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Limit cycles with chattering in relay feedback systems

Relay feedback has a large variety of applications in control engineering. Several interesting phenomena occur in simple relay systems. In the paper, scalar linear systems with relay feedback are analyzed. It is shown that a limit cycle where part of the limit cycle consists of fast relay switchings can occur. This chattering is analyzed in detail and conditions for approximating it by a sliding m

Holocene climate variability at multidecadal time scales detected by sedimentological indicators in a shelf core NW off Iceland

A Holocene sediment record is presented from the Djupall trough, situated on the inner shelf northwest of Iceland. The paleoclimatic development has been interpreted on the basis of mass accumulation rate, carbonate content, mean grain size, sediment petrology and 29 radiocarbon dates. The results demonstrate in the early Holocene (10,000-8000 cal year BP) high sediment accumulation rates attribut

Operation of the ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker under very high irradiation at the CERN LHC

The ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker (TRT) performance depends critically on the choice of the active gas and on its properties. The most important operational aspects, which have led to the final choice of the active gas for the operation of the TRT at the LHC design luminosity, are presented. The TRT performance expected at these conditions is reviewed, including pile-up effects at high lumino

Macroeconomic variables and corporate performance

Increased economic and financial integration and substantial macroeconomic fluctuations require that corporate managers and investment analysts pay more attention than in the past to the link between the "noise" that these fluctuations represent and the company's performance-past and future. For many reasons, company managers must weed out the effects of the noise to obtain a clear picture of the

Space wars and the new urban imperialism

Popular AbstractAvhandlingen analyserar sentida urbana förändringar ur perspektivet kampen om rummet, här kallat 'space wars'. Fokus är på investeringsflöden inom den kommersiella fastighetsmarknaden, förändringar inom urbanpolitik, förändring inom stadens socialgeografi, och relationer mellan dessa tre aspekter. Empiriskt bygger avhandlingen på studier av data rörande utländska investeringar, arkThe dissertation analyzes recent urban transformations through the lens of space wars. The main focus is on investment flows in the commercial property market, changes in urban governance and changes in social geography, and how these three aspects are related. Drawing on cross border investment data, archive studies, interviews with key actors and street walking experiences in Copenhagen, Lisbon

Åtgärdsprogram för bevarande av öländsk tegellav (Psora vallesiaca).

Action plan for the conservation of Psora vallesiaca Psora vallesiaca is red-listed in Sweden and assigned to the category Critically Endangered (CR). In Sweden it is known from one locality on Öland where it grows in a small population of about 30 individuals. In the spring of 2006, four new localities were discovered on Gotland. The main distribution of Psora vallesiaca streches from the Mediter

Epidemiologic Associations of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Sleep Position: Is There a Case for Causation?

Abstract Introduction Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is thought to be due to compression of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel. It is known that carpal tunnel pressures are elevated in wrist postures of flexion and extension and in those patients with CTS. Classic symptoms of CTS include night waking with pain, tingling, and numbness. These classic symptoms stimulated our interest in the relation

Industrial applications of the IWA anaerobic digestion model No. 1 (ADM1)

In this paper, the IWA anaerobic digestion model No. 1 (ADM1) is applied to two case studies from contract work on industrial treatment plants. The first was the assessment of acid addition for pH decrease and avoidance of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) precipitation in a paper mill fed UASB. The simulation work found, with a high degree of confidence, that acid dosing was neither economical for pH con

High frequency QRS electrocardiogram analysis during exercise stress testing for detecting ischemia

Introduction ECG stress testing is an inexpensive and non-invasive detector of myocardial ischemia; addition of high-frequency QRS analysis (HFQRS) may improve accuracy. This study compared HFQRS during exercise in patients with and without ischemia as defined by multiple criteria. Material and methods High-resolution ECGs were recorded for 139 patients undergoing T99-sestamibi/T201-thallium stre

Evaluation of putative inhibitors of mitochondrial permeability transition for brain disorders - Specificity vs. toxicity.

