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How to get free will from positive reinforcement

I will start by noting that Harry Frankfurt’s concept of wholeheartedness is in conflict with the intuition that free will should be efficacious in general, rather than pertain only to a small subset of decisions. To replace wholeheartedness I introduce a heuristic account for deliberation and decisions. I will show that introspective activity can lead to the individual having two types ‘introspec

Characterization of a family 43 β-xylosidase from the xylooligosaccharide utilizing putative probiotic Weissella sp. strain 92.

In this work we present the first XOS degrading glycoside hydrolase from Weissella, WXyn43, a two-domain enzyme from GH43. The gene was amplified from genomic DNA of the XOS utilizing Weissella strain 92, classified under the species pair Weissella cibaria/W.confusa, and expressed in Escherichia coli. The enzyme is lacking a putative signal peptide and is, from a homology model, shown to be compos

The Epidemiology of Childhood Celiac Disease: A Social Epidemiological Perspective on Perinatal Factors

Popular Abstract in Swedish Under livets gång utsätts vi för en mängd exponeringar som påverkar vår hälsa. I denna avhandling har vi försökt förstå hur olika exponeringar påverkar risken för celiaki (glutenintolerans) hos barn. Vi har utnyttjat information i nationella register och använt epidemiologiska metoder. Med ett socialepidemiologiskt tankesätt lyfter vi blicken från individen till att äveCeliac disease is a chronic gastrointestinal disease affecting approximately 1% of the population. It is precipitated in genetically predisposed individuals by ingestion of food containing gluten or similar proteins that are present in wheat, rye and barley. The disease might present with symtoms such as malnutrition, diarrhea or abdominal bloating, but a large proportion of those afflicted by the

An implementation guide for the use and development of the EEB_Sweden Model v1.0

The objective of this report is to provide an implementation guide to understanding the Energy Efficiency in Buildings (EEB) model as applied to the Swedish Residential sector. The report depicts the work that prepares the ground to use and test the model to evaluate energy efficiency policy instruments targeting the Swedish residential sector during the next phase of the project. It is argued wil

Kynurenic Acid levels in cerebrospinal fluid from patients with Alzheimer's disease or dementia with lewy bodies.

Kynurenic acid (KYNA) is implicated in cognitive functions. Altered concentrations of the compound are found in serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD). Further studies to determine whether KYNA serves as a biomarker for cognitive decline and dementia progression are required. In this study, we measured CSF KYNA levels in AD patients (n = 19), patients with de

The internationalisation of a university as local practices: A case study.

his article presents a case study of the internationalisation of an Engineering School at a leading Swedish University. The case study is an attempt to sketch out a more qualitative analytical approach to the study of internationalisation, focusing on the interplay between agency and structure and policy and practice as constructed by actors on the ‘meso’ and ‘micro’ levels of the organisation. We

On the value of soil biodiversity and ecosystem services

This paper provides a framework to understand the source of the economic value of soil biodiversity and soil ecosystem services and maps out the pathways of such values. We clarify the link between components of the economic value of soil biodiversity and their associated services of particular relevance to soils. We contend that soil biodiversity and associated ecosystem services give rise to two

The case for protoconcepts : Why concepts, language, and protolanguage all need protoconcepts

Fodor is infamous for his radical conceptual nativism, McDowell likewise well-known for suggesting that concepts extend “all the way out” into the world and arguing against what he calls (per Sellars) The Myth of the Given: the idea that non-conceptual percepts justify conceptual frameworks. One need not go so far as either researcher, however, in allowing merit to their arguments. It seems we are

Chemerin Is an Antimicrobial Agent in Human Epidermis

Chemerin, a chemoattractant ligand for chemokine-like receptor 1 (CMKLR1) is predicted to share similar tertiary structure with antibacterial cathelicidins. Recombinant chemerin has antimicrobial activity. Here we show that endogenous chemerin is abundant in human epidermis, and that inhibition of bacteria growth by exudates from organ cultures of primary human skin keratinocytes is largely chemer