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Framtidens historia

Framtiden är gammal. Mötet med morgondagen har sannolikt upptagit människors medvetande från allra äldsta tid. Här presenteras hela framtidens historia, från babyloniernas stjärntydningar till våra dagars hamstring och prepping. I huvudsak behandlas människors föreställningar, visioner, önskningar och rädslor inför framtiden i olika kontexter och under olika historiska epoker.

Illicit Trafficking of Cultural Properties in Arab States

The present edited research aims to capture a bird’s-eye view of the phenomenon of illicit trafficking of cultural properties and to serve as a reference point for governments, enforcement agencies, international organizations, stakeholders, and civil societies. The targeted geographic region is the Arab World, the countries in the Middle East, Arabic Gulf, Horn of Africa and North Africa. There i

New paths of understanding electricity use behaviour in energy-efficient buildings

Background and objectivesEnergy use behaviour is a complex issue and multiple perspectives are needed to fully understand it. It is difficult to define the most effective strategies or behaviours that reduce energy use in residential environment (Casado et al., 2015) despite efforts put on energy-efficient design and technologies. This study focuses on cognitive processes on electricity use behavi

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Abstract in DanishDen Kolde Krigs ophør resulterede i et opgør om historien: Om magten til at skrive historien og om retten til at definere, hvem der var de gode, og hvem der var de onde. I Danmark har kampen om historien været særlig voldsom. Beskyldninger om nationalpolitisk svigt, moralsk forræderi og historiemisbrug har præget debatten, hvor gamle regnskaber gøres op i aktuelle magtkampe, hvor

Periprosthetic Joint Infections. Clinical and Epidemiological Aspects.

Periprostheteic joint infection (PJI) is a rare complication of arthroplasty with severe consequences for the affected patients. PJI most often necessitates additional surgery and prolonged courses of antibiotic treatment, leading to worse functional results and increased societal costs. Evaluating treatment of PJI as well as preventive efforts are essential to increase our understanding of PJI an

Classifying comparability problems in a way that matters

How should one understand comparisons in which neither of two alternatives is at least as good as the other? Much recent literature on comparability problems focuses on what the appropriate explanation of the phenomenon is. Is it due to vagueness or the possibility of non-conventional comparative relations such as parity? This paper argues that the discussions on how to best explain comparability

A scoping review of online international student collaboration in occupational therapy education

Introduction: For occupational therapy students, international experiences and access to a global curriculum develops understanding of broad cultural and contextual determinants of health and wellbeing. International placements or study abroad opportunities are not possible for many students and many universities are developing alternative internationalisation opportunities. The aim of this review

Politiker måste våga minska privatbilismen : Forskare: Fler grönytor behövs mot extremväder

För att att minska städernas koldioxidutsläpp relaterat till val av byggmaterial, byggprocess samt energianvändningen i våra boenden skulle fler hus behöva byggas i trä, renovering i högre grad väljas i stället för rivning, husen skulle behöva göras mer energieffektiva och vi skulle behöva bo fler på mindre yta, menar Johanna Alkan Olsson, docent i miljövetenskap vid Lunds universitet och speciali

Quantitative assessment of the impact of climate change on creep of concrete structures

Creep of concrete structures is in most cases regarded as a serviceability problem that may have impacts on maintenance and repair costs but cannot lead to structural collapse. However, several structural collapses during the past decades have been, at least partly, attributed to excessive creep deformations. Recent studies suggest that concrete creep may be further exacerbated by climate change.

Get Serious about the Ridiculous : Manifesto for the Critique of Exaggeration

Abstract in ItalianQuesta esposizione propone in maniera teoretica una critica dell’esagerazione come approccio utile a qualsiasi filosofia che si occupi dei cosiddetti temi esistenziali. Si segue l’esempio dell’esagerazione per proporre un pensare oltre l’essere, in contrasto con la questione dell’essere senza esagerazione. Infine, si propone la critica propria dell’esagerazione come atteggiamentThis theoretical exposition proposes the critique of exaggeration as the approach to any philosophy that deals with the so-called existential themes. It provides the example of exaggeration in thinking beyond being in contrast to the question of being without exaggeration. Finally, it proposes the critique of exaggeration as a philosophical attitude that resists the temptation to seriously engage

Sons of the Soil or Servants of the Empire? Profiling the Guardians of Separatism in Abkhazia and South Ossetia

Who are the guardians of separatism in Abkhazia and South Ossetia? These de facto states can be seen as self-determination movements or as outgrowths of Russian imperialism. We arbitrate between these competing scripts using a dataset that profiles officials in charge of high politics decision-making inside Georgia’s separatist entities from 1992 through 2020 (N=608). We find that most are sons of

Transnationalizing Fascist Martyrs : An entangled history of the memorialization of Ion Moţa and Vasile Marin in Spain and Romania, 1937–41

This article analyses the memorialization of Ion Moţa and Vasile Marin, two Romanian Legionary movement volunteers who died while fighting for Franco in the Spanish Civil War, as an entangled history of Romanian and Spanish fascisms. The commemoration practices and narratives recounted in the Spanish and Romanian newspapers and archival sources from the period 1937–41 show that commemorating forei

Two-photon absorption in halide perovskites and their applications

Active research on halide perovskites has given us a deep understanding of this family of materials and their potential for applications in advanced optoelectronic devices. One of the prominent outcomes is the use of perovskite materials for nonlinear optical applications. Two-photon absorption in perovskites, in particular their nanostructures, has been extensively studied and shows huge promise