Inhibition of mitochondrial permeability transition (mPT) has emerged as a promising approach for neuroprotection and development of well-tolerated mPT inhibitors with favorable blood-brain barrier penetration is highly warranted. In a recent study, 28 clinically available drugs with a common heterocyclic structure were identified as mPT inhibitors e.g. trifluoperazine, promethazine and nortriptyl

Immunobiology of Intestinal Eosinophils - A Dogma in the Changing?

Infiltration of eosinophils into the intestinal mucosa is a typical hallmark of antiparasite immune responses and inflammatory disorders of the intestinal tract, and eosinophils are thought to contribute to these processes by release of their cytotoxic granule content. However, utilizing novel tools to study eosinophils, it has been recognized that eosinophils are constitutively present in the gas

Clinical learning environment, supervision and nurse teacher evaluation scale: psychometric evaluation of the Swedish version

Aim. This article is a report of the development and psychometric testing of the Swedish version of the Clinical Learning Environment, Supervision and Nurse Teacher evaluation scale. Background. To achieve quality assurance, collaboration between the healthcare and nursing systems is a pre-requisite. Therefore, it is important to develop a tool that can measure the quality of clinical education. T

Hemiarthroplasty for displaced femoral neck fracture: good clinical outcome but uneven distribution of occupational therapy.

Purpose. To assess rehabilitation, type of follow-up visits and outcome after bipolar hemiarthroplasty for femoral neck fracture. Method. Two hundred thirty-six consecutive patients with femoral neck fractures treated with hemiarthroplasty were followed for 30 months. Results. One hundred sixty-eight (71%) were women, 175 (74%) over 80 years old and 53 (22%) were demented. Of 150 patients with ava

Professional's and older person's assessments of functional ability, health complaints and received care and service. A descriptive study.

OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to investigate the level of agreement between the needs assessment made by professional on the one hand, and the older person's views on the other. A further aim was to explore if the estimations made by the professional were systematically lower or higher compared to the views of the older person. PARTICIPANTS: The study included 152 individuals, 65+, who recei

Social Class in Science Class

Abstract in Chinese 概述 学校教学最重要目的之一是赋予每个孩子同等的教育. 尽管如此, 学校再创造了社会差异. 先前的研究表明,学生的低下社会经济情况背景与自然学科成绩低下有一定联系. 这样, 不少学生在未来就被排斥在社会高端学科的教育和职业之外. 本篇论文在Bourdieu和Bernstein的理论基础上, 以自然学科课堂的社会阶级为中心, 旨在对小 学生所受的教育存在不等现象提供更多方位描述和更深层的分析. 在人种民族学的启发下, 本论文的数据取自瑞典义务小学八年级物理教室里的观察, 记录, 采访和统计调查. 1. 对教室里现象的描述和分析揭示了知识难度的下降. 这一现象的发生通常是因为自然学科的教学所具有的社会历史传统因素, 学生, 老师和教室里的谈话社交之间有无形的默契, 或被称为隐蔽的磋商, (出发点往往是善良的愿望),教室里形成了对所有学生都不利的知识难度的The overall aim of this thesis was to contribute to a more complex and multi-faceted description and analysis of inequalities in education, focusing on social class in the science classroom. Inspired by an ethnographic approach, the data was produced through observations, field notes, interviews, and a questionnaire in a Swedish compulsory school. The students aged fourteen and fifteen, were follo

Alpha-Synuclein Produces Early Behavioral Alterations Via Striatal Cholinergic Synaptic Dysfunction by Interacting with GluN2D N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor Subunit.

Advanced Parkinson's disease (PD) is characterized by massive degeneration of nigral dopaminergic neurons, dramatic motor and cognitive alterations, and presence of nigral Lewy bodies, whose main constituent is α-synuclein (α-syn). However, the synaptic mechanisms underlying behavioral and motor effects induced by early selective overexpression of nigral α-syn are still a matter of debate.

Specific nasal symptoms and symptom-provoking factors may predict increased risk of developing COPD.

In a 1992 questionnaire study, we found that certain nasal symptoms and symptom-provoking factors were associated with prevalence of self-reported chronic bronchitis/emphysema (CBE). In this follow-up study, we examined whether any nasal features could predict an increased incidence of self-reported physician's diagnosis of CBE/chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In 2000, a survey was pe