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Bygga broar eller murar?

Forskningsfråga - Vilken betydelse har språkbruket mellan medarbetare för deras upplevelse av psykologisk trygghet? Syfte - Med utgångspunkt i psykologisk trygghet och med hjälp av teorier om social underminering och kommunikativ anpassningsteroi, undersöker denna uppsats vilken betydelse medarbetarnas språkbruk har för utvecklingen av en psykologisk trygghet på arbetsplatser i Sverige. Detta då This thesis investigates the significance of the language used between colleagues for their experience of psychological safety in Swedish workplaces. Utilising theories of social undermining and communicative accommodation theory, the study addresses the lack of knowledge about employees' contributions to developing psychological safety and the importance of language in this context. The stu

Towards single-scan quantum state tomography of photoelectrons

När ljus med tillräckligt hög energi träffar ett material kan en elektron frigöras från materialet. Detta beskrevs av Einstein i början av 1900-talet som den fotoelektriska effekten. Genom att mäta rörelseenergin hos de frigjorda elektronerna, eller fotoelektronerna, kan man avgöra egenskaper hos olika material. Dessa mätmetoder baseras på att fotoelektronen är en partikel, men den är också ett Today's gold standard for measuring the quantum state of a given quantum mechanical system is quantum state tomography. By preparing many identical states and performing projective measurements on them, their quantum state, described by the density matrix, can be reconstructed. A protocol called Kvanttillstånds-tomogRafi av AttoseKund-ElektroNvågpaket (KRAKEN) has been developed to perform qua

Relationship between adolescent anemia and school attendance observed during a nationally representative survey in India

BACKGROUND: Anemia has been suggested to be related with schooling outcomes in India. Less is known, however, about whether the observed relationship persists after accounting for all household-level factors which may confound the association between anemia and schooling.METHODS: Nationally representative data on adolescents aged 15-18 years with data on measured hemoglobin level and school attend

Incompatible logics? Professionals and volunteers as collaborating partners in the disability services, the social services, and the probation services

This study explores the integration of volunteers within Sweden’s public sector, specifically in disability services, probation services, and social services. In a study of public documents, it examines the differing logics of professional and voluntary social work, noting three key distinctions: practical preconditions, qualifications, and tasks. Professionals are paid employees with formal educa

Framtidens möten : Master Class

I denna master class går forskarna igenom huvudpoängerna i den pupulärvetenskapliga rapporten Framtidens möten.Projektet handlar om nya modeller för affärer, interaktion och kommunikation inom mötesindustrin. Forskarna har undersökt hur pandemin påverkat mötesindustrin och om krisen fört med sig nya möjligheter. De har också studerat hur gäster i fysiska, hybrida och digitala möten och konferenser

Folkbiblioteket - där samhällets brister syns : en studie om bibliotekssocionomer och folkbibliotekets sociala uppdrag

This thesis highlights the social mission of the public library by studying the relationship between public libraries and social work. The aim is to increase knowledge about how the presence of library social workers (LSWs) in public libraries can be understood in the light of societal changes, perceptions on the public library’s social responsibility, and how this presence can affect the treatmen


Underlaget fo ̈r detta examensarbete ha ̈rstammar fr ̊an tv ̊a platser, ett nytt tilla ̈gg till Fja ̈rrva ̈rmelagen och Landskrona Energi AB’s (LEAB’s) o ̈nskan om en ba ̈ttre kund- kommunikation. Lagen anger att ett fja ̈rrva ̈rmefo ̈retag ska fo ̈rse sina kunder med en ja ̈mfo ̈ring av sina nyckeltal mot kunder med liknande konsumptionsprofil. LEAB kom- muniserar prisfo ̈ra ̈ndringar och uppdateThe basis for this thesis work is derived from two sources, a new Swedish District Heating (DH) law and the internal operation of Landskrona Energi AB (LEAB). The law states that a DH company should present their customers with a comparison of relevant key figures to customers with similar user profiles. LEAB communicates pricing changes, a cost estimation for the coming year and newly calculated

Koloniala spöken i arkiven : en kvalitativ undersökning av den samiska arkivfrågan i Sverige

The purpose of my essay is to examine how the archival world in Sweden is handling the question of sami archives. The Sami people are the Indigenous people of Sweden, as well as of Norway, Finland, and Russia, and have historically been subjugated to assimilation politics and restrictive policies regarding their land and rights, and the consequences can still be seen today. This is also reflec

Sjukt sökt : en studie om hälsoinformation på internet

This thesis is about health information on the internet. Most people in Sweden today search for health information on Google, but research is lacking on the way health information is displayed on Google. Research is also lacking on how health information is produced for the web. The thesis examines, through analysis of searches on Google, how health information is formed in the search engine based

Gene regulatory network models for single-cell data from in vitro direct neuronal reprogramming

Direct neuronal reprogramming has many medical applications that are at the forefront of medical research. There are known genes, such as Ascl1, Dlx5 and Lhx6, that induce the reprogramming into neuronal cells. However, because there are numerous genetic variables involved in direct reprogramming, the current methods for conversion is inefficient. Hence, we proposed a strategy to group genes and m

