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Your search for "*" yielded 531864 hits
A 25-GHz Low Phase Noise LC-VCO
Corruption and Anticorruption in Southeast Europe: Landscapes and Sites (working paper)
Working paper for a book on anticorruption, focusing on the traffic in money, ideas, resources and people in the anticorrution industry. To appear in a volume edited by DeSouza, Lamour and Hindess
Building with Rammed Earth -A practical experience with Martin Rauch
This booklet is a documentation for one week hands on workshop experience with Martin Rauch and his team. More information was added to this booklet for a complete overview on rammed earth construction from historical background to contemporary practice.
Combining case study and simulation in logistics research
Using case study methods as well as empirical quantitative-based simulation methods are becoming increasingly common in the logistics discipline. However, rare signs of efforts of combining these are to be found in the logistics literature. The aim of this paper is to contribute to the further development of case study and simulation methods in logistics research and practice by presenting and dis
Heat-derived toxicants in food – some findings of a collaborative European research project
Svensk och dansk yrkesutbildning
The Need to Document
Innovation competition and antitrust analysis - Definitions and assessments
[abstract missing]
Objects of desire: Performing the transgendered body
Tillblivelsens pedagogik : Om att utmana det förgivettagna. En postkvalitativ studie av det ännu-icke-seddas pedagogiska möjligheter
This thesis explores the educational and methodological opportunities of the ‘not-yet-seen’. Departure is taken in the philosophy of Deleuze and Guattari, and in pivotal concepts that challenge the image of the stabile subject, chronological time and established dichotomies in general. The aim of the thesis is three folded. First, it aims to plug the philosophy of Deleuze and Guattari in with educ
Swinging up a Pendulum by Energy Control
A 'Book' of Psalms?
Since the 1980’s, a slightly new shift in focus has emerged in the research on the Book of Psalms. Even if such a shift never occurs without precursors, it can be seen as a distinct move away from being primarily interested in original (cultic) contexts of individual psalms, and towards an increasing focus on the arrangement of these psalms into a book. The redaction history and the structure of t
Proxy improvement of d18O and d13C for quantitative climate reconstructions : field and foraminifera culture-based calibration studies -an introduction to the FrISBEe project
Använd arbetsterapeuter för att utforma miljön i boendet.
Probing growth defects inside nanowires
Unikt beslut av Europadomstolen.Den klagande ska återfå sin tjänst
The role of multilateral environmental agreements in armed conflict: “green keeping” in Virunga Park - applying the UNESCO World Heritage Convention in the armed conflict of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Patenting human DNA sequences in Europe and the US - A comparative analysis of patentability requirements for nucleic acid sequences with special emphasis on novelty and inventive step
DNA is presently at the centre of a storm. On the one hand, the breathtaking development of DNA related sciences during the last decades led to a technological and medical revolution. Due to the far reaching possibilities connected to this technology, it is the focus of many people’s interest and one source of the hope that one day we will find cures for terrible illnesses. Unsurprisingly, DNA rel