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Konsulters arbetstillfredsställelse relaterat till upplevt ledarskap, arbetsengagemang och motivation

Denna undersökning undersöker hur uppfattat ledarskap, arbetsengagemang, och motivation förutsäger och predicerar konsulters arbetstillfredsställelse på de konsultbolag de är anställda på. Detta gjordes genom en kvantitativ undersökning där data samlades in via en enkät som utvärderade arbetstillfredsställelse, uppfattat ledarskap, arbetsengagemang, och motivation; där det var 84 respondenter som This study investigates how perceived leadership, work commitment and motivation impact consultant’s job satisfaction at the consulting firm where they are employed. This was conducted through a quantitative survey where data was collected through a questionnaire assessing job satisfaction, perceived leadership, work commitment, and motivation. The sample of respondents consisted of 84 consultants

Applying the Theory of Planned Behavior to Predict Electricity Consumption: A Longitudinal Study

The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) is a widely applied theory to assess the impact of attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control and intention on behavior. The aim of this study is to analyze the impact of intention on actual electricity consumption as well as the relative impact of the underlying factors on intention to save electricity. This separates the study from most previou

ACT to Facilitate Change – Can Conversation about Injustice in a Theatre Setting Reduce Inflexibility, Prejudice and Negative Reactions Towards Discussions of Discrimination?

This study aimed to explore the effect of group conversation about injustice using methods from Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACTr) in a theatre setting. The objective was to reduce prejudice, psychological inflexibility with stigma and white fragility as well as increase compassion and behavioural intentions towards equality, among a sample of Swedish adults. An interactive conversational t

When the fear of discrimination is higher than the hope for support - The effect of hiring procedures on mental health help-seeking in young adults

Research on mental health (MH) help-seeking behavior is still trying to understand influencing factors that hinder individuals in obtaining professional help. This becomes particularly important as young adults show a high prevalence of mental illness (MI) but a low prevalence of seeking help. So far, MH stigma resulting from self-directed and public attitudes, emotions and behaviors has been cons

Feeling Seen and Heard: Qualitatively Exploring Queer Women’s Experiences of Identity and Sex Life

This study explored the lived experience of sexual satisfaction among eleven queer women, recognizing its multifaceted nature and the challenges in defining and measuring it. Through qualitative methodology, the research investigated factors such as sexual desire and satisfaction, self-esteem, body image, sexual identity, relational influences, consent, and negative experiences. The study involved

Organisatoriskt engagemang som mediator i relationen mellan LMX och arbetstillfredsställelse

Att anställda trivs på sin arbetsplats är viktigt och bidrar till ett effektivare arbete. Det är därmed av stort intresse att ha kunskap om vad som predicerar arbetstillfredsställelse hos de anställda. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka i vilken grad organisatoriskt engagemang och medarbetarens relationen till sin närmaste ledare (LMX) kunde predicera arbetstillfredsställelse, samt om organEmployees' satisfaction at their workplace is crucial and contributes to more efficient work. Therefore, it is of great interest to understand what predicts employee job satisfaction. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether organizational commitment and the relationship with one's immediate leader (LMX) could predict job satisfaction, and whether organizational commitment coul

Generative AI in Traditional Banking Institutes

This master’s thesis investigates the utilisation of generative AI within traditional banking institutions, emphasising value creation, challenges, and strategic facilitators. Previous research underscores the importance of these areas in the context of generative AI's novel application in traditional banks. Findings reveal that traditional banks primarily employ generative AI for internal ope

Ålanders Knowing Finnish : A Necessity or a Threat to Autonomy? The Ålandic Language Debate of 1968

The autonomy created for Åland in 1920 along with the linguistic and cultural guarantees stipulated in the 1921 Åland Agreement established Åland as a monolingual Swedish-speaking province within otherwise bilingual Finland. In particular, the Ålandic municipalities could themselves decide whether Finnish was to be taught in their primary schools. One hundred years later, Åland is still monolingua

Combined associations of regular exercise and work-related moderate-to-vigorous physical activity with occupational stress responses : a cross-sectional study

