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Deep Neural Network for the Prediction of KRAS Genotype in Rectal Cancer

BACKGROUND: KRAS mutation can alter the treatment plan after resection of colorectal cancer. Despite its importance, the KRAS status of several patients remains unchecked because of the high cost and limited resources. This study developed a deep neural network (DNN) to predict the KRAS genotype using hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)-stained histopathological images. STUDY DESIGN: Three DNNs were c

The Meaning of Sense of Coherence (SOC) in Persons with Late Effects of Polio—A Qualitative Study

Sense of Coherence (SOC), comprising comprehensibility, manageability and meaningful-ness, is important for the sense of living a good life with Late Effects of Polio (LEoP). However, there is a lack of knowledge about the meaning of these three components. The aim of this study was to explore in-depth the meaning of SOC among persons living with LEoP, in terms of comprehensibility, manageability

GFAP and S100B : What You Always Wanted to Know and Never Dared to Ask

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major global health issue, with outcomes spanning from intracranial bleeding, debilitating sequelae, and invalidity with consequences for individuals, families, and healthcare systems. Early diagnosis of TBI by testing peripheral fluids such as blood or saliva has been the focus of many research efforts, leading to FDA approval for a bench-top assay for blood GFAP

Practicing empty talk - Compliance and resistance to normative control among caseworkers in the Swedish Public Employment Service

This article draws on theories of normative control and critical management studies to investigate caseworkers’ strategies in correspondence to a new leadership philosophy in the Swedish Public Employment Service called self-leadership. Based on 43 interviews and observations at two local offices, we find that managerial models are arbitrary and cause uncertainty at the local level as caseworkers

Symeon Metaphrastes and the Metaphrastic movement

The rewriting of hagiographical texts was a common activity in Byzantium. From at least the ninth century until the end of the Byzantine era, ecclesiastical and non-ecclesiastical writers turned repeatedly to this form of writing, in some cases evidencing an astonishingly prolific textual output. Metaphrasis is the only word found in Byzantine titles to indicate a rewritten text but never used to

Deuterium: Mimer

Deuterium quartet (Bruno Andersen - vevlira, Lisa Gerholm - Nyckelharpa, Fredric Bergström - vevlira, Katt Hernandez - F# violin) playing a composition/improvisation structure in Mimerlaven, at the Norberg festival. Tis work was made collaboratively.

Preliminary Evidence of Efficacy and Target Engagement of Pramipexole in Anhedonic Depression

OBJECTIVE: To investigate feasibility and target engagement of high-dose, add-on pramipexole treatment in anhedonic depression.METHOD: In this open-label pilot study, we included 12 patients with unipolar or bipolar, moderate-to-severe depression and with significant anhedonia symptoms. All patients were on a stable dose of one or a combination of antidepressants and/or mood stabilizers and receiv

Introduction to Handbook of Sustainable Transport

This chapter sets the scene for the Handbook by examining definitions of sustainable transport and explaining the rationale and structure of the book. The four parts of the book are outlined, including the brief that authors were given for their contributions to the book.

Information and BMI limits for patients with obesity eligible for knee arthroplasty : the Swedish surgeons’ perspective from a nationwide cross-sectional study

Background: In the past decades, the incidence of obesity has increased worldwide. This disease is often accompanied with several comorbidities and therefore, surgeons and anesthesiologists should be prepared to provide optimal management for these patients. The aim of this descriptive cross-sectional study was to map the criteria and routines that are used by Swedish knee arthroplasty surgeons to

On the regional distribution of cerebral microvascular ‘raspberries’ and their association with cerebral atherosclerosis and acute circulatory failure

IntroductionIn this follow-up study, cerebral microvascular formations termed ‘raspberries’ were quantified according to cerebral atherosclerosis (C-ASCL) and acute circulatory failure (ACF). We also examined the regional distribution of raspberries throughout the brain.Materials and methodsThe study population consisted of adult individuals who had undergone a diagnostic neuropathological autopsy

Man gör det för barnets bästa - En intervjustudie om sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att sticka barn venöst

Bakgrund: Venpunktion är en omvårdnadsåtgärd som kan orsaka smärta och obehag. Barns negativa upplevelser av vården kan ge konsekvenser för välmående och utveckling, varför sjuksköterskor som arbetar med barn spelar en viktig roll i att förhindra dessa. Sjuksköterskor ska motverka all form av onödigt lidande som åsamkas av vården och barnets rättigheter behöver synliggöras och skyddas eftersom bar

Kommunikation som verktyg

Bakgrund: Barnfetma är en av de största och allvarligaste utmaningarna för folkhälsan i vårt århundrade. Förekomsten av fetma bland barn har mer än fördubblats under de senaste två decennierna och debuterar redan i förskoleåldern. Sjuksköterskor inom barnhälsovården finner att genomförandet av hälsosamtal med föräldrar och barn kan vara en stor utmaning trots relevant utbildning. Behovet av att ko