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Digitalizing Consumption : How devices shape consumer culture

Contemporary consumer society is increasingly saturated by digital technology, and the devices that deliver this are increasingly transforming consumption patterns. Social media, smartphones, mobile apps and digital retailing merge with traditional consumption spheres, supported by digital devices which further encourage consumers to communicate and influence other consumers to consume.Through a w

Konsumtionskultur : Innebörder och praktiker. En vänbok till Helene Brembeck

Konsumtionens roll i en accelererande konsumtionskultur berör både människor och samhällets organisering, men har inte alltid fått den uppmärksamhet den förtjänar. En person som verkat för att utveckla forskning om konsumtionskultur i Sverige är professor em. Helene Brembeck vars forskning spänner över många områden: barndom, fredagsmys, vardagsliv, praktiker relaterade till mat och ätande, kommer

The value of memory in adaptive re-use

This conversion draws attention to a building rich in personal memories and historical value. Located in a village in the Southern German Highlands, this building has been at the centre of village culture for over eight centuries. The residential building is attached to a farm and has served as a tavern, restaurant and guesthouse. The fact that this example and many similar building typologies are

Alzheimer's Disease and Small Vessel Disease Differentially Affect White Matter Microstructure

Objective: Alzheimer's disease (AD) and cerebral small vessel disease (cSVD), the two most common causes of dementia, are characterized by white matter (WM) alterations diverging from the physiological changes occurring in healthy aging. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is a valuable tool to quantify WM integrity non-invasively and identify the determinants of such alterations. Here, we investigated

Characterization of hydrated magnesium carbonate materials with synchrotron radiation-based scanning transmission X-ray spectromicroscopy

Formation of hydrated magnesium carbonate (HMC) cement phases from the carbonation of brucite has been investigated using synchrotron radiation (SR) based scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM) at Mg and O K-edges. HMC is formed from the reaction of brucite and sodium bicarbonate in water. The introduction of magnesium acetate as a ligand influences the characteristics of the resulting prec

Framtidens möten

Framtidens möten handlar om nya modeller för affärer, interaktion och kommunikation inom mötesindustrin. Rapporten undersöker hur pandemin påverkat mötesindustrin och om krisen fört med sig nya möjligheter. Fokus ligger på förändringar av branschens värdeerbjudande, hur gäster i fysiska, hybrida och digitala möten och konferenser interagerar och vilken roll värdskap och gästfrihet spelar i dessa. The Future of Meetings is about new business models, interaction, and communication in the meetings industry. The report examines how the pandemic has affected it and whether the crisis has brought new opportunities.It focuses on changes in the industry's value proposition, how guests in physical, hybrid and digital meetings and conferences interact and the role of hosting and hospitality in these

Time-Resolved Optical Response of the Dicke's Model via the Nonequilibrium Green's Function Approach

Due to their conceptual appeal and computational convenience, two-level systems (TLSs) and generalizations are used to investigate nonlinear behavior in quantum optics and assess the applicability of theoretical methods. Herein, the focus is on second-harmonic generation (SHG) and, as system of interest, on the Dicke model, which consists of several TLSs inside an optical cavity. The main aspect a

Patient-Reported Anxiety or Depression Increased the Risk of Dissatisfaction Despite Improvement in Pain or Function Following Total Knee Arthroplasty : A Swedish Register-Based Observational Study of 8,745 Patients

Background: Remaining pain and functional limitations may cause dissatisfaction in patients after total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Furthermore, anxiety and depression are associated with remaining postoperative symptoms and dissatisfaction. We investigated if patient-reported anxiety or depression increased the risk of dissatisfaction 1 year after TKA in patients who improved in pain or function. Me

Multi-Disciplinary Expert Perspective on the Management of Type 2 Inflammation-Driven Severe CRSwNP : A Brief Overview of Pathophysiology and Recent Clinical Insights

Severe chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis (CRSwNP) is a disabling airway disease that significantly impacts patients’ lives through the severity of symptoms, the need for long-term medical treatment and the high risk of recurrence post-surgery. Biological agents targeting type 2 immune responses underlying the pathogenesis of CRSwNP have shown effectiveness in reducing polyp size and eosi

Klimatkompensationer i byggbranschen - kostnader och klimateffektivitet

Byggproduktion idag, innebär bland annat en hög energianvändning, utsläpp av växthusgaser, användning av miljöfarliga ämnen samt stora mängder avfall som måste hanteras. Detta är aspekter som samtliga behöver minskas för att reducera branschens stora miljöpåverkan. Inom byggsektorn har klimatarbetet fått en alltmer ökad uppmärksamhet med införandet av olika klimatkrav på nationell och EU-nivå. I oCarbon offsets, essential in climate-related aspirations for governments and businesses, entail reducing, avoiding, or extracting greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, even if not contemporaneous with emissions. They include, among others, energy-efficient solutions and renewable energy investments. These compensations, voluntary or regulated, must meet reliability criteria. Actions, such as Carbo

