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A vertebral fracture in childhood is not a risk factor for disc degeneration but for Schmorl's nodes: a mean 40-year observational study.
STUDY DESIGN: Observational cohort study. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate by MRI whether a vertebral fracture during childhood is a risk factor for degeneration of adjacent discs. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Several studies infer that trauma is a major cause of disc degeneration. Only 1 study has by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) evaluated disc degeneration in children with a former thoracic or lumbar ve
A Jewish ideology of martyrdom in a comparative perspective
Nanomedicin utmanar Europas etiker, jurister och toxikologer
The purpose of the present paper is to outline emerging trends in nanomedicine, as well as to discuss some of the potential benefits and problems the medical applications of nanotechnologies may give rise to. In the paper some of the suggestions recently made by the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies concerning how to deal with some of these problems are presented. I conclude
Heart transplantation with ABO-identical versus ABO-compatible cardiac grafts: Influence on long-term survival.
Abstract Objectives. To compare identical versus compatible, ABO blood group matching effects on rejection and long-term survival after heart transplantation (HT). Design. Data were collected from 196 patients who underwent HT at Lund University Hospital between 1988 and 2008. Cox proportion hazard regression analysis was used to identify factors associated with reduced long-term survival. Results
Determination of Radiative Lifetimes In the 3d(10)4snpp-1(1) Sequence of Neutral Zinc By Time-resolved Vuv Laser Spectroscopy
Time resolved laser spectroscopy in the VUV spectral region is applied to investigate the (n=5-8) 3d(10) 4snp P-1(1) series of neutral zinc. The natural lifetimes of this series were measured by time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence. We find tau(n=5)=11.7(9) ns, tau(n=6)=80(8) ns, tau(n=7)=179(20) ns and tau(n=8)=356 (35) ns. These results are compared with a theoretical calculation.
Effects of Cannabinor, a Novel Selective Cannabinoid 2 Receptor Agonist, on Bladder Function in Normal Rats.
BACKGROUND: Cannabinoid (CB) receptors may be involved in the control of bladder function; the role of CB receptor subtypes in micturition has not been established. OBJECTIVES: Our aim was to evaluate the effects of cannabinor, a novel CB2 receptor agonist, on rat bladder function. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: Sprague Dawley rats were used. Distribution of CB2 receptors in sensory and cholin
Coronary Flow in Neonates with Impaired Intrauterine Growth.
BACKGROUND: Subclinical myocardial injury has been reported in newborns with fetal weights < 2 SDs for gestational age. Intrauterine growth restriction might affect cardiac function and coronary flow (CF). METHODS: Seventeen newborns with intrauterine growth restriction and 15 age-matched healthy controls were enrolled in the study. Blood flow in the umbilical artery and maternal uterine artery wa
Den italienska litispendenstorpeden
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This article presents a reading of two Greek Marian hymns written in the centuries after the Ephesus Council: the Annunciation Hymn by Romanos the Melodist, which is the earliest extant Annunciation hymn we have, and the well-known Akathistos Hymn. Many scholars believe the latter to be a fifth century composition, and not – as have been claimed by such important scholars as Constantinos A. Trypan
Lunds Universitets Elektroniska Bibliotek. Del 1: Wide-Area Information Server (WAIS).
Vowel spaces in Swedish children with cochlear implants.
This study analyzed vowel productions of Swedish children with cochlear implants, capitalizing on the rich vowel system of Swedish with nine vowels. Minimal word pairs were used as linguistic material. A group of 12 children with CI (mean age 184 months, range 144-229 months), and a group of children with normal hearing (mean age 105 months, range 103-118 months) were recruited. The age at implant
Union of Scaphoid Waist Fractures Assessed by CT Scan.
Background Union of a scaphoid fracture is difficult to assess on a standard series of radiographs. An unnecessary and prolonged immobilization is inconvenient and may impair functional outcome. Although operative treatment permits early mobilization, its influence on time to union is still uncertain. Purpose To assess union of scaphoid waist fractures based on computed tomography (CT) scan at 6 w
Det mesta går att lösa med superkrafter
Studier över böter och myntvärden i Västgötalagarna
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Jurisdiction and applicable law: a Swedish perspective on cross-border enforcement of intellectual property rights
Inledning: text, textforskning och textteori
Inledning till ett temanummer av Språk och stil med tema textforsknng. Artikeln ger en översikt över den svenska textforskningens status och utveckling.