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Dokumentstyrning och dess drivande mekanismer - exemplet Barns Behov i Centrum
Contribution of indoor generated submicrometer particles to residential exposure
Forskarporträtt Ingemar Ragnarsson - Att centrifugera atomkärnor ger ny kunskap
Probing the mechanism of state transitions in oxygenic photosynthesis by chlorophyll fluorescence spectroscopy, kinetics and imaging
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Universalist and Missionary Jainism: Jain Yoga of the Terāpanthī tradition
New foreword to Shanghai High Lights Low Lights Tael Lights
A connectivity management system for vehicular telemedicine applications in heterogeneous networks
Wireless access technologies such as UMTS with HSPA extensions, WiMAX, and Flash-OFDM and the convergence towards next generation heterogeneous networks enable the realization of always best connected scenarios. As the resulting heterogeneous networks become easier to access and more reliable to depend on, novel telemedicine services such as vehicular emergency applications emerge. Due to their li
Universella eller selektiva åtgärder. Finns det en rätt väg?
Competence in use – project-based competence nets as way to organize work
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Migration, health and diabetes mellitus - Studies comparing foreign-and Swedish-born diabetic subjects living in Sweden.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Det svenska samhället har som många andra europeiska länder blivit mångkulturellt pga en ökande internationell migration. Behovet av information om hur detta kan inverka på hälsan bland personer med kroniska sjukdomar, som t ex diabetes, har därmed ökat. Nästan 11% av landets befolkning är idag födda utomlands. Mer än 120 olika nationaliteter finns representerade, även To study the influence of migration on health in migrant diabetic subjects, foreign-and Swedish-born persons were compared as regards objective and subjectively perceived health in relation to social position, and beliefs about health and illness and their influence on self-care and care-seeking behaviour. Persons (foreign- and Swedish-born) with known diabetes mellitus (DM), aged 16-74 years, wer
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Joining Forces to Save the Nation : Corporate Educational Governance in Republican China
This chapter reassesses the modernization processes at work in Republican China during the Warlord period between 1911 and 1927 by focusing on corporate, public action by non-state interest groups and organizations. In particular, it looks at modes of corporate governing at the interface of business/economy and education: the realm of vocational education. The chapter examines a particularly illum
Handledning av blivande psykologer – ett organiserande av identiteter och situationer
Halvledare i Malmö: Forskare måste ta fram skräddarsydda kristaller!
Gränsöverskridande ledarskap och styrning. Förutsättningar för preventivt arbete med barn och ungdomar
Utveckling och variation i svenska som andraspråk, enligt processbarhetsteorin
Tradition och originalitet hos Gunnar Ekelöf
The aim of the dissertation is to discuss Gunnar Ekelöf's ways of approaching tradition, his resulting siding with the values of originality, and in what manner these related issues determine the development of his oeuvre. As a point of departure for this consideration, his unsettled identity as a Modernist poet is examined, as representing a strain in Modernism that manifests an ongoing transform
Religiös besinning och besinningslös religion. Tankar om terror i Guds namn, buddhism och global andlighet
Religion can motivate people to altruistic activity in the service of mankind. But it can also instigate terror attacks. When does religion become senseless? Several chapters are devoted to a discussion of Buddhism and its contribution to well-being. In a final chapter the author presents his ideas about global spirituality. Representatives of the five great world religions come together in order