Angular Velocity Estimation for Sensorless Brushless DC Motors

In the automotive industry today, safety is of highest priority. ASIL is a safety standard that quantifies risk. This project investigates how a redundant speed estimate in a sensorless BLDC motor can be developed to meet ASIL B requirements. The proposed solution involves tracking the shape of the phase curve to determine the angular velocity. This is accomplished by changing the boundaries on th

Konsulters arbetstillfredsställelse relaterat till upplevt ledarskap, arbetsengagemang och motivation

Denna undersökning undersöker hur uppfattat ledarskap, arbetsengagemang, och motivation förutsäger och predicerar konsulters arbetstillfredsställelse på de konsultbolag de är anställda på. Detta gjordes genom en kvantitativ undersökning där data samlades in via en enkät som utvärderade arbetstillfredsställelse, uppfattat ledarskap, arbetsengagemang, och motivation; där det var 84 respondenter som This study investigates how perceived leadership, work commitment and motivation impact consultant’s job satisfaction at the consulting firm where they are employed. This was conducted through a quantitative survey where data was collected through a questionnaire assessing job satisfaction, perceived leadership, work commitment, and motivation. The sample of respondents consisted of 84 consultants

Applying the Theory of Planned Behavior to Predict Electricity Consumption: A Longitudinal Study

The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) is a widely applied theory to assess the impact of attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control and intention on behavior. The aim of this study is to analyze the impact of intention on actual electricity consumption as well as the relative impact of the underlying factors on intention to save electricity. This separates the study from most previou

ACT to Facilitate Change – Can Conversation about Injustice in a Theatre Setting Reduce Inflexibility, Prejudice and Negative Reactions Towards Discussions of Discrimination?

This study aimed to explore the effect of group conversation about injustice using methods from Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACTr) in a theatre setting. The objective was to reduce prejudice, psychological inflexibility with stigma and white fragility as well as increase compassion and behavioural intentions towards equality, among a sample of Swedish adults. An interactive conversational t

When the fear of discrimination is higher than the hope for support - The effect of hiring procedures on mental health help-seeking in young adults

Research on mental health (MH) help-seeking behavior is still trying to understand influencing factors that hinder individuals in obtaining professional help. This becomes particularly important as young adults show a high prevalence of mental illness (MI) but a low prevalence of seeking help. So far, MH stigma resulting from self-directed and public attitudes, emotions and behaviors has been cons

Feeling Seen and Heard: Qualitatively Exploring Queer Women’s Experiences of Identity and Sex Life

This study explored the lived experience of sexual satisfaction among eleven queer women, recognizing its multifaceted nature and the challenges in defining and measuring it. Through qualitative methodology, the research investigated factors such as sexual desire and satisfaction, self-esteem, body image, sexual identity, relational influences, consent, and negative experiences. The study involved

Organisatoriskt engagemang som mediator i relationen mellan LMX och arbetstillfredsställelse

Att anställda trivs på sin arbetsplats är viktigt och bidrar till ett effektivare arbete. Det är därmed av stort intresse att ha kunskap om vad som predicerar arbetstillfredsställelse hos de anställda. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka i vilken grad organisatoriskt engagemang och medarbetarens relationen till sin närmaste ledare (LMX) kunde predicera arbetstillfredsställelse, samt om organEmployees' satisfaction at their workplace is crucial and contributes to more efficient work. Therefore, it is of great interest to understand what predicts employee job satisfaction. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether organizational commitment and the relationship with one's immediate leader (LMX) could predict job satisfaction, and whether organizational commitment coul

Generative AI in Traditional Banking Institutes

This master’s thesis investigates the utilisation of generative AI within traditional banking institutions, emphasising value creation, challenges, and strategic facilitators. Previous research underscores the importance of these areas in the context of generative AI's novel application in traditional banks. Findings reveal that traditional banks primarily employ generative AI for internal ope

Ålanders Knowing Finnish : A Necessity or a Threat to Autonomy? The Ålandic Language Debate of 1968

The autonomy created for Åland in 1920 along with the linguistic and cultural guarantees stipulated in the 1921 Åland Agreement established Åland as a monolingual Swedish-speaking province within otherwise bilingual Finland. In particular, the Ålandic municipalities could themselves decide whether Finnish was to be taught in their primary schools. One hundred years later, Åland is still monolingua