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The epidemiological and economic burden of diabetes in Ghana : A scoping review to inform health technology assessment

Diabetes remains one of the four major causes of morbidity and mortality globally among non-communicable diseases (NCDs. It is predicted to increase in sub–Saharan Africa by over 50% by 2045. The aim of this study is to identify, map and estimate the burden of diabetes in Ghana, which is essential for optimising NCD country policy and understanding existing knowledge gaps to guide future research

Improving the Thermal Insulation of Industrial Doors

This master thesis was conducted in collaboration with ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems in Landskrona with the aim to lower the U-Value of their existing 42 mm overhead sectional door. U-value is a measurement of the energy that passes through a system per unit area and temperature. The goal was to achieve this without compromising its structural integrity while keeping economic and environmental facto

Undersökning av tillgänglighetsmått

Genom intervjuer med användare visar den här studien hur geografiska tillgänglighetsmått bör utformas för att optimera funktionaliteten i olika kartbaserade webbapplikationer. Utgångspunkten har varit befintliga tillgänglighetsmått som ofta används idag. Kartbaserade webbapplikationer kan idag innehålla stora mängder geografiska data. Med hjälp av verktyg i applikationerna kan användare enkelt uThe purpose of this study is to find out how accessibility measures for geographical data describing population and infrastructure should be designed to best meet the needs of users. As a starting point, ready-made applications have been used, developed by Tillväxtverket. The work began with a literature study on how accessibility measures are designed and what possibilities and variations is used

Att slita – eller – stjäla för brödfödan?

Om en person på regelbunden basis skaffar sig sitt uppehälle genom att stjäla från sina medmänniskor kan man säga att vederbörande försörjer sig genom att stjäla. Varför väljer någon ett sådant leverne och hur har livsstilskriminella försvarat vad de gjort för att skaffa sig mat på bordet? I detta kapitel diskuteras hur svenska straffångar resonerade kring sitt eget tjuvaktiga beteende under förs

Minimizing tearing during vaginal delivery with a perineal protection device : a randomized controlled trial

BackgroundThere is a growing body of evidence indicating that second degree tears cause both short-, and long-term consequences. Very few preventative measures have been found to reduce the incidence of these tears.ObjectiveTo investigate if the use of a perineal protection device during vaginal birth reduces severe perineal tearing (≥grade 2 tear) in primiparous women compared to routine manual p

Fängslade öden : Tjuvar och bedragare i 1800-talets Sverige

Hur resonerade svenska tjuvar och bedragare för 200 år sedan? Varför valde de en kriminell bana, och hur interagerade de med andra brottslingar, med bondesamhället och med rättsstatens representanter. Vad hände bakom kulisserna på dåtida häkten och fängelser? Vilka var konfliktlinjerna och finns det några likheter mellan den tidens brottsstrukturer och dagens? Med hjälp av autentiska självbiografi

The Sulphur Threat To The 17th Century Warship Vasa

The royal warship Vasa sank on her maiden voyage in 1628. She was discovered in 1956 and in 1961, after 333 years at the bottom of the sea in the Stockholm harbour she was salvaged. Vasa, built mainly of oak, was one of the first major objects to be conserved with polyethylene glycol. She was sprayed continuously for 17 years followed by an 11 year long controlled drying procedure HBfors,[l]). In

Resource use, availability and cost in the provision of critical care in Tanzania : a systematic review

Objectives Critical care is essential in saving lives of critically ill patients, however, provision of critical care across lower resource settings can be costly, fragmented and heterogenous. Despite the urgent need to scale up the provision of critical care, little is known about its availability and cost. Here, we aim to systematically review and identify reported resource use, availability and

Health technology assessment (HTA) readiness in Uganda : stakeholder's perceptions on the potential application of HTA to support national universal health coverage efforts

Introduction Health technology assessment (HTA) is an area that remains less implemented in low- and lower middle-income countries. The aim of the study is to understand the perceptions of stakeholders in Uganda toward HTA and its role in decision making, in order to inform its potential implementation in the country. Methods The study takes a cross-sectional mixed methods approach, utilizing an a

The natural history of progressive myoclonus Ataxia

Progressive myoclonus ataxia (PMA) is a rare clinical syndrome characterized by the presence of progressive myoclonus and ataxia, and can be accompanied by mild cognitive impairment and infrequent epileptic seizures. This is the first study to describe the natural history of PMA and identify clinical, electrophysiological, and genetic features explaining the variability in disease progression. A D

Green-blue pathways: Enhancing city connectivity and urban vitality through green-blue infrastructure in Norrköping, Sweden

Our world is facing major challenges and the built environment plays a major role in both adapting to, and, challenging the current situation. As urbanization advances and densification takes place, more people reside in cities with an estimated 68% of the world’s population expected to live in urban areas by 2050. Urban areas confront mounting challenges due to population growth, resource constra

