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Your search for "*" yielded 531638 hits

An Auditable Constraint Programming Solver

We describe the design and implementation of a new constraint programming solver that can produce an auditable record of what problem was solved and how the solution was reached. As well as a solution, this solver provides an independently verifiable proof log demonstrating that the solution is correct. This proof log uses the VeriPB proof system, which is based upon cutting planes reasoning with

Laser speckle contrast imaging enables perfusion monitoring of the anterior segment during strabismus surgery: a study on the horizontal rectus muscles

Background A dreaded complication of strabismus surgery is anterior segment ischaemia (ASI), caused by damage to the anterior ciliary arteries. To avoid ASI, a maximum of two rectus muscles are operated on at a time. However, these surgical protocols are based on empirical observations of clinical outcome, rather than objective perfusion measurements. There is no method available for perioperative

Neonatal morbidity after fetal exposure to antipsychotics : a national register-based study

Objective To investigate the admission rate to neonatal care and neonatal morbidity after maternal use of antipsychotics during pregnancy. Design A population-based register study. Setting Information on all singleton births between July 2006 and December 2017 in Sweden including data on prescription drugs, deliveries and infants' health was obtained from the Swedish Medical Birth Register, the Pr

The role of blogs and news sites in science communication during the COVID-19 pandemic

We present a brief review of literature related to blogs and news sites; our focus is on publications related to COVID-19. We primarily focus on the role of blogs and news sites in disseminating research on COVID-19 to the wider public, that is knowledge transfer channels. The review is for researchers and practitioners in scholarly communication and social media studies of science who would like

From Subsistence to Commercial Producers : Processes of State-led Agrarian Change, Land Tenure Dynamics and Social Differentiation among Smallholders in Ghana.

Kommersialisering av jordbruket handlar om att förbättra den marknadsorienterade produktionen i syfte att maximera vinsten. Medan tidigare statlig politik i Ghana gynnade kommersialisering av medelstora och stora odlare, finns det ett nytt nationellt åtagande kallat "Planting for Food and Jobs Policy" som syftar till att utnyttja småbrukares samlade produktionspotential för hållbar ekonomisk tillvAgricultural commercialization is concerned with improving market-oriented production in expectation of maximizing profit. While previous state policies in Ghana favoured commercialization by medium and large scale cultivators, there exists a new national commitment dubbed the Planting for Food and Jobs Policy that seeks to leverage on the cumulative productive potential of small farmers for susta

ORKG : Facilitating the Transfer of Research Results with the Open Research Knowledge Graph

This document is an edited version of the original funding proposal entitled 'ORKG: Facilitating the Transfer of Research Results with the Open Research Knowledge Graph' that was submitted to the European Research Council (ERC) Proof of Concept (PoC) Grant in September 2020 ( The proposal was evaluated by five reviewers and has been placed after the eva

Understanding and defining programme leadership in a large institution

In this chapter, the authors take a soft-systems methodology (SSM) (Checkland & Poulter, 2006) approach to problematising the role of programme leadership and developing with the learning community far-reaching solutions for effective programme leadership at a UK University. An appreciative inquiry (Cooperrider, 2017) allowed programme leaders (PLs) to describe many aspects of the role they fe

Time to Peak Glucose and Peak C-Peptide During the Progression to Type 1 Diabetes in the Diabetes Prevention Trial and TrialNet Cohorts

OBJECTIVE: To assess the progression of type 1 diabetes using time to peak glucose or C-peptide during oral glucose tolerance tests (OGTTs) in autoantibody-positive relatives of people with type 1 diabetes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: We examined 2-h OGTTs of participants in the Diabetes Prevention Trial Type 1 (DPT-1) and TrialNet Pathway to Prevention (PTP) studies. We included 706 DPT-1 partic

Rare cancers of unknown etiology : lessons learned from a European multi-center case–control study

Rare cancers together constitute one fourth of cancers. As some rare cancers are caused by occupational exposures, a systematic search for further associations might contribute to future prevention. We undertook a European, multi-center case–control study of occupational risks for cancers of small intestine, bone sarcoma, uveal melanoma, mycosis fungoides, thymus, male biliary tract and breast. In

K. P. Moritz's case poetics : aesthetic autonomy reconsidered

To historians of medicine, Karl Philipp Moritz is known as the founding editor of the Magazine for Empirical Psychology (1783–93), one the oldest psychiatric journals in Europe. In literary theory, Moritz counts as one of the inaugurators of aesthetic autonomy. Combining both fields, this article uncovers that Moritz’s interest in observation, his reservations towards rationality, and his concern

Why limitarianism fails on its own premises : an egalitarian critique

This article is a critical analysis of Ingrid Robeyns’ “economic limitarianism” (2017, 2019, 2022), the suggestion that there is a moral case against allowing people to be richer than they need to be in order to achieve full flourishing. Wealth above a certain “riches line” lacks value and should be capped at that level. Robeyns claims that limitarianism is justified as a partial theory of economi

The h-index

The h-index is a mainstream bibliometric indicator, since it is widely used in academia, research management and research policy. While its advantages have been highlighted, such as its simple calculation, it has also received widespread criticism. The criticism is mainly based on the negative effects it may have on scholars, when the index is used to describe the quality of a scholar. The “h” mea

Inverted CD8 T-Cell Exhaustion and Co-Stimulation Marker Balance Differentiate Aviremic HIV-2-Infected From Seronegative Individuals

HIV-2 is less pathogenic compared to HIV-1. Still, disease progression may develop in aviremic HIV-2 infection, but the driving forces and mechanisms behind such development are unclear. Here, we aimed to reveal the immunophenotypic pattern associated with CD8 T-cell pathology in HIV-2 infection, in relation to viremia and markers of disease progression. The relationships between pathological diff

Ann Radcliffe, The Romance of the Forest (1791)

The Romance of the Forest (1791) secured Ann Radcliffe’s reputation as a writer of Gothic literature. The novel continued and expanded, as this chapter will show, the Walpolean tradition of re-evaluating the modern romance by injecting it with the virtues of “respectable” novels such as plausibility, mimetic acuity and Protestantism. After a brief recapitulation of Radcliffe’s theory of the supern

Fler akuta gallstensoperationer och färre elektiva under pandemin

The covid-19 pandemic has necessitated reallocation of health care resources. This has raised concerns about the risks associated with postponing surgery for benign conditions that are given low priority. Data from the population-based Swedish National Register for Gallstone Surgery (GallRiks) show that the total number of procedures carried out during the initial months of each wave of the pandem

Computational models predicting the early development of the COVID-19 pandemic in Sweden : systematic review, data synthesis, and secondary validation of accuracy

Computational models for predicting the early course of the COVID-19 pandemic played a central role in policy-making at regional and national levels. We performed a systematic review, data synthesis, and secondary validation of studies that reported on prediction models addressing the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic in Sweden. A literature search in January 2021 based on the search triangle

Identifying important conceptual areas in a nursing education programme to meet future demands, using group concept mapping

A nursing programme in southern Sweden was revised to meet future demands. The aim of this study was to explore important conceptual areas to be included in a nursing programme in order to meet long-term societal and health care requirements. Group concept mapping (GCM), a mixed-methods approach, was used. Thirty-four experienced teachers participated. Data was collected during brainstorming sessi