From the Factory Floor to the Boardroom: Ensuring Workers’ Rights in Global EU Value Chains Through Human Rights Due Diligence

Många företag verkar idag i globala och ofta mycket komplexa värdekedjor; vägen från råmaterial till färdig produkt kan korsa flera kontinenter, ibland många gånger. Dessa värdekedjor uppmärksammas allt oftare som hem åt omfattande människorättskränkningar, däribland mot arbetare. Med anledning av detta har flera initiativ tagits de senaste åren, både i Europa och internationellt, som syftar till Many modern-day businesses operate in global and highly complex value chains; the journey from raw material to finished product can span multiple continents, sometimes numerous times. These global value chains are increasingly being recognized as home to extensive human rights abuses, including against workers. To address this, several initiatives have been introduced in recent years, both in Euro

Para finns - Upphandlarens möjlighet och ansvar att hålla kriminella entreprenörer utanför den offentliga marknaden

Varje år omsätts 900 miljarder kronor i offentliga upphandlingar i Sverige. Dessvärre är det inte endast seriösa leverantörer som försöker vinna dessa kontrakt. På senare år har man i allt större utsträckning uppmärksammat att oseriösa och kriminella entreprenörer också konkurrerar på den offentliga marknaden. Problemet har beskrivits som systemhotande. Upphandlande myndigheter har beskrivits soEvery year, 900 billion SEK is spent on public procurement contracts. Un-fortunately, it is not only serious suppliers which try to win these contracts. In recent years, attention has been drawn to criminal entrepreneurs who compete on the public market. The problem has been described as a threat to the system. Procuring organizations have been described as central to preventing crim-inal entrep

No Friends but the Mountains... and the Copenhagen Criteria? - A study on Türkiye’s fulfilment of the Copenhagen political criteria in relation to the human rights of Kurdish people

Under Nato-förhandlingarna väckte Turkiets president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan ännu en gång frågan om Turkiet kan bli välkomnat in i EU. Examensarbetet undersöker Turkiets tillkortakommanden gällande sitt anslutande till EU, med fokus på kurders mänskliga rättigheter genom att besvara frågeställningarna: hur ser kurders mänskliga rättigheter ut i Turkiet idag och vilka åtgärder behöver Turkiet göra förDuring the Swedish NATO negotiations, the Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan once again raised the question of whether Türkiye could be welcomed into the EU. This thesis examines Türkiye’s shortcomings concerning their EU accession, focusing on the human rights of Kurdish people by answering the research questions: what is the state of human rights of the Kurd-ish people in Türkiye, and what c

UX Analysis and UI Design of Operating Mode Selector for Sliding Doors

Innovationshöjden för automatiska skjutdörrssystem under de senaste årtionden har resulterat i högteknologiska automatiska skjutdörrar, där tillbehören och användargränssnitten inte har utvecklats i samma utsträckning. Det har lett till att programväljare för skjutdörrar blivit omoderna och svåranvända för användarna. Syftet med denna masteruppsats var att tillsammans med ASSA ABLOY Entrance SysteThe innovation of automatic sliding door systems over the past decades has resulted in high-tech automatic sliding doors, where accessories and user interfaces have not been developed to the same extent. As a result, operating mode selectors for sliding doors has become outdated and difficult for users to operate. The purpose of this master’s thesis was to propose a new design for operating mode s

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to XR: Novel Methods to Lower the Barriers for Novice Developers

The growing popularity of Extended Reality (XR) attracts new people to enter the field. However, novices face challenges at the beginning of their journeys. Previous studies have identified the key difficulties based on real-world evidence and found that the barriers to entry were high. This thesis aims to guide novice XR practitioners in overcoming these challenges. To achieve this, empirical in

Säkrare skördeprognoser: Kvantifiering av osäkerhet, spatiala samband och regularisering av Jordbruksverkets modeller

Varje sommar publicerar Jordbruksverket en prognos för hur stora skördarna av tretton viktiga grödor kommer att bli det året. Den låter både bönder och livsmedelsföretag planera sin verksamhet. Därför är det viktigt att prognoserna är så bra som möjligt. Hur stora skördarna blir per odlad hektar (den s.k. hektarskörden) varierar mellan grödor och beror bl.a. på jordmånen och vädret. JordbruksverkeEvery summer the Swedish Department of Agriculture publishes a forecast of the national harvest of 13 key cereal and oilseed crops. The yield of each crop in each region is modeled individually based on weather observations using linear regression and empirically known relationships. This thesis investigates and improves these models. First, the forecasts are replicated along with simulation-based

Renewable Energy Integration in German District Heating Systems

In order to decarbonise the heating sector, district heating is seen as an efficient and potentially environmentally friendly approach to achieving the sector's climate targets. Currently, German district heating systems rely predominantly on fossil fuels and utilise combined heat and power plants, which are efficient but not climate neutral. Therefore, the integration of renewable energy sour