Objective: The association between work-related moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and higher levels of stress response is recognized, but whether this association is moderated by regular exercise remains unclear. This cross-sectional study investigated whether exercise-based physical activity (PA) associates with lower levels of stress responses moderated by work-related MVPA. Methods:

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Introduction: The CVA24 antigenic variant is the causal agent of epidemics of acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis that has prevailed to date. To study the transmission dynamics and evolution of this variant, we molecularly characterized Cuban isolates obtained in 5 epidemic periods between 1986 and 2009. Methods: Using the BEAST v1.8.4 program, it was performed the phylogenetic and phylodynamic analy

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Anmeldelse af Ægteskabets 15 glæder, ukendt forfatter

Intelligenta museer : en institutionell studie av AI inom sex svenska museer

Generative AI has been a topic of much discussion within society at large. Museums as cultural institutions have not been exempted from this discussion and its effects. Several institutions within North America and Europe having already developed and introduced AI to its functions, Swedish museums however seem to remain behind in this development. This paper thus aims to study how AI has been used

Unlocking cultural heritage : a case study of metadata management at Europeana

This MA thesis introduces Europeana and information science principles to the field of museology. Its aim is to identify challenges in digital cultural heritage metadata management within an international context. To do this, this thesis focuses on specific aspects: the European Data Model, international cooperation, and the metadata management process specific to Europeana. The study is designed

Att segla genom rummet? : om museifartygs rumslighet och dess påverkan på besökarupplevelsen

The title of my master’s thesis is “to sail through the room”, and it deals with museum ships as a space rather than as an object. Meaning that museum ships are seen as spaces in which events and experiences can occur, opposed to things that events and experience happen to or around. Little museological research on museum ships has been done, and no research at all has been done concerning the spe

Museet som levande genbank : fyra fallstudier av svenska friluftsmuseers arbete med att bevara biologisk mångfald i form av lantraser, kulturväxter och vilda växter.

Museums as cultural heritage institutions have an ability when it comes to determining what is and is not a part of a cultural heritage. Many Swedish open-air museums work with conveying knowledge about what can be called biological cultural heritage. An important part of the biological cultural heritage is the old Swedish livestock breeds, cultivated plants and wild plants. These animals and plan

Vi måste prata om aktivisten i rummet : om museet som arena för klimataktivism

By taking a starting point in the climate action, implemented by the climate activist group Återställ Våtmarker, in the summer of 2023 at Nationalmuseum in Stockholm this thesis explores the topic of climate activism and climate actions set within the museum room. The purpose of the study is to gain a deeper understanding of climate activism and climate actions in museums by gathering knowledge on

Can we show you the skeletons in our closet? : Museum exhibitions with human remains in different European settings

Mänskliga kvarlevor förstås inte längre bara som föremål utan också som avlidna individer. Utställda mänskliga kvarlevor kan ha en suggestiv kraft som ger dem liv genom mötet med besökare, tillspetsat skulle man kunna säga att de befinner sig i ett slags limbo mellan liv och död. Denna studie jämför museiutställningar som innehåller mänskliga kvarlevor mellan tre europeiska länder. Syftet med uppHuman remains are nowadays understood not solely as objects but also as deceased individuals. Exhibited human remains may possess a suggestive power that gives them life through the encounter with visitors, to the point that one could say that they are in a kind of limbo between life and death. This study seeks to compare the museal exhibitions containing human remains in three countries within Eu

Risks in transition – the case of Northvolt and Skellefteå

Denna studie undersöker övergången till en hållbar framtid genom att fokusera på den framväxande batteriindustrin i Sverige, med särskild fokus på Northvolt och deras etablering i Skellefteå. Målet med studien är att förstå de hinder och risker som upplevs av olika aktörer inom både den offentliga och privata sektorn, och hur dessa hanteras. Sverige har satt ett ambitiöst mål att nå nettonollutsläThis paper explores how barriers and risks are perceived by different actors involved in Northvolt's establishment in Skellefteå, Sweden, through the Multi-Level Perspective (MLP) and risk perspective. The study employs a qualitative research design and utilizes document analysis and semi-structured interviews to collect data. The findings contribute to the existing risk framework by introduci