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Att bruka binariteter och sönderstycka skrivandet : En studie av groteska strategier för binaritets- och språkkritik i Nikanor Teratologens Äldreomsorgen i Övre Kågedalen och Förensligandet i det egentliga Västerbotten.

En studie av binaritets- och språkkritik i Nikanor Teratologens två första romaner. Med utgångspunkt i framförallt groteskteori undersöks hur binariteter brukas och destabiliseras i romanerna, samt hur detta går att relatera till litterär och idéhistorisk kontext: introduktionen av dekonstruktion och poststrukturalism i svensk litterär offentlighet under 1980-talet. Stort fokus läggs på verkens de

Synthesis and characterization of tetraosmium clusters containing ferrocenyl based diphosphine ligands as potential catalysts in asymmetric hydrogenation

The metal cluster [H4Os4(CO)12] was treated with various chiral ferrocenyl diphosphines of the Walphos family. The new compounds; [H4Os4(CO)10{μ -1,2-W001}], [H4Os4(CO)10{μ -1,2-W002}], [H4Os4(CO)10{μ -1,2-W003}] and [H4Os4(CO)10{μ -1,2-W005}] were characterized, and [H4Os4(CO)10{μ -1,2-W001}] was investigated in its enantioselective catalytic properties in the hydrogenation of tiglic acid. It was

Virtuella upplevelser ur ett upplevelseekonomiskt perspektiv – En studie av eSport i Sverige

Syfte: Då ingen distinktion hittills har gjorts mellan reella upplevelser och virtuella upplevelser i upplevelseekonomin vill författarna ge förståelse och bidra med ny teori kring virtuella upplevelser utifrån ett upplevelseekonomiskt synsätt. Metod: Uppsatsen presenterar en tvärsnittsstudie som baseras på en mindre undersökning utifrån ett kvalitativt perspektiv. Datainsamlingen består av obsePurpose: As of yet no distinction has been made between real experiences and virtual ones in the experience economy. Because of this the authors want to give insight and contribute with new theory on virtual experiences from an experiential economic perspective. Methodology: In the paper a cross-sectional study is presented which is based on research from a qualitative viewpoint. The research is

If I could download clothes, I would

Sammanfattning Titel: If I could download clothes, I would - En studie kring vad som påverkar konsumenters köpbeslut mellan e-handel och butikshandel. Författare: Fredrika Carlsson och Malin Cederberg Kurs: KSKK01 Service Management: Examensarbete för kandidatexamen Institution: Institutionen Service Management - Hotell och Restaurant, Campus Helsingborg, Lunds Universitet Handledare: Mia Larson

Infinite Endnotes and Important Clichés: New Sincerity in David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest

In the past decades, a field of so-called Wallace Studies, i.e. academic studies dedicated to the investigation of David Foster Wallace’s writings, has emerged and developed. These studies are often connected to the equally new literary concept of new sincerity. However, despite the number of articles published on the subject, the scholarly works going into any textual, exemplifying analysis of Wa

Konsekvenser av stigande havsnivå för ett kustsamhälle : en fallstudie av VA systemet i Beddingestrand

Den globala uppvärmningen fortsätter vilket leder till stigande havsnivåer som kan påverka kustnära samhällen världen runt. Stigande havsnivåer påverkar i sin tur erosionsprocesser, som ökar när havet stiger och mer material kan omarbetas av vågor och strömmar. Skånes sydkust är utsatt för erosion på ett flertal lokaler, vilket har lett till en förändrad strandlinje och vid höga vattenstånd har inGlobal warming continues, leading to rising sea-levels that could affect coastal communities around the world. Rising sea levels in turn affect erosion processes, which increase as sea-levels rise and more material can be reworked by waves and currents. The south coast of Scania is exposed to erosion at several locations, which has led to an altered shoreline and damage of infrastructure during hi

Global Evaluation of Contingent Convertibles: Testing for Evidence of Market Discipline in the CoCo Market

In this paper, we investigate evidence of market discipline from contingent convertible (CoCo) issues. Previous research has focused on the monitoring aspect of market discipline, by testing risk sensitivity of market prices (subordinated notes and debentures (SND)) to accounting measures of bank risk. We take a similar approach using CoCo spreads and additionally use issue specific features. We a

Kommunicerad närhet: en sociologisk undersökning av intimitetsskapande i icke-monogama relationer

