lund under 1960-talet – expansion, växtvärk, omvandling

Kapitlet skildrar den sociologiska institutionen från några olika per-spektiv. Först ges en kort skiss av hur de svenska universiteten hanterade den kraftiga ökningen av studentantalet under 1960-talet och av vad som var sociologiämnets särskilda förutsättningar för att växa under denna period. Sedan följer ett resonemang om de som läste ämnet och varför de gjorde det. Jag beskriver kort mina stud

The Expansion of the University Sector, the Emerging Professions and the New Professional Landscape : The Case of Sweden : Working Papers in Sociology Linnaeus University

The rapid expansion of the university sector has channelled many students into study programs that lead to employment in new kinds of jobs, occupations and professional groups. There are three main reasons why more and more occupations get their training within the university system (a) The qualification and competence level of the labour force has been raised, due to changes in the economy and to