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Politiken i krissamhället.

Det svenska samhället har utvecklats till ett krissamhälle. Ett av dess kännetecken är att politiken blir annorlunda. Realpolitik och politisk retorik glider isär. Kanske är det en postmodern politik vi ser växa fram när politikens båda världar, den reella respektive virtuella politiska verkligheten, differentieras alltmer? Kravet på sammanhang dem emellan försvagas, förmedlingarna mellan dem uppl

A Decomposition Approach to Multi-Region Optimal Power Flow in Electricity Networks

We present a decomposition approach to a class of social welfare optimization problems for optimal power flow in multi-region electricity networks. The electricity network is decomposed into multiple regions which decide independently over the amount of power produced within the region and exchanged with neighboring regions. We decompose the overall power flow (or social welfare) optimization into

Reel Socialism : Making sense of history in Czech and German cinema since 1989

Popular Abstract in English Reel Socialism considers the representation of the communist past in Czech and German cinema after the end of communist rule. The study offers in-depth analyses of numerous feature films, from Oscar-winning box-office hits to half-forgotten art-house offerings. It takes account of the films’ historical and political contexts and thus provides a comprehensive assessment This thesis is a comparative study of the communist past as depicted in Czech and German feature films since 1989, or ‘reel socialism’. It is the first detailed study of post-1989 Czech history films and the first comparative study of German post-reunification cinema. It demonstrates that cinema has been a vehicle of similar sense-making processes in the two history cultures. Much of the research


The history of the concept "vetenskap" and its possible decline

Fackliga organisationer och medlemmar i dagens Sverige

Bokens baksidestext: Fackligt medlemskap har länge varit självklart i det genomorganiserade Sverige. Så är det inte längre. Under de senaste femton åren har andelen fackligt anslutna fluktuerat betydligt kraftigare än tidigare, även om den svenska organisationsgraden fortfarande är mycket hög. Ett nytt fenomen är att allt fler nöjer sig med att bara tillhöra a-kassan. Utifrån en brett upplagd inte

Nanorheological Studies of Caseins

To be able to improve the quality of dairy products and dairy processes, knowledge of casein molecules, casein micelles and casein aggregates is important. The rheological properties of casein products, casein gels and adsorbed layers of casein, have been widely investigated. However, the micellar properties of casein could, until recently, only be studied by ensemble methods such as dynamic light

Selective Channelization on an SDR Platform for LTE-A Carrier Aggregation.

The total transmission bandwidth and component carrier aggregation proposed by LTE-Advanced, sets a new challenge to the design of terminals. This article presents a way to assure terminals cope with the large bandwidth in an efficient manner. Various filtering methods are explored showing that an SDR architecture, such as ADRES (Architecture for Dynamically Reconfigurable Embedded Systems), is su

The Psychology of Worldviews : Toward a Non-Reductive Science of Personality

Popular Abstract in Swedish Personer drivs inte enbart av djuriska instinkter, utan de är även språkliga och existentiellt medvetna varelser, vars upplevelser och handlingar är fyllda av subjektiv mening. Att förstå en människa som en person är att förstå honom eller henne som ett rationellt system som har viljor, rädslor, förhoppningar, trosföreställningar, och andra sätt att ge sin värld mening,Persons are not just mechanical systems of instinctual animalistic proclivities, but also language-producing, existentially aware creatures, whose experiences and actions are drenched in subjective meaning. To understand a human being as a person is to understand him or her as a rational system that wants, fears, hopes, believes, and in other ways imbues the world with meaning, rather than just a

Assessment in mathemathics teacher education

Authentic tasks can promote higher-order learning. In the student task discussed in this paper the student teachers developed, tried, graded, discussed and revised mathematics test questions, in connection to an amusement park visit. The task was designed in an effort to bring the teacher educators in the mathematics and educational departments and those in the schools closer to each other through

Physiology of Industrially Relevant Bacteria: Freeze-drying tolerance of Lactobacillus reuteri and Pseudomonas chlororaphis and product formation of Lactococcus lactis metabolizing maltose

When the metabolic activity of bacteria is exploited by the food and biotechnology industries, freeze-drying is commonly used to produce concentrated bacterial cultures with enhanced storage stability. The freeze-drying tolerance of the probiotic strain Lactobacillus reuteri and the biocontrol agent Pseudomonas chlororaphis has been characterized in this work. Lb. reuteri was found to have higher

A general approach for determining dynamic forces in spur gears

A model is presented taking into account off line-of-action, non linear wheel stiffness by using the finite element method, and elasticity coupling between the gear teeth. The contact points are determined by searching the common normal using the undeformed, but otherwise true theoretical, tooth shapes where the teeth have a tip rounding to prevent contact singularity in off-line-of-action points.