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Your search for "*" yielded 531888 hits

Informal home caregiving in a gender perspective. A selected literature review

An informal home caregiver is a person (family member or friends) who takes care of or participates to some degree in the care of a person in the home. This study provides a selected review of literature published 1982-2003 of the informal home caregiving from a gender perspective. A computer-aided search using MEDLINE and CINAHL was carried out. The final number of articles was 45. The main findi

Cumulative prostate cancer risk assessment with the aid of the free-to-total prostate specific antigen ratio

Objective: To evaluate the cumulative risk of having a prostate cancer diagnosis in a repeated screening situation in relation to the free-to-total prostate specific antigen ratio (F/T-PSA). Patients and Methods: The present study includes 1385 men (aged 50-70 years) who underwent prostate biopsy for the first time in the screening program that started in 1995. In case of a benign finding, the men

Immunohistochemical loss of the DNA mismatch repair proteins MSH2 and MSH6 in malignant fibrous histocytomas

Purpose: Soft tissue sarcomas (STS) account for less than 1% of all malignancies and constitute a heterogeneous tumor entity in which malignant fibrous histiocytomas (MFH) represent one-third and are characterized by a lack of type-specific differentiation. A defective mismatch repair (MMR) system cause the familial cancer syndrome hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC), and since occa

Structure of high-spin states in Pd-100

High-spin states of the neutron deficient (100)pd nucleus have been investigated via the Cr-50(Ni-58, 4p alpha) and Zn-70(S-36,6n) heavy-ion induced reactions. For the detection of evaporated particles and gamma rays the NORDBALL array equipped with ancillary detectors and the EUROGAM II detector system were utilized. By the use of in-beam spectroscopic methods 89 transitions belonging to (100)pd

Liposuction gives complete reduction of chronic large arm lymphedema after breast cancer.

About one-third of all women treated for breast cancer develop arm lymphedema. In addition to the worry of the cancer itself, the swollen and heavy arm is both a physical and a psychosocial handicap for the patients. Previous surgical and conservative treatments have not always given satisfactory and permanent results, conceivably because lymphedema causes hypertrophy of the subcutaneous adipose t

En legend till firandet av Birgittas kanonisationsdag

An introduction to and edition of a previously unpublished legend for the Canonization Day of the Swedish national saint, Birgitta Birgersdotter. The legend exists today in one single manuscript, Uppsala University Library, ms. C 24, written in the second half of the fifteenth century. The legend has three main parts: the first describes the holy life of St Birgitta in the form of two "sermons"; t

Axonal transport of neuropeptides: Retrograde tracing study in live cell cultures of rat sympathetic cervical ganglia.

Previous studies demonstrated that neuropeptides are transported with fast axonal transport. Considerable amounts (30-40%) of anterogradely transported peptides accumulated distal to a crush, apparently recycling to the cell bodies. In the present study, we used primary and compartmented cultures of sympathetic cervical ganglia (SCG) to address questions on the origin of the recycling peptides. In

Evidence of a Late Precambrian (637 Ma) deformational event in the Caledonides of northern Sweden

The Caledonian nappes in Scandinavia record two main phases of early Paleozoic metamorphism, but their pre-Caledonian tectonothermal history and paleogeographic position are largely unknown. Here we present a U-Pb age of 637+/-3 Ma for metamorphic titanite in the 1776+/-4 Ma (zircon age) Skarja granitic gneiss in northern Sweden. The titanite age is interpreted to represent a Neoproterozoic tecton

Discrimination of men with prostate cancer from those with benign disease by measurements of human glandular kallikrein 2 (HK2) in serum

PURPOSE: To investigate the clinical value of measuring human glandular kallikrein 2 (hK2) compared with free and total prostate specific antigen (PSA-F and PSA-T) in serum from patients with prostate disease. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Serum from healthy controls, from men with benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), clinically localized prostate cancer (PCa), and advanced PCa were analyzed for hK2 (using

Use and interpretation of on/off diaries in Parkinson's disease.

Objective: To explore the use and interpretation of self reported on/off diary data for assessment of daily motor fluctuations in Parkinson’s disease. Methods: 26 consecutive non-demented patients with fluctuating Parkinson’s disease received standardised training on how to fill out the four category CAPSIT-PD on/off diary, followed by four hours of clinical observation and four weeks of daytime

Crystal structures and supramolecular assembly of 1 : 2 piperazine with o- and p-nitrophenol

1:2 Cocrystals of piperazine (PPN) with o- and p-nitrophenol (oNPH and pNPH) were obtained from aqueous solution. The co-crystal structure of PPN, 2pNPH, and 2H(2)O is triclinic space group P (1) over bar: a = 6.401(1) Angstrom, b = 6.7515(1) Angstrom, c = 11.219(1) Angstrom, alpha = 100.37(1)degrees, beta = 97.10(1)degrees, gamma = 99.99(1)degrees,V= 465.5(1) Angstrom(3), Z = 2. Refinement led to

3G of Sweden – technological growth and sustainability issues

The article discusses the construction of 3G infrastructure under four themes from planning and sociology of law perspectives. This includes the design of the initial license procedure, the 3G-developments physical aspects in a different actors driving forces point of view and the practical sides of sustainability issues at both regional and local level. Public concern over electromagnetic radiati

Trace element concentrations in the Mexico-Belize ejecta layer: A link between the Chicxulub impact and the global Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary

Four exposures of Chicxulub impact ejecta along the Mexico-Belize border have been sampled and analyzed for major and trace element abundances. The ejecta deposits consist of a lower spheroid bed, containing clay and dolomite spheroids, and an upper diamictite bed with boulders and clasts of limestone and dolomite. The matrix of both beds is composed of clay and micritic dolomite. The rare earth e

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Abstract in Norwegian Den kalde krigens slutt og Sovjetunionens fall har gjort det lettere for personlige kontakter på tvers av de «gamle grenser». Økt migrasjon fra det tidligere Sovjet, samt fra de nye statene i Sentral- og Øst-Europa, er et kjennetegn på den postsosialistiske perioden. Denne statistisk målbare forandringen har også fått følger på det diskursive planet. Migrasjonsproblematikken

Molecular cloning and sequence analysis of cDNA coding for the precursor of the human cysteine proteinase inhibitor cystatin C

Recombinant cystatin C producing clones were isolated from a human placenta λgt11 cDNA library. The cDNA insert of one of the clones, containing 777 base pairs, encodes the complete mature cystatin C (120 amino acids) and a hydrophobic leader sequence of 26 amino acids, indicating an extracellular function of the inhibitor. The deduced protein sequence confirms the protein sequence of cystatin C i