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Efter stroke - hur upplever de närstående sin situation ?
Fuzzy Anti-Reset Windup for Heater Control
Status of the RISING Project at Relativistic Energies
The RISING project was designed to perform high-resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy with radioactive beams at GSI. Unstable beams were produced by fragmentation of relativistic heavy ion projectiles provided by the SIS synchrotron. The fragment separator FRS was used to select and to focus the exotic fragments at about 100A MeV energy on a secondary target. Various charged particle detectors enabled
Stem and progenitor cell involvement in acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Leukemic stem cells (LSCs) share the capacity of self renewal and extensive proliferation with normal hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), and are therefore obvious targets for therapy. As such, they need to be identified and characterized in order to elucidate what drives them, and what separates them from their normal counterparts. The focus of this thesis is on pre B cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukem
Chinese intellectuals' thoughts on the Internet - Introduction
Rut Depth Prediction on Flexible Pavements - Calibration and Validation of Incremental-Recursive Models
In later years the development of pavement design has gone towards more and more analytically based methods. Future design will probably be based on incremental deterioration models. The objective is to evaluate different types of rut depth prediction models for an incremental design process. Two different models were chosen for further studies: One model that calculates the plastic strain throu
Recognition schemes in tourism - from 'eco' to 'sustainability'?
Proliferation of voluntary instruments such as eco-labelling schemes and codes of conduct for tourism has been characterized by a strong environmental focus. This paper discusses the feasibility of creating recognition schemes that could address not only the ecological implications, but also the social and economic impacts of tourism activities. The analysis was performed by using a case study of
Rehabilitation of traumatic brain injuries in Sweden.
In Sweden, traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major cause of disability across all ages, and the need for rehabilitation and long-term follow-up is as important as in many other countries. This article presents the rehabilitation of TBI in Sweden. Strengths and weaknesses of TBI rehabilitation within the Swedish healthcare system are described, together with examples of research and development.
An Algebraic Test for Positive Realness
Mo'ui: Tongan Names for Plants and Animals
This working paper on Tongan names for plants and animals is intended as a contribution to the documentation of environmental knowledge in one of the most traditional societies of Polynesia. The list contains over 1 400 folk taxa: seaweeds 18 names, terrestrial plants 801 names, marine invertebrates 203 names, terrestrial invertebrates 72 names, fishes 231 names, reptiles and amphibians 15 names,
Coevolution of RANTES sensitivity and mode of CCR5 receptor use by human immunodeficiency virus type 1 of the R5 phenotype.
The evolution of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) coreceptor use has been described as the acquisition of CXCR4 use linked to accelerated disease progression. However, CXCR4-using virus can be isolated only from approximately one-half of individuals with progressive HIV-1 disease. The other half continue to yield only CCR5-using viruses (R5 phenotype) throughout the course of disease. I
Recombinant factor VIIa: its background, development and clinical use.
Purpose of review To examine the development of recombinant FVIIa (rFVIIa); a new concept of inducing hemostasis. It was developed for use in hemophilia patients with inhibitors against FVIII or FIX with the vision to provide these patients with a therapeutical option to be used instead of FVIII or FIX. For the first time it was shown that pharmacological doses of FVIIa induced hemostasis. Recent
Assessment of specific language impairment in Swedish.
The uridine diphosphate glucuronosyltransferase 2B15 (DY)-Y-85 and 2B17 deletion Polymorphisms predict the glucuronidation pattern of androgens and fat mass in men
Context: Previous in vitro studies have demonstrated that the UDP glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) 2B15 and UGT2B17 glucuronidate androgens and their metabolites. Objective: Our objective was to determine in vivo whether the UGT2B15 (DY)-Y-85 and the UGT2B17 deletion polymorphisms predict androgen glucuronidation and body composition. Participants: Two population-based cohorts including young adult (
Högpresterande betongs hydratation, struktur och hållfasthet : rådata och beräkningar
Passagetiden i tunntarmen en förbisedd men intressant parameter. Skintigrafisk markör en kreativ idé [Passage through the small bowel a neglected but interesting parameter. Scintigraphic marker a creative idea
Development of a Test Procedure for Sandwich Panels using ISO 9705 Philosophy Nordtest Project nr 1432-99
Ett antal försök på olika typer av sandwichpaneler har genomförts. De valda sandwichpanelerna inkluderar de vanligaste kärnmaterialen. Två olika fullskaletester har genomförts. En av dem var utförd enligt ISO 9705 d.v.s. försök där panelerna var monterade inuti ett obrännbart rum. Det andra sättet av fullskaletesten var utförd genom att använda ett fristående rum under en stor kalorimeter. Denna kSummary : A number of tests have been performed on different types of sandwich panels. The chosen sandwich panels included most common core materials. Two types of full-scale tests were performed. One set was conducted according to ISO 9705 i.e. tests where the panels were mounted inside a non-combustible room. Another set of full-scale tests was performed using a free standing room under a large
Effect on gait and socket comfort in unilateral trans-tibial amputees after exchange to a polyurethane concept.
Trans-tibial amputees with different indications for amputation often have stump problems. Many active amputees have limits in daily life and sports activities because of pressure ulcers, friction, allergic dermatitis or volume changes. Many methods and materials have been tried to make a well-fitted socket. A new polyurethane concept had been designed with a shock absorbing effect. The purpose of
On the influence of dielectric saturation and medium granularity on ion-ion interaction and reorganization energies associated with electron-transfer processes in condensed matter
The influence of dielectric saturation effects and the granularity of a medium on the effective ion-ion interaction and the reorganization energy for electron-transfer processes have been studied using a medium built from dipoles and polarizabilities that are placed on a lattice. It was found that these effects lead to an increased repulsion between equally charged ions and an increased attraction