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Electricity as a Risk Bearing Asset from a Portfolio Perspective, Studied Through the Concept of Value at Risk with a Time Varying Correlation Approach

The purpose of this thesis is to examine if, from a portfolio perspective, the Value at Risk decreases when electricity is included as an asset to a portfolio of risk bearing assets and if this could have an impact on risk hedging strategies. The portfolio standard deviation used to calculate the Value at Risk is based on a Dynamic Conditional Correlation approach providing a time dependent correl

Vinterväghållning - ur ett tillgänglighetsperspektiv

This thesis processes the Swedish local authorities’ work regarding winter maintenance and its organization. This thesis is also about accessibility for those with functional disabilities and the local authorities’ efforts to provide an acceptable level of the accessibility during winter. The report aims to clarify how the local authorities carry out their work with regard to winter maintenance an

Bortforsling av kaxblandat vatten från borrningar via dagvattenledningar : riskanalys, karaktärisering av kaxvatten och reningsmetoder

Vid anläggning av djupa borrhål med tryckluftsdriven sänkhammarborrning transporteras oundvikligen bortborrat berg blandat med grundvatten upp till markytan. I Sverige spolas kaxvattnet oftast ut i en cirka 10 m3 stor container för att de grövsta partiklarna ska sedimentera innan vattnet pumpas vidare. Efter grovavskiljning kan vattnet fortfarande innehålla höga halter av suspenderade partiklar. IWhen drilling a borehole using a down-the-hole hammer driven by pressurized air drill cuttings mixed with groundwater are unavoidably transported to the surface. In Sweden the most common practice is to flush the waste water out into a roughly 10 m3 container where the coarsest particles can settle before the water is pumped away. After separating the coarsest particles the waste water can still c

Front End Innovation: on Identifying Value-Adding Opportunities

Purpose: The main purpose of this thesis is to increase the understanding of how companies in general, and for the Case Company in particular, can identify and analyse value-adding opportunities to an existing business model. Sub purposes: - Create and suggest a theoretical framework in order to identify and analyse value-adding opportunities to a business model. - Identify and analyse value-addin

Amyloid Nucleation in Presence of Crowders

During the last few years, crowding effects on the physics of proteins has become an increasingly popular topic of research. This is is because most biological processes involving proteins naturally take place in a crowded environment, e.g. in the cellular environment where macromolecules may occupy 30% of the volume. One such biological process would be the formation of amyloid aggregates, which

The B2B sector:using social media effectively to enhance business development

Research Question: 1. In which ways can social media in a B2B context be utilized to identify prospective customers, business partners or other stakeholders; to strengthen relationships; to create long-term value; to enter new markets or to develop products? 2. How can B2B companies achieve full potential of their social media activity? 3. Is it possible and recommendable for B2B companies

Växters fenologiska svar på ett förändrat klimat: modellering av knoppsprickning för hägg, björk och asp i Skåne

Växters fenologiska händelser påverkas av klimatet och tid för knoppsprickning hos träd kan därför användas som indikator på klimatförändringen. Enligt forskning kommer temperaturen med största sannolikhet att öka i framtiden och med det följer att växters knoppsprickning förväntas ske tidigare. I denna studie har tidpunkten för knoppsprickningen för hägg, björk och asp i Skåne simulerats med hjälPlants phenological events are influenced by the climate and the timing of budburst of trees is therefore an excellent indicator for climate change. According to research, temperature will most likely increase in future and with that follows an earlier budburst. In this study, budburst were simulated for bird cherry, birch and aspen in Skåne, in the southern part of Sweden, with two phonological m

Alkohol, varför? : En studie om alkoholens funktion för grupptillhörighet och normer

The purpose of this study was to examine how alcohol is used as a function to create group membership and how alcohol is used to relate to norms in a student culture. The study examines students on Växjö Linnéuniversitet. Regardless if students consume alcohol or not they somehow have to relate to it – to use alcohol or to actively refuse. We have used 346 surveys for this quantitative study. The

"De transsexuella är få och osynliga" - Framställningar av transsexualism, könskorrigering och steriliseringar i svenska massmedier

"The transsexuals are few and invisible" - Depictions of transsexualism, gender reassignment and sterilizations in Swedish media The aim of this study is to, based on Fairclough's critical discourse analysis, analyze constructions of transsexualism, sex reassignment and sterilizations in Swedish media in forms of editorials in newspapers. This study's theoretical framework and

