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Risks in transition – the case of Northvolt and Skellefteå

Denna studie undersöker övergången till en hållbar framtid genom att fokusera på den framväxande batteriindustrin i Sverige, med särskild fokus på Northvolt och deras etablering i Skellefteå. Målet med studien är att förstå de hinder och risker som upplevs av olika aktörer inom både den offentliga och privata sektorn, och hur dessa hanteras. Sverige har satt ett ambitiöst mål att nå nettonollutsläThis paper explores how barriers and risks are perceived by different actors involved in Northvolt's establishment in Skellefteå, Sweden, through the Multi-Level Perspective (MLP) and risk perspective. The study employs a qualitative research design and utilizes document analysis and semi-structured interviews to collect data. The findings contribute to the existing risk framework by introduci

Machine fetishism > information fetishism : how machine-dependent information devours libraries and the lithosphere

The industrial and information revolutions that took shape in the British and Anglo-American empires, respectively, and that are linked in time and space by a westward expansion of capital, have both been justified and referred to as unavoidable and inescapable processes. Thus, they have been understood more as revelations of nature and less as products of a particular and historical society. Karl

Building understanding : Irish history museums on both sides of the border

This work is an MA thesis in museology focused on Republican and Northern Irish state-governed museums and how they may inform the creation of a collective national Irish identity. The aim of the thesis is to establish how Irish history is told by Irish state-governed history museums, to what degree the Irish public can participate in those museums and their exhibitions, and how that may define th

“Om goda viljor vilja […]”: En studie av befintlig biblioteksverksamhet inom den svenska kriminalvården

Prison library operation is an area which rarely gets attention from the public nor in research and is a niche within library operation which historically has fallen behind other types of library operations. In this master’s thesis we aim to shed light upon the operation of prison libraries in Sweden by investigating the access of the incarcerated to libraries and what reading promotion activities

Språkets makt : en kvantitativ studie om språkanvändning i arkivet

The purpose of this master´s thesis is to show what languages can be offered by employees at archives in Sweden, and to create knowledge about how language can contribute to the relationship between the archive and the user. This thesis studies language use in Swedish archives by using a questionnaire survey with questions about verbal language, preserved language, and digital language. The survey

Digitala böcker och det demokratiska biblioteket : en kvalitativ studie om folkbibliotekens arbete med e-bokstjänsten Biblio

The purpose of this master’s thesis is to gain in-depth knowledge about how the provision of digital books via the e-book service Biblio functions in Swedish public libraries and how this activity can be understood through the library's mission of promoting the development of a democratic society. To gather the empirical material for this study, we have conducted semi-structured interviews wit

Embassy of Sharing och bibliotekets legitimitet : en diskursanalys

In Hyllie, Malmö, a new neighborhood by the name Embassy of Sharing is being built. This neighborhood markets itself as a neighborhood of the sharing economy. The Embassy of Sharing will contain housing, office spaces, boutiques, restaurants and also a new municipal branch library. In the media the municipal branch library has been used as a symbol for the sharing economy to market the quarter. Th

Är reduktionsplikten kostnadseffektiv?

Sverige har ett nationellt mål om att minska utsläppen av växthusgaser från inrikes transporter med 70% fram till år 2030. För att minska dessa utsläpp beslöt Sverige år 2017 om den så kallade reduktionsplikten, som innefattar ett krav på att successivt öka inblandning av biodrivmedel i diesel och bensin. Stigande drivmedelspriser har sen dess fått flera partier att vända sig mot reduktionspliThe Greenhouse Gas Reduction Mandate (GGRM, reduktionsplikten) is Swedish legislation focused on reducing carbon emissions by mandating that the emissions of certain fuels are reduced by a specified percentage, that percentage increasing each year. This paper investigates the rationale behind a political drive to decrease the GGRM, the cost-effectiveness of the GGRM, and the consequences of t

Recirkulering av rensmassor från underhåll av våtmarker och miljödammar: Miljöbelastning eller nytta?

Övergödning är ett utbrett problem i alla Sveriges sötvattendrag, men störst är problematiken i södra Sverige. En kostnadseffektiv åtgärd för att få kontroll på övergödningen är att anlägga miljödammar och våtmarker i anslutning till åkermark. Dessa fångar upp och binder fosfor och kväve från gödselläckage innan det når ut i andra större vattendrag. För att dessa våtmarker ska göra nytta i längdenRegulations regarding management of dredged sediment from the maintenance of artificial ponds and other wetlands are ambiguous. Currently in Sweden, compliance with guidelines concerning pollutants is often prioritized over the climate impact associated with the transportation during disposal of these sediments. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the applicability of current guidelines to dre

The Road to AI Integration: Investigating the Dimensions of AI Readiness in Educational Settings

Artificial Intelligence (AI) holds the potential to radically transform various industries in the coming years, yet its impact on higher education remains underexplored. This study investi-gates how AI tools are integrated and utilised by teachers in higher education, employing a qualitative method and abductive approach to examine internal and external dimensions of AI readiness that influence te

Understanding Burnout: Does the Perception of Organizational Dehumanization Mediate the Impact of Workload and Work Control on Burnout?

