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Learning to evaluate conditional partial plans

We study agents situated in partially observable environments, who do not have sufficient resources to create conformant plans. Instead, they generate plans which are conditional and partial, execute or simulate them, and learn to evaluate their quality from experience. Our agent employs an incomplete symbolic deduction system based on active logic and situation calculus for reasoning about action

Insect Diversity in Changing Landscapes

Popular Abstract in Swedish I denna avhandling studerades artrikedom, rörelsemönster och utdöenden bland fjärilar och solitära bin. Under senare år har det uppmärksammats att antalet arter av insekter minskar i en alarmerande takt. Fjärilar, bin, blomflugor m.fl. blir allt färre. Eftersom insekterna utgör en stor del av arterna på jorden och dessutom har viktiga funktioner i ekosystemen, som t.ex.During recent decades, concern about the loss of biodiversity has increased. To change this negative trend there is an urgent need for effective conservation measures and there are ample evidence that conservation of organisms without an understanding of their ecology and behaviour is impossible. At the Kullaberg Nature Reserve in the south-western part of Sweden butterflies exhibited a disastrous

Elastic routing: A distributed variant, implementation issues and numerical results

This study is concerned with a specific rerouting strategy in telecommunication networks named Elastic Robust Rerouting (ERR), introduced first in [8]. We recall main points on this strategy, provide mathematical formulation and discuss in details a solution method. The second question studied in this paper is concerned with its distributed version and some related implementation issues. We report

Retoriska strider : Konkurrerande sanningar i dövvärlden

Popular Abstract in Swedish Under de senaste par decennierna har en specifik tolkning av döva och dövhet blivit alltmer etablerad på det ”officiella” dövområdet i Sverige, tillika anammat av såväl professionella som föräldrar till döva barn. Döva ska enligt detta synsätt hellre betraktas som tillhörande en kulturell och språklig minoritet än som handikappade. Medicinska strävanden att “laga defektIn the last couple of decades a particular interpretation of deaf and deafness has been established in ‘official’ arenas in Sweden. Deaf individuals, according to this view, should not be seen as disabled, but rather as belonging to a cultural and linguistic minority. Such views find expression in a locally established usage that may be termed a deaf culture discourse. Discourse can be seen as a

Word order in the Italian DP in child and adult acquisition

It is generally agreed that children are able to acquire two languages to which they are exposed from birth as two L1s. Little attention has been drawn to cases when one language develops slower and is weaker in different aspects. A question under debate is whether the weaker language develops as an L2 rather than as an L1. The goal of this paper is to contribute to the understanding of the weaker

Applying the Pump and Leak Hypothesis. An experimental and theoretical investigation of the principles of ion regulation and excitability in the crustacean stretch receptor neuron.

An invertebrate nerve cell preparation, the lobster stretch receptor neuron, was investigated with respect to maintenance of its resting voltage, intracellular ion concentrations and excitability using voltage clamp technique and ion-selective microelectrodes. It was found that the resting voltage (-65 mV) of microelectrode impaled cells is caused by (a) a homogenous population of K+ channels whic

Computation of the acoustic field in an annular gas turbine combustion chamber using a hybrid approach

The acoustic field generated by flow unsteadiness in a model annular gas turbine (GT) combustion chamber is determined using a hybrid approach. In the flow solver the semi-compressible Navier-Stokes equations are resolved using LES as turbulence model. The acoustic solver is based on an inhomogeneous wave equation, where the instantaneous source terms are computed from the LES data in each time-in

Dagspress, sport och doping : Medieskandaler i ett samtida Sverige

Popular Abstract in Swedish I avhandlingen beskrivs och analyseras den svenska dagspressens hantering av doping och dopingöverträdelser inom internationell elitidrott. Artiklarna studeras med hjälp av följande tre frågeställningar: (1) Vad utmärker medieinnehållet om sport och doping? (2) Vilken bild av den sociala ordningen skymtar fram i detta mediematerial? (3) Vad berättar medieskandaler kringThe study analyses how the Swedish press dealt with doping and transgressions of the doping rules within international professional sports between 1996 and 2004. Three main research questions have been used in the research process: (1) What characterizes these media texts about sports and doping? (2) How is the social order pictured in the media texts? (3) What do media scandals about sport stars

Sequential Rules for House Allocation with Price Restrictions

This paper considers a housing market with price restrictions. On such markets, the existence of a unique minimum rationing equilibrium price vector has been established for each preference profile on a general preference domain that contains almost all preference profiles. This vector can be used as a key ingredient in a direct and strategy-proof allocation mechanism. The main contribution of thi

Primary Sjögren's Syndrome: Studies of DNA damage responses and autoantibodies

Popular Abstract in Swedish Sjögrens syndrom är en autoimmun sjukdom, vilket betyder att immunsystemet felreagerar och angriper kroppens egen vävnad. Nittio procent av dem som får diagnosen är kvinnor, av vilka de flesta är mellan 40 och 60 år. Vid Sjögrens syndrom, som tillhör en av våra vanligaste reumatiska sjukdomar, är det framförallt tår- och spottkörtlar som angrips och blir inflammerade. DPrimary Sjögren’s syndrome (SS) is a chronic autoimmune disease of unknown etiology. The disease primarily involves lachrymal and salivary glands, leading to dryness of the eyes and mouth, but a wide spectrum of exocrine and non-exocrine disease manifestations may be seen. A characteristic property of primary SS is the production of autoantibodies directed against intracellular, often DNA/RNA-modi

Evaluability : an alternative approach to polarity sensitivity

Based on Brandtler (2012), this paper argues that polarity items are sensitive to evaluability, a concept that refers to the possibility of accepting or rejecting an utterance as true in a communicative exchange. The main distinction is made between evaluable and non-evaluable utterances. The evaluable category comprises any clause that asserts, presupposes or entails the truth of an affirmative o

Utveckling av Byggnadsintegrerade Solenergisystem för Energieffektiva Hus

En solfångarhybrid har utvecklats och utvärderats på avdelningen för Energi och ByggnadsDesign på Lunds Tekniska Högskola, LTH. Solfångarhybriden, ”Solfönstret”, består av solcellslaminerade absorbatorer placerade i ett fönster bakom glasrutorna. Solfönstret finns byggt i ett enfamiljshus, Solgården, i Älvkarleö utanför Gävle. För att minska investeringskostnaderna för solel har reflektorer placerA PV/T collector has been developed and evaluated at the department of Energy and Building Design at the Technical University of Lund, LTH in Sweden. The PV/T, a “solar window” made of PV cells laminated on solar absorbers is placed in a window behind the glazing. The solar window is built into a single family house, Solgården, in Älvkarleö outside Gävle in the eastern part of Sweden. To reduce th