Med utgångspunkt i den monogaminorm som är så gott som allrådande i det moderna samhället är syftet med denna undersökning att ta reda på hur intimitet skapas i relationer som går bortom denna norm. Sex personer som har erfarenhet av icke-monogama relationer intervjuas för att synliggöra hur överenskommelser, förväntningar och gränsdragningar bidrar till skapande av närhet och intimitet. Dessa ber

Improved Traffic Safety by Wireless Vehicular Communication

In tomorrow's vehicle industry vehicles will have the ability to communicate and cooperate with each other in order to avoid collisions and provide useful information to each other. However, for this cooperation to be possible all vehicles will have to be equipped with compatible wireless 802.11p modules that implement the ITS-G5 standard. During the implementation phase of the system there wi

Evaluating the Effects of Salinomycin and Analogs on the Invasion and Motility of JIMT-1 Breast Cancer Cells

Abstract Breast cancer is a disease which affects a large part of the population and is today affecting approximately 1.7 million women worldwide. During the last decade, it has been confirmed that the metastatic ability of cancer is due to cells that detach from the primary tumor and spread to other sites in the body via directed migration. Another aspect which has gained a lot of attention is

Positiva effekter av aktiesplit

Undersökningens avser att mäta om överavkastning i samband med aktiesplit är möjligt att uppnå på den svenska aktiemarknaden? En jämförelse mellan large cap, mid cap och small cap kommer att presenteras för att kunna precisera vilken företagsstorlek som genererar störst överavkastning. Undersökningen ämnar presentera resultat utifrån mätningsmetoder som inte tidigare har förekommit vid studier på The study is intended to measure whether abnormal return associated with stock split is possible to achieve on the Swedish stock market? A comparison of large cap, mid cap and small cap will be presented in order to specify the company size that generates the greatest abnormal return. The study intends to present the results by measuring techniques not previously occurred in studies in this area.

Reviewing the EU-China Foreign Affairs: The case study of the EU arms embargo on China

The thesis analyses the EU arms embargo on China and the reasons why this sanction is in place since 1989. The arms embargo case characterizes the EU-China foreign relations also in general and in order to understand the real background behind this case, historical institutionalist perspective and path dependence theory is used. The thesis acknowledges two different paradigms – normative power and

Future Challenges to the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants

This paper aims to identify challenges that the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic might face in the future. The research was carried out in the form of a review of existing literature on the Stockholm Convention and other relevant environmental agreements as well as performing primary research of original data and political documents. This study shows that the Stockholm Convention will fa

Segmentation of teeth roots in CT scans

In this project we developed a method to segment and visualize teeth roots from CT scan data. Our method is based on the level set method for the segmentation and the marching cubes method for the visualization. Most of the teeth segmentations had a good result when compared to a ground truth although there were some teeth and data sets that were problematic to segment. We give some reasons as to

En studie om sambandet mellan priselasticitet och konsumenters lojalitet för livsmedel i Sverige

Vår studie visade att det fanns ett samband mellan marknadsandel och lojalitet. Vidare vad gäller sambandet mellan lojalitet och priselasticitet samt pris och lojalitet hittades inget samband eftersom denna var väldigt svag.Our study showed that there is a relationship between market share and loyalty. Regarding the relationship between loyalty and price elasticity and price and loyalty, the study shows a very weak correlation. Thus the conclusion that there is no correlation .

Influence of CEO characteristics on short-term M&A performance

The purpose of this research study is to identify and analyse how different CEO characteristics can influence short-term M&A performance. In particular, personal aspects in regards to M&A decisions are examined within a European setting, covering the time period from 2004 until 2013. The defined hypotheses, based on previous empirical research studies, are tested by conducting multivariate

Extending JastAddJ to Java 8

JastAddJ is an extensible Java 7 compiler built using the meta-compilation system JastAdd. One of the main features of JastAddJ is that it supports modular extensions, making it well suited to use as a base compiler when implementing various types of language extensions or new languages built on top of Java. This thesis examines the possibility of extending JastAddJ with a module supporting the la

Lagerstyrning av reservdelar hos Mantena Sverige AB

Mantena Sverige AB is responsible for providing maintenance to Skånetrafiken’s trains. The maintenance is done in their depot located outside of Helsingborg. Previously all sourcing and inventory control of spare parts used for repairs has been done by the company who built the trains and who has a warehouse located in the same building as Mantena’s depot. However, Mantena is currently in the proc