Imagery rescripting vid PTSD-relaterade mardrömmar

Imagery Rescripting (IR) är sedan decennier en etablerad psykoterapeutisk intervention för att minska kliniska symptom associerade med mentala bilder. I den här systematiska litteraturöversikten studerades åtta studier relaterade till psykoterapi med Imagery Rescripting vid PTSD-relaterade mardrömmar, i syfte att lyfta fram den senaste aktuella kunskapen inom IR i psykoterapi, med fokus på mardrömImagery Rescripting (IR) has for decades now been an established psychotherapeutic intervention to reduce clinical symptoms associated with mental images. In this systematic literature review, eight studies related to psychotherapy with Imagery Rescripting in PTSD-related nightmares were studied, with the aim of highlighting the latest current knowledge within IR in psychotherapy with a focus on n

Towards an experimental implementation of the Sorkin test with photoelectrons

Kvantmekaniken är den fysik som beskriver våra minsta partiklar - en mikro-skopisk värld där fenomen som inte alls är naturliga i vår större värld existerar. Genom att undersöka "interferens", ett fenomen som endast vågor och inte partiklar kan ha testar vi kvantmekanikens lagar med attosekundfysik. Människan har länge försökt förstå hur världen fungerar, redan i antikens Grekland fundeQuantum mechanics is used to describe the world at the microscopic scale and below. It is also the theory that has been the most debated but also the one whose predictions has been tested with the highest accuracy. This theory relies on a set of postulates that lay the foundations for all its predictions. One of these postulates is Born’s rule, which defines the probability to measure a quantum sy

Reclaiming the Southern Shoreline: A regenerative transformation along Göta Älv in Gothenburg, Sweden

Studies show that urban highways play a vital role in facilitating transportation within metropolitan areas, yet they often come with significant drawbacks, including physical barriers, urban decay, and environmental degradation. In Sweden, where the transport sector is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, the city of Gothenburg stands as a prime example of these challenges. Located a

Barriers and Drivers for Solar Dryer Adoption in Nepal

This master’s thesis is part of the project SolarFood, aimed at reducing post-harvest losses through improved solar drying techniques. The project focuses on developing locally adapted solar dryers, with short drying times while considering socio-economic factors for technology adoption and diffusion. This paper investigates adoption barriers and potential drivers for the diffusion of solar dryer

Design of an experiment to search for neutron oscillations at the European Spallation Source

Vanlig materia består huvudsakligen av protoner, neutroner och elektroner. Genom att kollidera partiklar med varandra vid höga energier kan man även skapa antiprotoner, antineutroner och positroner. Dessa så kallade antipartiklar har samma egenskaper som sina vanliga motsvarigheter fast med motsatt elektrisk laddning. Eftersom universum behandlar partiklar och antipartiklar på ett liknande sätt kaThis work is aimed at presenting a design for the proposed HIBEAM beamline which seeks to perform neutron oscillation measurements at the European Spallation Source (ESS). The design is informed by beamline simulations performed with PHITS 3.33 and detector simulations performed with both PHITS and Geant4 11.2. The shielding, consisting of 45 cm of steel and 85 cm of heavy concrete at its thickest

Bygga broar eller murar?

Forskningsfråga - Vilken betydelse har språkbruket mellan medarbetare för deras upplevelse av psykologisk trygghet? Syfte - Med utgångspunkt i psykologisk trygghet och med hjälp av teorier om social underminering och kommunikativ anpassningsteroi, undersöker denna uppsats vilken betydelse medarbetarnas språkbruk har för utvecklingen av en psykologisk trygghet på arbetsplatser i Sverige. Detta då This thesis investigates the significance of the language used between colleagues for their experience of psychological safety in Swedish workplaces. Utilising theories of social undermining and communicative accommodation theory, the study addresses the lack of knowledge about employees' contributions to developing psychological safety and the importance of language in this context. The stu

Towards single-scan quantum state tomography of photoelectrons

När ljus med tillräckligt hög energi träffar ett material kan en elektron frigöras från materialet. Detta beskrevs av Einstein i början av 1900-talet som den fotoelektriska effekten. Genom att mäta rörelseenergin hos de frigjorda elektronerna, eller fotoelektronerna, kan man avgöra egenskaper hos olika material. Dessa mätmetoder baseras på att fotoelektronen är en partikel, men den är också ett Today's gold standard for measuring the quantum state of a given quantum mechanical system is quantum state tomography. By preparing many identical states and performing projective measurements on them, their quantum state, described by the density matrix, can be reconstructed. A protocol called Kvanttillstånds-tomogRafi av AttoseKund-ElektroNvågpaket (KRAKEN) has been developed to perform qua

Relationship between adolescent anemia and school attendance observed during a nationally representative survey in India

BACKGROUND: Anemia has been suggested to be related with schooling outcomes in India. Less is known, however, about whether the observed relationship persists after accounting for all household-level factors which may confound the association between anemia and schooling.METHODS: Nationally representative data on adolescents aged 15-18 years with data on measured hemoglobin level and school attend