The link between organizational dehumanization, burnout and organizational factors has not yet been thoroughly explored. The study’s aim was to evaluate the relationship between burnout, organizational factors such as workload and work control, and organizational dehumanization in Germany’s private sector. The present study used a quantitative approach and included translating a newly established

Skönheten och hjärnan - en studie om fördomar om intelligens baserat på uppfattad attraktivitet

Syftet med studien var att undersöka om det finns en eventuell bias i bedömningen av intelligens baserat på skattad attraktivitet. En online-enkät utformades och innehöll bilder på två män och två kvinnor med uttalanden av olika kompetensnivåer. För att kontrollera attraktivitetsvariabeln användes bilder från en databas som har befintliga värden för uppfattad attraktivitet. Enkäten delades upp i fThe purpose of this study was to investigate whether there might be an underlying bias in the assessment of intelligence based on perceived attractiveness. An online survey was developed, each containing images of two men and two women, accompanied by statements of varying complexity levels. To control for the attractiveness variable, images were sourced from a database with pre-existing attractiv

Sambanden mellan attityder till miljön, personlighet och empati

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka sambanden mellan attityder till miljön, personlighet och empati, samt huruvida personlighet och empati kan predicera miljöattityder. Detta gjordes genom en tvärsnittsstudie där målgruppen utgjorde unga vuxna i åldrarna 18-30 som rekryterades genom ett bekvämlighetsurval på sociala medier. I studien deltog 100 respondenter och svar samlades in genom ett fråThe purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between environmental attitudes, personality and empathy, and whether personality and empathy can predict environmental attitudes. This was done through a cross-sectional study where the target group was young adults aged 18-30 who were recruited through convenience sampling on social media. 100 respondents participated in the study an

What Enables a Person to Regain the Strength to Heal Again? A Qualitative Interview Study on the Grieving Process

This study delves into the healing experiences of some Swedish citizens aged 65 and above following the loss of a loved one. Employing a qualitative approach, six interviews were transcribed and analyzed through Reflexive Thematic Analysis. The identified themes include Exploration of the Pre-loss Phase, Intrinsic Factors, External Factors, Progression Towards Acceptance, Embracing the Present Mom

Unraveling Functional Impairment: Exploring Associated Factors Among Trauma-Treated Refugees

Objective: Mental health is a key concern among refugees, yet treatment response to standardized interventions varies. Functioning is a clinically significant outcome that has been shown to explain individual differences in treatment response. The current study examined functional impairment among trauma-exposed refugees receiving treatment in Denmark. It explored the relationship of various pre-

Interconnecting Multiple FPGAs for Distributed Machine Learning Inference

Machine learning has been growing in popularity for many years now and is currently popular among both businesses and private individuals. Running machine learning models takes a lot of computational resources, which means a large amount of energy is consumed. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the usage of machine learning model specific hardware on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) a

Luftföroreningar och covid-19: Pandemins påverkan på halterna av kvävedioxid (NO2), marknära ozon (O3) och grova partiklar (PM10) i luften

Luftföroreningar är ett välkänt globalt miljö- och hälsoproblem med över fyra miljoner dödsfall som följd varje år. Ursprunget till luftföroreningar varierar, men vägtrafikens utsläpp är en särskilt viktig källa för många ämnen. En ökad förståelse av orsakerna bakom luftföroreningar, och i vilken mån trafiken påverkar halterna, är en viktig del i att kunna implementera effektiva åtgärder för en bäAir pollution is a major environmental and health problem globally, with traffic emissions being a significant source of many pollutants. The aim of this study is to investigate whether the levels of nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ground-level ozone (O3) and coarse particles (PM10) in air changed during the covid-19 pandemic in Sweden, and whether the change varied between urban and rural areas and depen

Skydd av Skånes kust med naturbaserade lösningar - En kvalitativ studie kring påverkansfaktorer och potentiella utvecklingsbehov

Climate change risks are escalating, especially in vulnerable coastal areas. Extreme weather events and rising sea levels emphasize the urgency for comprehensive discussions on how coastal areas can be adapted to climate change, both presently and in the future. The aim of this study is to increase understanding of how Swedish municipalities work with nature-based solutions to reduce the risk of c

A comparison of methods for integrating biodiversity in life cycle assessment: a case study on the Swedish diet

The main drivers of the alarming biodiversity decline are land use and land use change, primarily due to agriculture. It is therefore important to assess the impact on biodiversity caused by production of food and to do so, life cycle assessment (LCA) is a method widely used. Since the UNEP-SETAC provisionally recommended the method by Chaudhary et al. (2015, updated 2018) for impact assessments o