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Your search for "*" yielded 531888 hits

Electrochemical model of the integrated planar solid oxide fuel cell (IP-SOFC)

The Integrated Planar Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (IP-SOFC) is an innovative fuel cell concept which is substantially a cross between tubular and planar geometries, seeking to borrow thermal compliance properties from the former and low cost component fabrication and short current paths from the latter. In this study, a simulation model for the IP-SOFC is presented, with particular highlight on the simu

Three-dimensional laser induced fluorescence of fuel distributions in an HCCI engine

Three-dimensional imaging of fuel tracer planar laser-induced fluorescence in a homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engine is presented. A high-speed multiple Nd:YAG laser and detection system, in combination, with a scanning mirror, are used to collect eight images, with an equidistant separation of 0.5 mm. Three-dimensional isoconcentration surfaces calculated from the data are visual

Characterization of a laccase gene from the white-rot fungus Trametes versicolor and structural features of basidiomycete laccases

A gene coding for the multi-copper phenol oxidase laccase has been isolated from the white-rot basidiomycete Trametes oersicolor. The gene, which is preceded by a TATA box and a pyrimidine-rich region, is predicted to contain ten introns. The mature translation product, preceded by a 22-residue signal peptide, should consist of 498 residues. Comparisons with Edman degradation data of peptides from

A controlled trial of an educational programme for people with Parkinson's disease

Aims and objective. To evaluate patient- reported health outcomes of a multidisciplinary group educational programme for people with Parkinson's disease ( PD), delivered as part of routine clinical practice. Background. Studies suggest that educational programmes for people with PD have potential to improve patients' perceived health and well- being. However, controlled trials of multidisciplinary

On argument displacement in English and Scandinavian

The displacement operations that Chomsky (1999) terms ‘themati¬zation/extraction’ and takes to be phonological of nature, are truly syntactical operations. Concerning leftward displacement, I add another argument for its syntactic nature to those already known from the literature. My argument is based on the behaviour of Mainland Scandinavian bare singular nominals, which neither move to Spec-IP

Analyzing the Impact of Data Errors in Safety-Critical Control Systems

Computers are increasingly used for implementing controlalgorithms in safety-critical embedded applications, such asengine control, braking control and flight surfacecontrol. Consequently, computer errors can have severe impact on the safety of such systems. Addressing the coupling of control performance with computer related errors, this paper develops a methodology for analyzing the impact data

Lower bounds for approximate polygon decomposition and minimum gap

We consider the problem of decomposing polygons (with holes) into various types of simpler polygons. We focus on the problem of partitioning a rectilinear polygon, with holes, into rectangles, and show an Omega (n log n) lower bound on the time-complexity. The result holds for any decomposition, optimal or approximative. The bound matches the complexity of a number of algorithms in the literature,

Prevalence of obstructive lung diseases and respiratory symptoms in relation to living environment and socio-economic group

We wanted to test whether living environment, occupation and social position are risk factors for asthma and chronic bronchitis/emphysema (CBE). The prevalence of bronchial asthma, CBE, respiratory symptoms and smoking habits in a random sample of 12,071 adults aged 20-59 years was assessed in a postal survey with a slightly modified questionnaire previously used in central and northern Sweden (Th

Bactericidal/Permeability-Increasing Protein (BPI) and Proteinase 3: Studies at the Transcriptional Level

Popular Abstract in Swedish Våra vita blodceller bildas i benmärgen och när de mognat färdigt hamnar de i blodcirkulationen. Det finns olika typer av vita blodceller och varje typ har sin egen funktion. En speciell typ av vit blodcell, nämligen den myeloida vita blodcellen (neutrofilen), spelar en mycket viktig roll i kroppens första försvar mot invaderande bakterier. När bakterier kommer in i kroIn myelopoiesis, neutrophils and monocytes/macrophages are formed from a common myeloid precursor cell in the bone marow. During maturation of neutrophils, cytoplasmic granules are formed in the cells and the content of these granules is critical for the function of neutrophils in the first line of defense against invading microorganisms. The Bactericidal/Permeability-Increasing protein (BPI) is s

Clusters/networks promote food innovations

Innovations are necessary for growth and competitiveness, but few are taking place in the food industry. Clusters and networks in regions/countries are seen as one way of increasing the chances to compete, based on Porter's theories in 1990. Before that some articles existed about agglomeration, clustering of industries etc. but not many examples in the food industry seem to have been studied. Thi

Uptake and release of serotonin in rat cerebrovascular nerves after subarachnoid hemorrhage

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Serotonin released from platelets has been suggested as one substance causing the vasospasm following subarachnoid hemorrhage. We studied whether such serotonin is able to constrict pial vessels. METHODS: We studied the uptake of serotonin in pial perivascular nerves by immunohistochemistry. We measured the contractile response in rat basilar artery after in vitro incubatio

Pharyngeal solid-state manometry catheter movement during swallowing in dysphagic and nondysphagic participants

RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: The movements of the soft palate and the larynx are crucial in pharyngeal manometry because of the potential risk of manometry sensor dislocation. METHODS: Twenty dysphagic patients and 20 nondysphagic volunteers were examined with simultaneous videoradiography and intraluminal pharyngeal solid-state manometry. The movements of the manometric sensors were analyzed from la

Of maces and men. Symbols in a landscape of cultural diversity

Norms and conventions have applied to most of our material culture. This seems to be especially obvious regarding Neolithic flint axes. The distinction between the unpolished and the polished flint axe is one aspect of the symbolism that is inherent in or ascribed to the axes when they become maces, with an important position in social life. The individuals and the society become not only owners o

Gender, body weight, disease activity, and previous radiotherapy influence the response to pegvisomant

Context/Objective: To effectively normalize IGF-I in patients with acromegaly, various covariates may affect dosing and plasma concentrations of pegvisomant. We assessed whether sex, age, weight, and previous radiotherapy influence dosing of pegvisomant in patients with active disease. Design: Data from 69 men and 49 women participating in multicenter, open-label trials of pegvisomant were retrosp

Frequency Selective Sinusoidal Order Estimation

Proposed is a frequency selective (FS) subspace-based method for determining the model order. A study is made of its performance when applied to estimating the number of sinusoids in white noise. Employing an FS-version of the ESPRIT algorithm, the recent ESTER model order estimation algorithm is extended to allow for the model order estimation on a frequency subset.

Analysis of field data of coastal morphological evolution over yearly and decadal timescales. Part 2: Non-linear techniques

A number of techniques for non-linear analysis of time series data have been developed in recent years and applied in many environmental sciences. In this paper, some of these techniques are reviewed and their usefulness for coastal morphological data assessed, with examples in coastal morphology and related fields where these are available. The methods reviewed are time-delay embedding techniques