Lagom är bäst - en undersökning om surfplattor i förskolan

Surfplattan har sedan sitt genomslag 2010 letat sig in i världens skolor. Det görs satsningar världen över och inte minst i Sverige. Alla är dock inte positiva till att små barn i förskolor ska få sitta med denna teknologiska leksak redan i en så tidig ålder. I denna studie undersöker jag vad tre förskollärare i Malmö respektive Kävlinge kommun anser om användningen av surfplattor på deras förskol

From Innovation to Domination: Exercising IPR as abuse of art. 102 TFEU

This thesis deals with the enforcement of intellectual property rights as an abuse of dominance. In particular after refusal to license a patent, which is essential for a standardized technology. Seeking for injunction relief may in some circumstances violate applicable competition law. The analysis will provide a hint, whereas patent holder who is dominating in particular market can or should be

Barns utsatthet i en fängslande miljö - rutiner,lagar och policy ur ett vuxet barns perspektiv samt professionellas

Abstract This C-level thesis aims at increasing the understanding of the applications of the visiting policy within the prison with a special focus on children visiting. We want to examine how the prison environment is perceived in retrospect by adults as well as what they remember about their experiences as children when visiting a detained parent in prison. The Prison service guidelines clearly

Socialtjänstens handläggning av akut hemlösa barnfamiljer - en fråga om barnperspektiv och handlingsutrymme.

Dealing with Homeless Families – a matter of child perspective and discretion. The aim of this study was to examine social workers' discussion about the child perspective in dealing with acute homelessness. Semi-structured interviews were made with help of three social workers in the homelessness sector. The main subject was the workers' ability to use a child perspective when finding home

From intuitional to commonsensical conceptions of rape: a critical discourse analysis of gendered norms in legal decision-making behind a veil of objectivity

The persistently high annual numbers of rape in Sweden and numerous legal amendments following internal critique, prove the legal response to be ineffective for the subjects of the protection of the law. Viewed in combination with the prevalence of detrimental conceptions of sexuality and rape, this actualizes questions regarding the potential for and shape of influences on the decision-making act

Material reception conditions for asylum seekers in the EU: the Swedish implementation from a perspective of multi level governance

In 2013, the EU established a Common European Asylum System in order to harmonize the asylum laws throughout Europe. One of the directives in this common system is a revised version of the Reception Conditions Directive from 2003, establishing rules for housing, clothing and food for the asylum applicants. The directive from 2003 should be in place in all Member States of the EU and on the 21st of

Framgångsfaktorer vid företagsförvärv: en fallstudie av Vismas förvärv av Mamut

Syfte: Uppsatsens syfte är att identifiera förutsättningarna för framgångsrika förvärvsstrategier; vilken typ av företag köps upp, vilka synergier som eftersträvas och hur uppkomna problem hanteras. Studien tillämpas på mjukvarubranschen eftersom den utmärks av en hög grad av rörlighet inom och mellan företag, och vi förväntar oss därför att hitta särskilt intressanta fall inom denna bransch. Me

Does firm size really matter? Företagsstorlekens påverkan på strategigenereringsprocessen i den svenska byggbranschen

Examensarbetets titel: Does firm size really matter? Företagsstorlekens påverkan på strategigenereringsprocessen i den svenska byggbranschen Seminariedatum: 2014-06-04 Ämne/kurs: FEKH19, Examensarbete kandidatnivå i Strategic Management, 15 högskolepoäng. Författare: Robert Waszkiewicz, Henrik Bengtsson, Anna Alquist Handledare: Merle Jacob Fem nyckelord: Strategi, strategigenereringsprocess

The Power of Credit Ratings - A study of credit rating changes’ effects on essential firm aspects

The aim of this study is to empirically examine how a change in credit rating affects three specific firm aspects: capital structure, valuation and performance. We want to extend the scope of previous research by examining whether US firms change their capital structure after a change in its Broad rating. We will also investigate whether a change in firms’ long-term ratings has an effect on firm v

Hållbarhet i värdekedjan - Faktorer som påverkar företags arbete med hållbarhet

Sammanfattning Examensarbetets titel: Hållbarhet i värdekedjan – faktorer som påverkar företags arbete med hållbarhet Seminariedatum: 2014-06-04 Kurs: FEKH19 Examensarbete i Strategic Management på kandidatnivå, 15 HP Författare: Sara Ahlberg, Marielle Gomez, Frida Larsson Handledare: Merle Jacob Nyckelord: hållbarhet, värdekedjan, CSR, möjliggörande faktorer, café- och restaurangbranschen Syfte: